Characterization the Surface Topography of Cells and Tissues

Molecular Biology: Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9547

Open Access

Perspective - (2023) Volume 12, Issue 1

Characterization the Surface Topography of Cells and Tissues

Chiara Zurzolo*
*Correspondence: Chiara Zurzolo, Department of Cell Biology, Paris University, Paris, France, Email:
Department of Cell Biology, Paris University, Paris, France

Received: 02-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. MBL-23-90780; Editor assigned: 03-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. P-90780; Reviewed: 16-Jan-2023, QC No. Q-90780; Revised: 21-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. R-90780; Published: 28-Jan-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2168-9547.2023.12.366
Citation: Zurzolo, Chiara. “Characterization the Surface Topography of Cells and Tissues.” Mol Bio 12 (2023): 366.
Copyright: © 2023 Zurzolo C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are the common microscopy characterization methods utilized in pathology. Optical microscopy is typically used by pathologists to examine micrometer-thin tissue slices for cellular changes and disease diagnosis. In order to determine the nature of the disease, its extent in the tissues, its severity, and its prognosis, the diagnostic histopathologist studies the structure of abnormal human tissues. TEM is a common instrument utilized in anatomical pathology. Because the ultrastructure of the cell interior is primarily of interest in diagnostics and pathology, TEM became a crucial histopathology technique. Correlation between TEM and conventional brightfield light microscopy (LM) has become routine which is simple to obtain using current methods for sample preparation and can be used to visualize samples across scale domains, from the macroscale to the level of a single molecule. In general, it can be said that electron microscopy is very useful for diagnosing renal diseases in clinical specimens and the cause of the tumor particularly for inquiries regarding the differentiation of tumor cells, disorders of storage, certain genetic conditions, and the identification of infectious agents. An experienced pathologist can obtain valuable correlative data by using sequential ultra-thin sections for TEM and semi-thin sections for light microscopy from the same block. Heavy metals and crystals can build up in cells and organs during pathological processes like storage disorders and those related to occupational medicine [1].


Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) are two examples of microanalytical investigations that play a significant role in the diagnostic approach in situations like these. For correlative LM/TEM studies, specimens can be prepared directly from fresh tissue or from material already embedded in paraffin for light microscopy. In the final instance, the retrieval processing for TEM results in a rather poor preservation of the ultrastructure, which may pose a significant obstacle to evaluation. Fixation and embedding protocols that are appropriate for the elements that are going to be microanalyzed are required. Cryo-preparation and cryo-sectioning are required for easily diffusible substances. Today, rapid TEM processing can be completed in two to three hours, making it very appealing for diagnosis. It was assumed that scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which was primarily used to image the surface and morphology of cells and tissues, would not contribute to ultrastructural studies of disease in the early days of electron microscopy in diagnostic pathology as opposed to the inside of the cell, as with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In some cases, information about the cell surface was useful and the surface view and histological results could be correlated. Additionally, prior to recently, SEM resolution was significantly lower than that of conventional TEM. As a result, the application of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in diagnostics was restricted to specific niche fields like forensics and the technique is currently largely ignored in the broader study of cell biology and pathology [2].

High-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) has made it easier to use modern instruments in cell biology in recent years. Improved operating conditions for the visualization of biological structure from tissue that has been routinely processed for transmission electron microscopy have been developed as a result of the evolution of these instruments. SEM now supports 3D volume imaging from serial sections, cutting-edge specimen preparation methods, and low voltages below 1 kV with resolution below 1 nm. In STEM mode, it is now possible to see both the internal structure of a cell and the macromolecular structures outside the cell in two and three dimensions. This gives depth information that is missing from traditional microscopic studies. Compared to TEM, HRSEM has significant and significant advantages. It is not constrained by sample thickness (less than 100 nm) or beam damage to delicate structures like cytoskeletal fibers, especially when they are not supported by plastic embedment. In contrast to TEM ultrathin sections, which can be extremely delicate and easily damaged during loading and unloading, materials like silicon wafer and ITO coverslips used in HRSEM provide a robust substrate that permits re-imaging as many times as necessary. The size of the specimen and the resolution of the final image are less restricted by HRSEM, allowing for greater adaptability in sample preparation and imaging. The diagnosis should be made more accurately if more areas are imaged [3].

Additionally, a variety of electron signals can be utilized in the formation of images, and the scanned beam makes it simple to automate the acquisition of large-area images. Additionally, HRSEM is significantly less expensive to operate, maintain, and operate than TEM. Surface conductance, however, is limited and necessitates a thin coating of carbon or heavy metal, typically gold. Not only do the HRSEMs of the current generation have improved performance characteristics, but they also have numerous new capabilities and applications that can be used in diagnostic pathology and cell biology. The majority of highend systems now support automated scan generation systems. For instance, a recently developed integrated system combines image processing and control software for the scanning electron microscope with a 16-bit scan generator, dual super-sampling signal acquisition hardware, and the capability. This is accomplished through prolonged acquisition and short dwell times. The use of an automated scan generator makes it possible for the user to acquire an extensive field of view that is comparable to that of light microscopy and image mosaics with a resolution of nanometers automatically [4].

The desktop field emission gun-equipped SEM or FEGSEM is another recent development. In a laboratory setting, such systems are useful for teaching, research, and diagnostics, especially when budget and floor space are limited. Because of their compact design and use of simple software, these systems are typically simple to operate, from initial installation to actual use. The sophisticated hardware design and readily available detectors make it possible to quickly acquire images and handle specimens in an error-free manner. Additionally, these systems may eliminate the requirement to coat samples to prevent charge buildup, making them ideal for pathology applications where sample turnaround times are critical. Our lab is currently testing a newly developed instrument that has a resolution. It has a magnification and operates at an adjustable operating voltage. Using SEM technology, this paper demonstrates a useful new method for cell biological ultrastructural studies and diagnostic pathology. We discuss the advantages of modern SEMs and demonstrate how different imaging detectors outperform conventional TEM techniques. Backscattered electron and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) imaging techniques are examined. Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) studies gain a crucial new dimension when these modalities are used together because they enable more in-depth imaging of the features of interest at a resolution comparable to that of TEM [5].


The SEM is especially useful in pathology for studying unusual biopsy samples. The difficulties of locating a series of patients with the same rare disease can be alleviated by further examining archived samples taken for LM or TEM in the SEM. When different substrates were used, there was no significant difference. The smooth surface of a Si wafer makes it easier to mount the section and prevents bubbles from getting stuck between the substrate and the wafer. STEM imaging with TEM grids was preferred for renal diagnosis when the highest resolution was required, especially when looking for basement membrane thickness changes or deposits. Back scattered detector conclusion. This study concludes that can produce high-quality micrographs with a larger field of view and a resolution comparable to that of TEM. The essential ultrastructure necessary for pathological diagnosis was observed in a variety of examples of renal, lung, brain, and prostate tissues. In the not-too-distant future technology ought to establish itself as a fundamental and adaptable method for diagnostics and cell biological.



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