Awards 2020 - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 6
Annual meeting program awards
3rd Global Summit on Oncology and Cancer was sorted out on May 6-7, 2019, Radisson Hotel Narita, Toky o, Japan. Global cancer congress has gotten a prosperous reaction from ev erywhere throughout the world. This has been sorted out with the point of Cancer Prev ention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of sicknesses of the Organ-related Cancers and its imaginativ e techniques
This congress united the Leading doctors, specialists, Clinicians, Professors, Care Specialists, Students and different ex perts in which numerous issues in Oncology field were talked about top to bottom to giv e modern data to the world. Then again, the gathering gav e a chance to sy stems administration.
Our aim is to aggregate community and to create a platform for an ex change of information on technological dev elopments, new scientific innov ations and the effectiv eness of v arious regulatory programs tow ards Cancer Stem Cells 2020. It prov ides a premier technical forum for ex pressing and learning about the adv anced research and dev elopments, as well as for launching new applications, technologies and to ex plore new trends in the field of Oncology Research.
The prominent characters at the gathering were
• Best Key note Speaker: Thomas W.kozlow ski, Associate Director of Operations, Singapore
• Best Organizing Committee Member: Kunal sharma, Oncopathologist and Molecular Pathologist, SRL Diagnostics India
• Best Speaker: Vinay sharma, teacher, Univ ersity of Witwatersrand,South Africa
• Best Master/ph.D/post.Doct: Dr. Joshua ko, partner teacher, Hong Kong Baptist Univ ersity ,Hong Kong
• Best Poster Award : Chia Hung Sung , National Yang-Ming Univ ersity , Taiw an.
Conference series LLC LTD takes its pleasure to thank all the Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and Co-seats, Speakers, Students, Media Partners and all who bolstered the gathering in each angle for the presence at the v enue.
Conference Series LLC LTD is ov erpow ered to report the initiation of 3rd Global Summit on Oncology and Cancer was sorted out on May 6-7, 2019. Disease Science 2019 will be sorted out around the topic "Perception of cancer free future". The conference is CME and CPD Accredited..
Benefits of Attending the Conference:
• Accepted Abstracts will be published in the respectiv e journals and will be labeled with a Digital Object Identification Number (DOI) prov ided by Cross Ref (Free abstract publishing).
• Speaker and Abstract pages created in Google on y our name would get worldwide acknow ledgment to y our profile and Research.
• The Career Guidance Workshops to the Graduates, Doctorates and Post- Doctoral Fellows, Certificate Accreditation from the Organizing Committee of presentation/ participation.
• Best Poster and Young Researcher Award.
• Symposium by Ex perts.
• Best platform to dev elop new partnership & collaborations
• Network dev elopment with both Academia and Business
We also proudly announce our upcoming Internatinal Conference on Cancer Stem Cells on November 18-19, 2020 at Lisbon, Portugal . You can also nominate any of y our colleagues/friends in the below categories through online. Cancer & Stem Cell 2020 offers y ou a notable space opportunity to present and ev aluate the latest update with a complete approach to different areas of attention.
Cancer is Interdisciplinary research, reaching from Stem Cell to oncology and Radiology to chemotherapy .
Best key note speaker, best organizing committee member, Best thesis, Best poster presenter and Best speaker. Nomination Submissions are to be scrutinized by the Organizing Committee Members for the Conference and the Editorial Board Members of the Associated Journals.
Journal of Antimicrobial Agents received 444 citations as per Google Scholar report