Agroecological Nutrient Management Strategy for Attaining Sustainable Rice Self-Sufficiency

Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering

ISSN: 2168-9768

Open Access

Short Communication - (2023) Volume 13, Issue 1

Agroecological Nutrient Management Strategy for Attaining Sustainable Rice Self-Sufficiency

Hector Cholidah*
*Correspondence: Hector Cholidah, Department of Civil and Environmental, Universidad de la Costa, Calle 58 #55-66, Barranquilla 080002, Atlántico, Colombia, Email:
Department of Civil and Environmental, Universidad de la Costa, Calle 58 #55-66, Barranquilla 080002, Atlántico, Colombia

Received: 29-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. idse-24-131547; Editor assigned: 31-Jan-2024, Pre QC No. P-131547; Reviewed: 14-Feb-2024, QC No. Q-131547; Revised: 20-Feb-2024, Manuscript No. R-131547; Published: 28-Feb-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2168-9768.2024.13.408
Citation: Cholidah, Hector. “Agroecological Nutrient Management Strategy for Attaining Sustainable Rice Self-Sufficiency.” Irrigat Drainage Sys Eng 13 (2024): 408.
Copyright: © 2024 Cholidah H. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Rice is a staple food for nearly half of the world's population, particularly in Asia where it is a dietary mainstay. Achieving sustainable rice production is crucial not only for food security but also for environmental conservation and socio-economic development. However, conventional rice farming practices often rely heavily on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, leading to environmental degradation, soil erosion, and water pollution. In contrast, agroecological approaches offer a promising alternative by integrating ecological principles into agricultural systems to enhance sustainability. In this article, we explore the concept of agroecological nutrient management and its role in achieving sustainable rice self-sufficiency [1].


Agroecological nutrient management is rooted in principles that prioritize the conservation and enhancement of natural resources while optimizing nutrient cycling within the agroecosystem. Central to this approach is the utilization of ecological processes to promote soil fertility, minimize external inputs, and improve overall farm resilience. Key practices include: Diversifying rice-based cropping systems with other crops such as legumes, vegetables, or cover crops can enhance soil health and fertility. Leguminous crops fix atmospheric nitrogen, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers, while cover crops protect the soil from erosion and improve organic matter content [2]. Incorporating organic matter into the soil through practices like crop residues incorporation, composting, or green manure enhances soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability. This reduces dependency on chemical fertilizers and promotes long-term soil health. Harnessing biological nitrogen fixation through the use of nitrogen-fixing plants or inoculants can supplement nitrogen inputs in rice paddies. Associative and symbiotic relationships between plants and nitrogen-fixing bacteria contribute to soil fertility and reduce the need for synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.

Integrating organic and inorganic nutrient sources based on soil health assessments and crop requirements optimizes nutrient availability while minimizing environmental impacts. This includes combining organic amendments, green manures, and biofertilizers with judicious use of mineral fertilizers. Conservation Agriculture: Adopting conservation agriculture practices such as minimum tillage, mulching, and crop rotation minimizes soil disturbance, enhances soil organic matter accumulation, and improves water and nutrient retention. These practices contribute to sustainable rice production by mitigating soil erosion, conserving moisture, and enhancing nutrient cycling [3]. Agroecological practices promote soil organic matter accumulation, microbial diversity, and nutrient cycling, leading to improved soil fertility, structure, and resilience to environmental stresses. By minimizing the use of chemical inputs such as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, agroecological nutrient management mitigates soil and water pollution, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and preserves biodiversity. Diversified cropping systems and improved soil health contribute to enhanced farm resilience to climate variability, pests, and diseases. Agroecological approaches mitigate production risks and buffer farmers against external shocks.

Agroecological practices can improve farm profitability by reducing input costs, enhancing crop yields and quality, and accessing niche markets for organic and sustainably produced rice. Sustainable rice production ensures stable food supplies, reduces dependence on external inputs, and strengthens local food systems, contributing to food security and self-sufficiency at regional and national levels. SRI emphasizes agroecological principles such as reduced plant density, organic matter incorporation, and water management to achieve higher yields with lower inputs. Farmers adopting SRI have reported significant yield increases, reduced production costs, and improved soil health [4].

Organic rice farming practices, including crop rotation, composting, and biological pest management, have been successfully implemented in various regions worldwide. Organic rice production not only eliminates the use of synthetic inputs but also commands premium prices in organic markets, enhancing farm incomes. Participatory approaches involving farmers, researchers, and extension agents promote the co-development and adoption of agroecological practices tailored to local contexts. Farmer field schools, participatory research trials, and knowledge-sharing platforms facilitate the exchange of information and experiences, accelerating the adoption of sustainable rice production methods [5].


Agroecological nutrient management holds immense potential for achieving sustainable rice self-sufficiency by integrating ecological principles into rice farming systems. By prioritizing soil health, biodiversity, and resource efficiency, agroecological approaches offer a holistic solution to the challenges of conventional rice production. However, widespread adoption requires supportive policies, institutional frameworks, and capacity-building initiatives to empower farmers and promote agroecological transitions. Through collaborative efforts involving farmers, researchers, policymakers, and civil society, we can realize a future where rice production is not only abundant but also environmentally sustainable and socially equitable.



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