Nano toxicity
The multidisciplinary field of nanotoxicology centre on determining the extent to which nanomaterials (materials with at least one dimension <100 nm) pose a hazard to human health and the environment. The small size, large surface area-to-volume ratio, and quantum size effects of nanoscale materials may lead to biological effects that differ from those induced by their larger counterparts. Here, we have assembled a virtual issue of 25 papers published in the last two years in Chemical Research in Toxicology, ACS Nano, and Nano Letters that represent the forefront of research in the recently emerged field of nanotoxicology. This collection of papers reflects the transdisciplinary nature of research in this field. These papers highlight the vital importance that researchers in this field (1) carefully select engineered nanomaterials for study based on the ability to systematically vary important properties or because of their technological relevance, (2) thoroughly characterize these nanomaterials in the (typically complex) media used, (3) consider alterations to the material during interaction with biological systems, (4) verify that conventional toxicity assays yield valid results when used with nanomaterials, and (5) go beyond phenomenological descriptions of toxicity to uncover the molecular underpinnings of nanomaterial interaction with biological systems.
The broad topics covered in this collection include the application of conventional in vitro toxicological approaches to assess the biological effects of nanomaterials, the development of new methods, studies of fundamental interactions between nanoparticles and molecular species, and vertebrate animal studies. Readers of this virtual issue will undoubtedly note scientific gaps – places where the field would benefit from input from researchers with expertise in areas such as advanced analytical methods, coating technology, multi-scale computational modeling, and informatics. We hope this virtual issue inspires collaborations between researchers designing the next-generation of engineered nanomaterial-based technologies and those with the experimental and computational tools to probe the critical molecular interactions at the nano/bio interface.
Review Article: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Review Article: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Case Report: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Case Report: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Case Report: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Case Report: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Case Report: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Case Report: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Case Report: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Case Report: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Journal of Clinical Case Reports
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Journal of Clinical Case Reports
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
Accepted Abstracts: Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
Accepted Abstracts: Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing
Clinical and Medical Case Reports received 53 citations as per Google Scholar report