Dental Fluorosis Research Articles | Open Access Journals

Oral Health Case Reports

ISSN: 2471-8726

Open Access

Dental Fluorosis Research Articles



It shows up as a extend of visual changes in enamel[4] causing degrees of inherent tooth discoloration, and, in a few cases, physical harm to the teeth. The seriousness of the condition is subordinate on the dosage, length, and age of the person amid the exposure.[1] The "exceptionally mellow" (and most common) shape of fluorosis, is characterized by little, murky, "paper white” ranges scattered sporadically over the tooth, covering less than 25% of the tooth surface. Within the "mellow" frame of the illness, these dappled patches can include up to half of the surface zone of the teeth. When fluorosis is direct, all of the surfaces of the teeth are dappled and teeth may be ground down and brown stains as often as possible "deform" the teeth. Extreme fluorosis is characterized by brown discoloration and discrete or intersecting setting; brown stains are far reaching and teeth frequently display a corroded-looking appearance.

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