Circumstances of Science Journalism in Brazilian Federal Institutes: Describing Reality and Communication Product Possibilities

Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

ISSN: 2165-7912

Open Access

Mini Review - (2023) Volume 13, Issue 2

Circumstances of Science Journalism in Brazilian Federal Institutes: Describing Reality and Communication Product Possibilities

Mengyu Fernandes*
*Correspondence: Mengyu Fernandes, Department of Cyber Security for Society, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, Email:
Department of Cyber Security for Society, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK

Received: 01-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. jmcj-23-93071; Editor assigned: 03-Feb-2023, Pre QC No. P-93071; Reviewed: 15-Feb-2023, QC No. Q-93071; Revised: 20-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. R-93071; Published: 27-Feb-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2165-7912.2023.13. 511
Citation: Fernandes, Mengyu. “Circumstances of Science Journalism in Brazilian Federal Institutes: Describing Reality and Communication Product Possibilities.” J Mass Communicat Journalism 13 (2023): 511.
Copyright: © 2023 Fernandes M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


A public research and teaching institution can also be recognized for its scientific projection in society and for influencing social dynamics through science, either directly or indirectly. In this way, the goal of this study is to look at how science communication is integrated into the communication of Brazilian Federal Institutes, defining the environments in which science journalism develops there and the products that can be used to spread science. In order to accomplish this, we used both qualitative and quantitative methods in a case study. Two communication managers, five research managers, and one research dean participated in the interviews. A questionnaire was also sent out to 23 journalists and communicators, 11 research managers, 52 student researchers, and 156 supervisors of researchers.


Journalism • Communication • New media


The interviews were filmed, transcribed, and thematically analyzed. In addition, we use inferential statistics in the questionnaires to compare the groups' assessments and opinions, place the dissemination of science in context, and generate perspectives for enhancements and communication products. The main findings suggest that in order for science journalism to develop, it is necessary to: establish guidelines for the dissemination of science; recognize and prioritize research publications; plan the work of science journalism and create routines; improve the flow of communication; and develop journalistic products and processes. These actions may have the potential to enhance scientific communication between Brazilian Federal Institutes and society [1].

The literature acknowledges and discusses the significance of science journalism and scientific dissemination. In any case, the viewpoint is to grow the correspondence of science and the discourse between an instructive and research establishment with the local area, out in the open spaces for training and examination. In the modern world, we can think of science journalism as a specialization that goes beyond the goals of this specialized field and the hard and human science content. This is due to the fact that, in addition to being applied to scientific themes and particularities, it must adhere to the areaspecific precepts, characteristics, and criteria. New media, digital platforms, and social networks are largely responsible for bringing about the possibilities of a connection between science, society, and communication. This includes using them as a method for disseminating science across a number of nations [2].

Literature Review

The contexts in which these dissemination actions may take place or the reasoning behind and evaluations of the institutional realities of universities and research institutes are rarely depicted in studies. Although the relationship between scientists and the press and the communication fields is described in some studies little is known about the study of internal organizational environments. To train researchers and professionals in communication, communication planning, goals, and objectives must be established. Additionally, organizations' communication departments must daily redouble their efforts to gain social legitimacy by means of science [3,4].

Consequently, it is essential to conceptualize the terms covered in this study, which vary by nation. The dissemination of science to peers as well as the general public is referred to as "science communication" in the United States. According to Buschi and Trench dissemination activities, events, and initiatives aimed at society are also frequently referred to as "popularization of science" in China. According to Bucchi and Trench, the term "public engagement" is used in Britain to describe public communication in a variety of fields. The scope and impact of activities on society are also infused with this meaning. According to Bucchi and Trench (2014), participation is also important because it implies that audiences or citizens discuss and return to their institutions and science [5].


In this regard, what are the indicators of reality and context that aid in the dissemination of research? Are there internal barriers that hinder science and journalism, two increasingly inter-disciplinary fields from becoming intertwined and experiencing both internal and external consequences? We ask this because, like journalism, disclosure is one of the institutional responsibilities and one of the fundamental stages of the research production process. In addition, it demonstrates the journalist and researcher's dedication to society and the goal of creating a communication piece that gives the institution visibility. This study, which aims to describe the characteristics and meanings that the groups that make up the scientific and journalistic scenario attribute to the dissemination of research, seeks to analyze the circumstances under which science journalism manifests itself in two Brazilian Federal Public Institutes [6,7].

Theoretical framework In Brazil, we think of our work in terms of three main terms: Science journalism, scientific dissemination, and communication. The first section discusses ways to inform specialists about science, technology, and innovation. This requires peer-to-peer communication through specialized events and scientific journals. Second, the public is informed by scientific dissemination; It educates ordinary citizens, who do not always have extensive knowledge, and it requires a language translation to ensure that the information is accessible for it to be effective. It is also envisioned as the application of scientific language to everyday conversation. Lastly, science journalism is a special kind of science communication because it is written in the same way and for the same audience.

However, science journalism is the result of a one-of-a-kind process of journalistic production which includes selecting themes and analyzing the criteria that will determine whether a subject will be news and, as a result, receive journalistic treatment. We can mention the following of them: Relevance, with those with a social impact and public interest being given priority; comprehensiveness; timeliness; factuality; and newness. In this work, the perspectives of two Brazilian federal public educational institutions that are members of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific, and Technological Education are used to portray the dissemination of science and science journalism [8].

This Network, which was established in 2008, has approximately 82,200 educators and administrative technicians as well as more than 1 million students. With 653 units from the Federal Institutes (IFs), it is in every state in Brazil. The following individuals are included in this study and are situated in the Brazilian Midwest: the Federal Goiano Institute and the Federal Institute of Goiás. From elementary (high school) to graduate (Ph.D.) education, these institutions, also established in 2008, provide public education. They are relatively new organizations in this context; However, the two research institutes have approximately 35,000 students combined [9].

In parallel, the communication industries began the process of professionalization in these locations in 2008 by hiring the first journalists and communication teams for IFs. As a result, the purpose of this study is to examine the ways in which the communication of two Brazilian Federal Institutes incorporates the dissemination of research, as well as the contexts in which science journalism develops there and the opportunities for products for science publication. Managers in the fields of research and communication may bring new insight and relevant contributions to the entire Federal Network, positively affecting over 1 million students and their communities, given that both Institutes are relatively new institutions with novel communication teams. To analyze the opinions and evaluations of the groups that dialogue in research and communication, managers may bring new insight and relevant contributions.

This is a qualitative and quantitative institutional case study; Creswell and others, 2003; 2017 (Creswell and Clark). "Science journalism in the Brazilian Federal Institutes" was the name of this encompassing research project. When inserting phenomena are the subject of case studies, there is no distinct separation between the phenomenon being studied and the context. As a result, we are able to conceptualize an overview of science journalism at IFG and IF Goiano, examining the characteristics and meanings of scenarios and contexts, developing alternatives indicative of project development, and investigating methods of publicity. All of the subjects gave their consent to the research, which was conducted in accordance with the regulations governing ethics. The IF Goiano Research Ethics Committees and IFG gave their blessing to it. The Informed Consent Term (ICF) was read to each subject by the researcher and signed by the participant granting authorization. Each subject was given two copies [10].


IFG's research subjects include a rectory and 14 campuses located throughout Goiás State. In addition, IF Goiano has 12 campuses and a rectory in the same state. Due to the positions in the hierarchy, we chose to evaluate the rectory and, via aleatory selection, two campuses from each Institute. As a result, the rectory and campuses of IFG and IF Goiano served as the locations for our research. All of them are in central Brazil's Goiás. The provinces are the state's central administrative units and are situated in Goiânia, the state capital. 16,564 students and 2,204 professionals, including educators and administrative staff, make up the IFG community. Similarly, according to MEC, 2019, IF Goiano has 18,658 students and 1,975 teachers and administrators.



Conflict of Interest



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