A Manmade Odor's Impact on Cheetah Activities

Journal of Animal Health and Behavioural Science

ISSN: 2952-8097

Open Access

Opinion - (2023) Volume 7, Issue 2

A Manmade Odor's Impact on Cheetah Activities

Alexia Tommasi*
*Correspondence: Alexia Tommasi, Department of Animal Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Email:
Department of Animal Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Received: 02-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. ahbs-23-94704; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2023, Pre QC No. P-94704; Reviewed: 16-Mar-2023, QC No. Q-94704; Revised: 21-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. R-94704; Published: 28-Mar-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2952-8097.2023.7.185
Citation: Tommasi, Alexia. “A Manmade Odor's Impact on Cheetah Activities.” J Anim Health Behav Sci 7 (2023): 185.
Copyright: © 2023 Tommasi A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Cheetahs are one of the most iconic big cats in the world, known for their incredible speed and agility. However, despite their impressive physical abilities, cheetahs face a number of threats to their survival, including habitat loss, poaching, and conflict with humans. As such, understanding the behaviour of cheetahs and how they respond to different stimuli is crucial for their conservation. One recent study that has shed light on cheetah behaviour is the effect of a synthetic scent on their behaviour. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis, aimed to investigate how cheetahs respond to a synthetic scent that mimics the scent of a potential prey species, such as a gazelle or impala [1].

To conduct the study, the researchers collected fecal samples from a variety of prey species, including gazelles, impalas, and zebras, and used these samples to create a synthetic scent that mimicked the scent of each species. They then introduced the synthetic scent to a group of captive cheetahs and monitored their behaviour.The results of the study were surprising, with the researchers finding that the cheetahs showed a strong response to the synthetic scent. When the cheetahs were exposed to the scent of a potential prey species, they exhibited a range of behaviours typically associated with hunting, such as stalking, chasing, and pouncing [2].

However, the researchers also found that the cheetahs' response to the synthetic scent varied depending on the specific prey species that the scent mimicked. For example, the cheetahs showed a stronger response to the scent of a gazelle than to the scent of an impala or zebra [3].This variation in response could be due to a number of factors, such as the cheetahs' previous experiences with each prey species or differences in the scent molecules that make up each scent. However, the researchers note that further research is needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms behind this variation.

Despite the limitations of the study, the findings have important implications for the conservation of cheetahs in the wild. For example, the use of synthetic scents could be used as a tool for monitoring cheetah populations in the wild, by attracting them to specific locations where they can be observed and studied. In addition, the use of synthetic scents could also be used as a non-invasive method for studying cheetah behaviour in the wild, without the need for physically capturing or handling the animals. This could be particularly important for studying cheetah behaviour in areas where they are difficult to observe directly, such as dense forests or remote wilderness areas.

Overall, the study highlights the importance of understanding the behaviour of cheetahs and how they respond to different stimuli. By gaining a better understanding of these factors, we can develop more effective conservation strategies to protect these iconic big cats for future generations. Another study, conducted in 2016, examined the effects of synthetic scents on cheetahs in captivity. The study found that cheetahs showed a strong positive response to the scent of their own urine, indicating that this scent is important for communication and socialization. However, the study also found that cheetahs showed a negative reaction to synthetic scents that mimicked the scent of urine from other cheetahs. This suggests that cheetahs are able to distinguish between the scent of their own urine and the scent of urine from other cheetahs, and that they may use scent to establish social hierarchies and avoid conflict [4].


The findings of these studies have important implications for conservation efforts aimed at protecting cheetahs in the wild. In particular, the negative response of cheetahs to synthetic scents that mimic the scent of other predators suggests that these scents could be used to deter cheetahs from areas where they are at risk of predation. This could be particularly useful in areas where human-wildlife conflict is a problem, and where cheetahs are at risk of being killed by farmers or other people trying to protect their livestock.On the other hand, the positive response of cheetahs to the scent of their own urine suggests that scent could be used to attract cheetahs to areas where they are needed for conservation purposes. For example, if researchers want to reintroduce cheetahs to a particular area, they could use the scent of cheetah urine to attract the animals to the area and encourage them to establish a territory. Overall, the effects of synthetic scents on cheetah behavior are an area of research that warrants further investigation. By understanding how these animals respond to different scents, we may be able to develop new conservation strategies that help to protect this endangered species and ensure its long-term survival [5].


Synthetic scents are artificially created fragrances that mimic the smell of natural substances. These scents are used in a variety of products, including perfumes, colognes, and cleaning products. Synthetic scents are often made from a combination of chemicals, and can be designed to mimic the scent of anything from flowers to fruit to wood.To date, there have been relatively few studies examining the effects of synthetic scents on cheetah behavior. However, the few studies that have been conducted suggest that these animals are highly sensitive to scent, and that synthetic scents can have a significant impact on their behavior.



Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest by author.


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