Mass Communication Research Articles | Open Access Journals

Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

ISSN: 2165-7912

Open Access

Mass Communication Research Articles

Mass Communication means alternate the information on a large scale to a wide range of people. Through newspapers, films, televisions, media etc. we can we exchange the information. Journal Article is sometimes called a Scientific Article, a associate-Reviewed Article, or a Scholarly Research Article. Together, journal articles in a fastidious field are often referred to as The Literature. Journal articles are most often Primary Research Articles. However, they can also be Review Articles. These types of articles have different aims and compulsion. Sometimes, an article describes a new apparatus or method. Because articles in scientific journals are specific, accurate cited and peer-reviewed, journal databases are the best place to look for information on previous research on your species. Without a background in the field, journal articles may be hard to understand - however, you do not need to understand an entire article to be able to get valuable information from it.

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