Beef Feeding Organizations in Semi-Arid Rangelands: Greenhouse Gas Discharges

Journal of Animal Health and Behavioural Science

ISSN: 2952-8097

Open Access

Mini Review - (2023) Volume 7, Issue 2

Beef Feeding Organizations in Semi-Arid Rangelands: Greenhouse Gas Discharges

Ramón Reiné*
*Correspondence: Ramón Reiné, Department of Animal Science, University of Buenos Aires, Viamonte, Argentina, Email:
Department of Animal Science, University of Buenos Aires, Viamonte, Argentina

Received: 01-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. ahbs-23-99571; Editor assigned: 03-Apr-2023, Pre QC No. P-99571; Reviewed: 15-Apr-2023, QC No. Q-99571; Revised: 20-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. R-99571; Published: 27-Apr-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2952-8097.2023.7.189
Citation: Reiné, Ramón. “Beef Feeding Organizations in Semi-Arid Rangelands: Greenhouse Gas Discharges.” J Anim Health Behav Sci 7 (2023): 189.
Copyright: © 2023 Reiné R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The beef industry plays a crucial role in Argentina's economy, and the central semi-arid rangelands of the country are a significant production area. However, beef production is associated with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which contribute to climate change. Understanding the dynamics of GHG emissions in beef grazing systems is essential for implementing sustainable practices and mitigating their environmental impact. This article explores the factors influencing GHG emissions in beef grazing systems in central Argentina's semi-arid rangelands and discusses potential strategies to reduce emissions. Enteric fermentation, primarily carried out by rumen microbes in cattle, is a significant source of GHG emissions. Ruminants produce methane (CH4), a potent greenhouse gas, during the digestion process. Central Argentina's semi-arid rangelands are characterized by extensive grazing systems, where cattle primarily feed on natural pastures. The quality of forage and grazing management practices can influence enteric methane emissions.


Beef • Grazing • Fermentation • Greenhouse


Another significant source of GHG emissions in beef grazing systems is manure management. Cattle produce methane and nitrous oxide (N2O) during the decomposition of manure. The handling, storage, and application of manure can influence emissions. Practices such as open lagoons and improper manure disposal can lead to higher emissions. Forage quality plays a crucial role in enteric fermentation emissions. Nutrient-rich forage promotes better digestion and reduces methane production. The management of grazing systems also influences emissions. Proper rotational grazing, adequate rest periods for pastures, and maintaining optimal stocking rates can enhance forage quality and reduce GHG emissions. Animal genetics and nutrition influence the efficiency of rumen fermentation and, consequently, GHG emissions. Selecting cattle breeds that are more efficient in converting feed to weight gain can reduce emissions per unit of beef produced. Additionally, improving animal nutrition through balanced diets can enhance rumen function and reduce methane production [1].

Proper manure management is vital to minimize GHG emissions. Implementing anaerobic digestion systems, composting, and proper manure storage can significantly reduce methane emissions. Utilizing manure as fertilizer in an environmentally friendly manner can also mitigate nitrous oxide emissions. Adopting sustainable grazing management practices such as rotational grazing, pasture restoration, and implementing rest periods can enhance forage quality and reduce enteric methane emissions. Efficient use of pastures can optimize cattle performance while minimizing environmental impact. Selective breeding programs that focus on breeding cattle with improved feed efficiency can contribute to reducing GHG emissions. Genetic traits that promote lower methane production can be prioritized, ensuring a more sustainable beef production system [2].

Effective manure management strategies can significantly influence GHG emissions. Proper handling and storage of manure can minimize CH4 emissions, as well as nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions resulting from nitrogenous compounds in the manure. Implementing techniques like anaerobic digestion, composting, and utilizing manure as a fertilizer can optimize nutrient cycling while reducing GHG emissions. Promoting reforestation and integrating agroforestry systems within grazing landscapes can sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide and offset GHG emissions. Planting trees and perennial forage species enhances carbon sinks, improves soil health, and provides additional livestock benefits such as shade and windbreaks [3].

Literature Review

Central Argentina's semi-arid rangelands are known for their extensive beef production systems, which contribute significantly to the region's agricultural economy. However, the environmental impacts of these beef grazing systems, particularly in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, have raised concerns in recent years. This article aims to explore the relationship between beef grazing systems and GHG emissions in the context of Central Argentina's semiarid rangelands. In Central Argentina, extensive grazing systems are the most common practice. These systems involve cattle grazing on natural pastures without significant inputs. The grazing process leads to the release of methane (CH4) through enteric fermentation in the cattle's digestive system. Additionally, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions occur indirectly through land-use changes, deforestation, and soil degradation associated with expanding grazing areas [4].

While less prevalent, intensive grazing systems are gaining attention in Central Argentina. These systems involve higher stocking rates, improved forage quality, and increased animal productivity. However, intensified production can lead to higher GHG emissions due to increased concentrate feed use, leading to greater methane emissions. Furthermore, intensification may result in increased energy use and mechanization, indirectly contributing to CO2 emissions [5].


Optimizing animal nutrition through balanced diets, using feed additives, and promoting efficient feeding practices can reduce enteric fermentation emissions. Research on feed additives such as plant extracts, probiotics, and ionophores shows promising results in methane reduction. Implementing anaerobic digestion systems on beef farms can capture methane produced during manure decomposition and convert it into biogas for energy generation. Proper storage and handling of manure can minimize GHG emissions and prevent nutrient runoff into water bodies [6].

Efficient forage management plays a crucial role in mitigating GHG emissions. By adopting practices such as rotational grazing, managed grazing, and improved pasture management techniques, producers can enhance forage utilization, reduce overgrazing, and enhance carbon sequestration in soils. These practices can lead to lower GHG emissions by reducing CH4 release and promoting healthier pastures. Optimizing animal nutrition can contribute to reducing GHG emissions. Balanced diets with appropriate energy and protein content can improve cattle performance, reduce enteric fermentation, and minimize methane production. Strategic supplementation and the use of feed additives like methane inhibitors can also help mitigate GHG emissions associated with beef grazing systems [7].


The adoption of precision livestock farming technologies, such as remote sensing, wearable sensors, and data analytics, can optimize animal management practices. By monitoring animal behavior, health, and nutritional status, producers can enhance feed efficiency, reduce methane emissions, and minimize environmental impacts. Reducing dependence on fossil fuels by transitioning to renewable energy sources for farm operations can mitigate GHG emissions. Utilizing solar panels, wind turbines, and bioenergy from livestock waste can decrease CO2 emissions associated with energy use, providing a sustainable energy solution for beef grazing systems.



Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest by author.


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