Diabetes Management | Open Access Journals

Journal of Diabetic Complications & Medicine

ISSN: 2475-3211

Open Access

Diabetes Management

You can maintain your diabetes and live a long and healthy life by taking care of yourself for every day. Protecting your blood sugar levels within the range recommended by your doctor can be challenging. That's on account of many things make your blood sugar levels change, sometimes unusually.The goals in tend for patients with diabetes mellitus are to defeat symptoms and to or at least slow, prevent, the advancement of complications. Micro vascular (ie, eye and kidney disease) risk contraction is polished through control of glycerin and blood pressure.  It is not correctable for most people, but treatments include lifestyle adjustments, medication, and management of diabetes’ various obstacles. Type 2 diabetes may be handled with insulin,  non-insulin medications, weight reduction, or dietary changes.

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