Geoengineering-new-findings | Open Access Journals

Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

ISSN: 2380-2391

Open Access


The science that dealt with the development, discovery, manufacturing, and utilization of subterranean earth resources is also referred to as geology of engineering, geological engineering, or geotechnical engineering. Basically, the artificial change in climate systems of Earth is the result of two primary ideologies, CDR & SRM CDR, which are known as solar radiation management for carbon dioxide removal & srm. The management of solar radiation (SRM) monitors sun rays before reaching the planet. Removal and sequestration of carbon dioxide such as ocean and artificial trees etc. Geo-engineers are scientists working in engineering, including hazardous waste isolation, boiling for water, oil and gas, mining, and surface and subsurface excavations, etc. Geoengineering Journal, which is an open-access peer reviewed journal, published innovative and original papers of the highest quality. Its purpose is to provide authors with a forum for exchanges in the areas of geology, geotechnical earthquakes, geotechnical engineering (soils and rock) and geo-technics in various fields. It offers scientists and students a broader forum for expressing their thoughts in the world. The widely read international journal is used by research and reading people to update research developments in the field of earth science.

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