Dental Erosion Open Access Journals | Open Access Journals

Oral Health Case Reports

ISSN: 2471-8726

Open Access

Dental Erosion Open Access Journals

Dental erosion is the loss of the layer of your teeth due to acids you eat or drink, or acids coming up from your stomach. These acids can diffuse the crystals that make up your teeth, leading to tooth surface loss. These acids can also disslove the tooth surface, making it easier for them to be worn away by tooth grinding. This is known as acid wear. Erosion usually appearance up as hollows in the teeth and a general wearing away of the tooth surface and biting edges. This can uncover the dentine underneath, which is a darker, yellower colour than the enamel. Because the dentine is conscious, your teeth can also be more sensitive to heat and cold, or acidic foods and drinks 

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