Broadcasting and its way of handling

Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

ISSN: 2165-7912

Open Access

Editorial - (2021) Volume 11, Issue 11

Broadcasting and its way of handling

William John*
*Correspondence: William John, Department of media and communication, university of Glasgow, UK, Tel: +27572575, Email:
Department of media and communication, university of Glasgow, UK

Received: 11-Nov-2021 Published: 23-Nov-2021
Citation: William John. "Overview of Broadcasting and its way of handling." J Mass Communicat Journalism 11 (2021): 464.
Copyright: © 2021 John W. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Broadcasting is a way of sending a message to all recipients at the same time in computer networking, telecommunications, and information theory. Broadcasting can be a high-level programme operation like broadcasting over the Message Passing Interface or a low-level networking function like broadcasting over Ethernet. All-to-all communication is a type of computer communication in which each sender sends messages to all of the recipients in a group. This can be performed via broadcast or multicast in networking. The point-to-point technique, in which each sender communicates with only one receiver, is in contrast.

Methods of handling

In the Internet Protocol, there are four main addressing methods:

Unicast uses a one-to-one relationship between the sender and the destination to transmit a message to a single unique node: A single receiving endpoint is specified for each destination address. To transmit a message to all nodes in the network, broadcast uses a one-to-all relationship; a single datagram (or packet) from one sender is routed to all of the possibly many endpoints associated with the broadcast address. To reach all recipients within the broadcast's scope, which is often an entire network subnet, the network duplicates datagrams as needed. A one-to-many-of-many or many-to-many-of-many association is used to send a message to a group of nodes that have demonstrated interest in receiving the message; datagrams are routed simultaneously in a single transmission to numerous recipients. Multicast varies from broadcast in that the destination address specifies a subset of the available nodes rather than all of them. Any cast transmits a message to any member in a set of potential receivers with the same destination address, usually the one nearest to the source, using a one-to-one-of-many association. Based on distance and cost, the routing algorithm selects a single receiver from the group.


Broadcasting is a term used in computer networking to describe sending a packet that will be received by every device on the network. In actuality, the broadcast's scope is restricted to a single broadcast domain.

Broadcasting is the most general communication mode, as well as the most intensive, in that it may require a large number of messages and multiple network devices. In unicast addressing, on the other hand, a host sends datagrams to only one other host, which is identified by a unique address. Broadcasting can be done as all scatter, in which each transmitter sends its individual message to each recipient, or as all broadcast, in which the messages are all the same.

The MPI Alltoall technique is part of the MPI message passing method, which is the de facto standard on big computer clusters. Broadcast addressing is not supported by all network protocols; for example, neither X.25 nor frame relay support it. IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) is the principal networking protocol in use today on the Internet and all networks connected to it, and it supports broadcast. The broadcast domain, on the other hand, is limited to the broadcasting host's subnet, which is often small; there is no ability to broadcast across the Internet. Broadcasting is mostly limited to LAN technologies, such as Ethernet and Token Ring, because the performance impact of broadcasting isn't as significant as it would be in a wide area network. An all-ones broadcast address is used in both Ethernet and IPv4 to denote a broadcast packet. In the IEEE 802.2 control field, Token Ring employs a unique value. Broadcasting can be used to launch a Smurf assault, which is a type of DoS attack. The attacker sends fake ping requests from the victim's computer's source IP address. The target computer gets inundated with responses from all of the domain's computers.

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