Award Content for Pollution Control 2020 Conference

Advances in Recycling & Waste Management

ISSN: 2475-7675

Open Access

Awards 2021 - (2021) Volume 6, Issue 1

Award Content for Pollution Control 2020 Conference

Bassem Nassouhy General Manager*
*Correspondence: Bassem Nassouhy, General Manager, Scientific Business Solutions Group, UAE, Email:
1Scientific Business Solutions Group, UAE

Published: 29-Jan-2021



Pollution is a grievous change in the physical or characteristic of air, water and soil that may ruinously impact the life or make potential prosperity risk of any living being. Pollution is one the genuine troubles looked by world today. Contamination is the nearness of a poison in nature and is frequently the after effect of human activities. Contamination detrimentally affects the earth. Creatures, fish and other amphibian life, plants and people all endure when contamination isn't controlled. Pollution is the presentation of contaminants into the condition that makes hurtful and lethal impacts living things. Contamination can appear as synthetic substances or vitality, for example, commotion, warmth or light. Contamination is frequently delegated point source contamination or non-point source contamination. Clamor contamination, soil contamination and light contamination also are the harming nature at a disturbing rate. Things as straightforward as light, solid and temperature can be viewed as contaminations when brought falsely into a situation. Air contamination is by a long shot the most destructive type of contamination in our condition. Air contamination is cause by the harmful smoke produced via autos, transports, trucks, trains, and industrial facilities, to be specific sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Lethal contamination influences in excess of 200 million individuals around the world. In a portion of the world's most noticeably bad dirtied spots, babies are brought into the world with birth deserts, kids have lost 30 to 40 IQ focuses, and future might be as low as 45 years in view of malignant growths and different sicknesses.

Expert Level (Scientific Service Achievement Award)

The purpose of Scientific Service Achievement Award awards is to recognize outstanding research achievements in the area of Environmental Science. The applicants should have minimum of 20+ years of experience in the relative field in public or private sector. The applicants are expected to enhance the quality of research should take lead in researching the current trends and developments towards the related subjects. The applicants can be nominated through online.

Professional Level (The Research Contribution Award)

The Research Contribution Award is for highly experienced professional (10+ years) who has made significant discoveries, made important advances in his or her chosen career path in the area of Environmental Science in the public or private sector. Part-time research experience would be counted as pro-rata. It is calculated starting from the date when you obtained the (first) degree entitling you to embark on a doctorate (either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited), even if a doctorate was never started or envisaged. The applicants can be nominated through online.

Pollution Control 2020 supported by the organizing committee network of renowned scientific and professional expert such as Dr. Bassem Nassouhy, General Manager, Scientific Business Solutions Group UAE provided a platform for collaboration among colleagues, vendors, and academia to reveal new innovations, solutions, ideas, and emerging technologies in Environmental Science.

Air and water pollution are major environmental problems in the Italy and around the world, including water, air and soil contamination due to the incorporation or replacement of new compositions, which could lead to a drastic change in their nature and could even lead to depletion and deterioration of existing natural materials. The Pollutants basically consists of heavy metals, organic compounds, nitrates and phosphates.

According to the European Environment Agency, Italy has the highest number of premature deaths from nitrogen dioxide air pollution as compared to any country in the EU. In 2013, the agency reported last year, the toxic gas mainly from diesel fumes killed over 21,000 people in Italy.

By the mid - October Italian cities had already exceeded EU air quality standards, specifying that cities should have no more than 35 "bad air" days – when PM10 pollution levels exceed micrograms per cubic meter of air – per year.

Environmental Conferences going to be held during January, 2020 to December, 2020 at various cities in Europe (London, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Rome, Milan, Berlin, Frankfurt, Vienna, Zurich, Dublin, Edinburgh…. And Many More..!!!

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