Crime News and Real-World Blues: A Behavioural Study of Media

Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

ISSN: 2165-7912

Open Access

Review Article - (2024) Volume 14, Issue 5

Crime News and Real-World Blues: A Behavioural Study of Media

Arshpreet Kaur*
*Correspondence: Arshpreet Kaur, Department of Communication Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, Tel: 6283401791, Email:
Department of Communication Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

Received: 04-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. JMCJ-22-71215; Editor assigned: 08-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. JMCJ-22-71215(PQ); Reviewed: 23-Aug-2022, QC No. JMCJ-22-71215; Revised: 06-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. JMCJ-22-71215(R); Published: 14-Oct-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2165-7912.2022.14.585
Citation: Kaur, Arshpreet. "Crime News and Real-World Blues: A Behavioural Study of Media ." J Mass Communicat Journalism 12 (2022): 490.
Copyright: © 2022 Kaur A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Crime news and shows are a genre of news and non-news platforms, the format is trending these days by gripping the audiences across the world with various unique ways of providing crime-based entertainment. The present study analysis the physical and psychological effects of consumption of crime-based content (in case of audience) and due to coverage of crime beat (in case of journalists). Data was collected from all strata of society in form of online questionnaire, it was not limiting the study to particular age group, gender etc because as the title of the study suggests we are interested in finding out about the real-world blues. This aspect of the study was needed to be researched and analysed so that we could study the possible reactions crime news and shows can have on the society.

Some prominent facts came into light through this research like demographics (age and gender) have no significant relation with physical or psychological effects on the crime beat journalists but work profile (years of experience and platform) have or consumption pattern of the audience (time spent on screen and what they watch it) have significant relation with physical or psychological effects on them but whether they watch it someone or alone will not have any relation. Overall, the study tried to analyse the effects of the crime news and shows on the behaviour of the media practitioners and audiences through analytical analysis.


Media • Crime • Audience • Media practitioners


We all live in a society where we had an encounter with crime, it’s always either us or someone we know but we are all familiar with the concept of crime and how it affects the harmony of our society. If we want to define crime, it is an intentional act which is generally harmful or dangerous to society. It is often prohibited and punishable under the state’s law. Crime and violence are a significant component of news coverage to keep society informed. In the United States, a study by Klite revealed that more than 70% of the 100 news channels examined in the study opened with a crime-related news story. Crime story often interests the audience because they connect with the story, crime story always makes the audience experience emotions whether it’s sadness or anger. So that’s why crime started with the purpose of creating awareness is a selling point for media houses and this is not just limited to news organisations but now it’s an entertainment genre that billions of people watch every day.

The interest in crime-based content increased during the Covid-19 pandemic as during lockdown people binge watch. During the lockdown, NBC’s Dateline saw a 9% jump in viewers in comparison to 2019, according to Nielsen. Psychologists say that people consume crime to avoid the possibility of never being the victim or for the thrill and adrenaline rush, it has to offer. The craze for the crime genre is so much that it has its annual convention known as CrimeCon or CrowdSolve where all the crime genre lovers would come together and do fun activities it’s a whole thing.

But one thing we are missing out here is that crime whether you watch it or cover it (in the case of journalists), has its dark side which not only will affect your mental health but your physical health too.

Therefore, in the present study, quantitative in nature, we used an online survey method to understand whether consumption of crimebased content has any physical and psychological effects and in the second part we also try to understand whether journalists covering crime beat also have any physical and psychological effects.

Although there is an extensive and diverse body of research on the topic of fear of crime, one of the main challenges with those studies are they treat the effects of the crime based content without focusing on the type of effects whether its physical or psychological effects. In this study, we also have considered the audiences’ liking of the crime based genre.

The study focuses on finding out if there is a relationship (in the case of the audience) between the demographic and psychographic profiles of the respondents and the physical and psychological effects due to consumption of crime-based content. It also tries to find out a relationship between the consumption pattern of the audience and its physical and psychological effects. The second part of the study tries to find out the relationship between the demographics of the journalists and the physical and psychological effects due to covering the crime beat. We also analyse the relationship between journalists’ work profiles and their possible physical and psychological effects.

As per the objectives of the study, the data collected represents different strata of the society to get a positive result.

Literature Review

For the purpose of this study, the following literature was reviewed to further the discourse analysis of my topic. The literature contains abstracts from research journals, research papers, books, online articles and films related to this study, titled “crime news and realworld blues: A behavioural study of media practitioners and audiences”. The literature provides us with variables and operationaldefinitions with respect to this research. It supplements the information regardingdiscourse analysis and provides tools for analyzing and presenting data in a valid form.

Hypodermic needle theory: The theory is a linear model of communication and talks about the media’s power over the audience. The theory states that the message enters the minds of the audience and injects a particular message into the minds of the audience. The media directly shapes the actions and opinions of the viewers. The information is fired like a bullet into the minds of the audiences and guides their action in other words audience has no power over their actions. The audience is always thought to be vulnerable and acquiescent and hence all their decisions are influenced by the media [1].

The disinhibition theory: The theory talks about how exposure to the internet and other forms of media loosens or breaks the morals and values one acquired in his/her lifetime. In one's lifetime, we acquire certain qualities, habits and a way of living but with continuous exposure to media violence, we tendto lose these inhibitions and start behaving in a manner that one wouldn’t have done otherwise. The theory explains the effects media exposure has on our behavior [2].

The desensitization theory: The desensitization theory states that if a person consumes violent content on media, he or she becomes less sensitive and bothered by it over time. The lackof reaction is because we are so used to watching explosions, blood or other graphic content that if any such thing happens in front of the consumer in real life, it is not that shocking. Desensitization is measured by attitude and psychological reactions [3].

The copycat or modelling theory relates to something which is very popular inmedia and grabs the attention of people to such an extent that they try to copy orimitate to gain attention. Individuals learn behaviours by observing others performing those behaviours and then trying to imitate them. For example, copycat crimes, suicides etc. Copycat (1995) is a movie about a serial killer who brutally killed a police officer, he is copying similar techniques of killing from other serial killers [4].

Cultivation theory: The theory tries to explain that the more aperson is exposed to media, with time media shapes the viewer’s social perceptionof reality. The focus of the cultivation theory is the unbidden impact of media on the audience. The more someone watches TV, the more that person will be influenced, he/she will believe whatever media will offer. One of the major conceptions of the theory is mainstreaming. This happens as the viewers learn about the real world through the media. Resonance occurs when the concocted world and the real world of one’s experiences have a lot of constancy [5].

Uses and gratification theory: The theory seeks a relationship between the audience and how the audience uses media for their own needand get satisfied when their own needs are fulfilled. The audience will choose to consume a certain genre of media according to their mood, hence the choices audience in terms of media are goal-oriented in their behaviour. The theory was devised into four parts, escapism, personal relationships, personal identity, and Every person is different and they all have different needs. The theory focuses on how the audience is the active participants [6].

Limited effects theory: The theory states that contrary to popular opinion, mass media cannot change people’s opinions, attitudes and beliefs. It is based on selective perception- whatever is being presented in media an individual will interpret it selectively based on his or her previous opinion, attitude and beliefs based on the learning acquired over time [7].

The impact of electronic media violence: The paper studies that exposure to violence in mass media (TV, mobile phones, video games) increases the risk of violent behaviour amongst the viewers. The research paper critically assesses the psychological theory that explains why continuous exposure to media violence has both longand short-term harmful effects. Also, the study compares the size of media violence to other threats to society and estimates how harmful media violence effects should be considered.

The research study concludes that exposure to media violence will result in aggressive behaviour for adults for a short period while for children aggressive or violent behaviour is a long-term effect.

Media effects on crime and crime style: The research paper studies the correlation between media violence and crime or criminal activities. The paper provides details of how media coverage of violent crimes affects crime committed by drug traffickers at the USMexico border and their crime style. The empirical model method addresses the relation between criminal violence and media coverage. The study analyzed 31,676 homicides, the manner of the crime and its subsequent coverage by the press.

The paper concludes that when media shows detailed coverage of a crime, it inspires criminals in terms of the style of the crime (as it gives the idea to commit the crime in a new style) and doesn’t affect the crime rate. So, media coverage helps the increase copycat effect [8].

The media influence on public perceptions of crime: The research paper studies the relationship between crime and media like how media affects the public’s attitude towards crime and criminal incidents, the study is based on print based media articles. Two types of crimes are taken into the study personal crimes (like theft etc.) and community based crimes (like vandalism etc). A cross-sectional questionnaire consisting of both qualitative and quantitative was asked to twenty-four randomly selected respondents living on a housing estate in the semi-rural village of Stannington, in Sheffield.

The paper concludes that those who read the newspaper are likely to be influenced by them in terms of fear of crime. Hence, media (in this context, print media) adds sensationalism to crime stories to sell more copies which increases the fear of crime and moral panics [9].

Crime in the news: How Crimes, Offenders and Victims are Portrayed in the Media: This research paper studies the coverage of crime stories in the news: Content analysis using 71 matched crime stories in different mediums, the paper examines the elements in the reporting of crime stories between newspapers (Washington Post) and local television channel(Washington, D.C. ABC affiliate) to document similarities and differences across the mediums.

The paper concludes that irrelevant to the nature of the crime television reports attempt to instil a sense of fear in the audience and underscore the lack of safety and security on the other hand newspapers too focus on coverage of dramatic crimes but don’t create a sense of fear, unlike television [10].

Mass shootings: The role of the media in promoting generalized lmitation: Mass Shooting is USA’s one of the major social crimes and it is regarded as contagion, as one mass shooting increases the chancesof another mass shooting. This study discusses how media covering an incident mass shooting can increase the chances of another mass shooting. The study analysis the incidents of mass shooting in the USA and subsequently suggest media guidelines that can control the limitation and further decrease such incidents.

A mass shooting occurs due to a variety of reasons but the media is largely responsiblefor providing the model of imitation due to its sensationalism for the sake of viewers and revenue [11].

The role of the mass media in violent behaviour: The research study shows that exposure to media violence has a direct influence on an individual’s personality, it has both long and shortterm effects as it tends to increase aggression and violence behaviour amongst youngsters. The research study tries to find a relation between media violence and real-world violence and how aggression is moderated through the consumption of media. The study uses content analysis of the research evidence or papers accumulated in the past on media violence and analysis of the psychological theory that explains why exposure to violence has detrimental effects for both the short term and long term. Finally, it also compares the size of media violence to other threats to society and estimates how harmful media violence effects should be considered.

The study concludes that the relation between media violence and real-world violence and aggression is moderated by the nature of the content of media and what type of social influence the characters of the media have on an individual [12].

Media coverage of crime and public opinion: An Explorationof the Second Level of Agenda Setting: The study tracks the level of concern amongst the public due to the increase in crime, subsequent increase of people believing crime as the major problem in Texas (geographical area of place of research). The study analyzed the data from 1992 to 1995 about the rate of crime inthe area and the level of fear due to crime (public opinion). The study tries to explain these trends were followed due to two related frames: traditional agenda setting and the agenda of attributes. Other than analyzing the effects of agenda- setting, it also analysis causes that can have an effect on public opinion [13].

Impact of the media on adolescent sexual attitudes and behaviors: The mass media have a huge impact on adolescent and contributes in their social choices one of them is sexual activities. The study tries to understand the scientific basis of the effects of mass media on adolescent sexual attitudes and behaviours.

The study analysis the content of the sexual content of various mass media, the exposure of adolescents, and the effects of that exposure on the adolescents’ sexual attitudes and behaviours. the sexual content of various mass media, the exposure of adolescents to that media, the effects of that exposure on the adolescents’ sexual attitudes and behaviors, and ways to mitigate those effects.

The study concludes that exposure to mass media affects adolescents' sexual attitudes and behavior but overexposure can also be monitored by parents and schools [14].

Desensitization to media violence: links with habitual media violence exposure, aggressive cognitions, and aggressive behaviour:

The study examines thelink between desensitization to media violence and being habitual to media violence and what possible outcomes can come in terms of aggressive behaviour and aggressive cognition. The students (research sample audience) were given a questionnaire regarding their consumption of media and based on their answers few of them was examined by keeping them understudy for two weeks and were exposed to media programs of different genres.

The desensitization towards media violence occurs due to exposure to violent content. The study also concluded that there is no relation between habitual media violence viewing and arousal in response to the other genre clips, and hence it did not predict aggressive cognitions or aggressive behavior [15].

Mass media effect on promoting copycat mass murders media essay: The research paper studies how mass media has encouraged copycatmurders. The copycat effect is individuals learning behaviours by observing othersperforming those behaviours like murder or suicide and then try to imitate them.

The study analysed the news coverage of the mass murders in Time and Newsweek for eight years i.e., 1984-1991 as excessive coverage of certain categories of mass murder in a certain way can influence someone to imitate them. To understand that copycat murders are accelerated by media influences the paper used descriptive analysis and critical analysis of the content.

The study concludes that not all crime coverage can have a copycat effect but it depends highly on how a particular crime story is covered [16].

Copycat effect after media reports on suicide: A populationbased ecologicstudy: This study investigates whether the risk of increased suicide rate have a relation with how suicides are reported by media and whether this differs with similarity between the reported suicides and suicides in the population. The research analysis the reports on all 179 individual suicides named in the 13 largest Austrian nationwide newspapers from 1996 to 2006. Analysis of social background of the deceased, possible circumstances of suicide, how certain the facts are to prove the nature of death and how a particular suicide case was reported.

The study concludes that how a particular suicide case was reported impacts the risk of post-report copycat behavior [17].

Tracking the werther effect on social media: Emotional responses to prominent suicide deaths on Twitter and subsequent increases in suicide: The study investigates why following reports of deaths of public figures by suicide increases suicide risk in the wider public. This study analyzes the emotional content of almost 1 million messages sent on Twitter related to the suicides of 18 prominent individuals in Japan between 2010 and 2014.

The study was unable to provide the answer to why celebrity deaths by suicides create the Werther effect but it found that different characteristics of celebrity deaths have different emotional responses among Twitter users [18].

Media coverage as a risk factor in suicide: The research paper studies whether the media coverage of suicide has a copycat effect on people. The paper analyzes the content of effects of celebrity suicides and subsequent increase in suicide rates, medium of coverage, amount of suicide coverage, age-specific suicide rates etc.

The study concludes that more coverage in suicide cases results in an increase in the suicide rate [19].

The role of temperament in the development of post-traumatic stress disorder amongst journalists: The study indicates that journalists, who have been exposed to traumatic situations, risk developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The aim of this study was to address this dearth by investigating whether differences in the experience of trauma, temperament traits and a sense of coherence amongst journalists will influence the degree of PTSD experienced.

The results show that various factors could have an impact on how journalists deal with the traumatic stories they cover, as well as their personal outcomes after covering these stories. Journalists who develop severe PTSD differ in terms of their perceptions of the trauma, temperament profiles and sense of coherence, which impact their way of coping with the traumatic situations they face daily [20].

The psychological effects of reporting extreme violence: A study of kenyan journalists: The study assesses the psychological health of journalists in Kenya who have reported on, and been exposed to, extreme violence. For analysis a representative sample of 90 Kenyan journalists for Descriptive. Psychological responses were elicited to two stressors, the ethnic violence surrounding the disputed 2007 general election and the Al-Shabab attack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi.

The results show that journalists asked to cover life-threatening events may develop significant symptoms of emotional difficulties and fail to receive therapy for them.

The effects of exposure to crisis on well-being of journalists: A study of crisis-related Factors Predicting Psychological Health in a Sample of Finnish Journalists. The study analysis the effects of workrelated and personal exposure to potentially traumatic events on PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), depression, compassion fatigue and burnout were examined by 503 Finnish news journalists by using a web-based survey.

The results significantly predicted all four outcome factors, i.e. PTSD, depression, compassion fatigue and burnout: the variables were personal exposure to traumatic events, including reactions caused by the event and the magnitude of the worst crisis-related assignment experienced as a journalist. An interaction effect was also found: Respondents with high scores on both traumatic experiences in their personal life and a high amount of professional crisis-related assignments had a significantly higher level of PTSD symptoms than others.

Mexican journalists and journalists covering war: A comparison of psychological wellbeing", Journal of aggression, conflict and peace research: The study analysis the psychological well-being of the journalist covering the war and the impact they have on them when they leave the war zone area and whether the effects of covering the war will stay with them in comparison to journalists covering conflict zones like Mexico (whether the psychological effects will stay with them or not).

The result of the study states that Mexican journalists targeted by drug cartels have more psychopathology than journalists who cover the war.

Media construction of crime revisited: media types, consumer contexts, and frames of crime and justice: The study analyses the way the media influence the public’s understanding of crime and justice. The study studies media’s construction of crime, moving away from one dimensional reactions to crime to an integrated set of frames about crime and justice policy while considering the potential influence of a diverse array of media forms and content. Most critically, this social construction process must be placed in context, specifically, the racial composition in which people consume media. By using two nationally representative surveys matched with contextual data, it identifies two forms of media consumption that seem important to the understanding of crime: Local television news and TV crime dramas.

The results of the study show that the influence of television news and crime dramas on perceptions of crime is strongest among white respondents who live near larger numbers of black neighbours.

Journalists and mental health: The psychological toll of covering everyday trauma. Newspaper research journal. The study analyses how trauma reporting can take its toll, resulting in mental health effects. A multimethod study used a national survey of journalists that shows that as trauma coverage frequency and intensity increase, so does the severity of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Indepth interviews offer personal narratives of the effects of traumatic reporting.

The result of the study shows that journalists who cover trauma more frequently and intensely experience higher PTSD symptom severity. Of the four diagnostic criteria of PTSD, hyperarousal was the most commonly reported.

Rationale of study

The study analysis the physical and psychological effects of consumption of crime- based content (in case of audience) and due to coverage of crime beat (in case of journalists). I have collected data from all strata of society as I’m not limiting the study to particular age group, gender etc because as the title of my study suggests that I’m interested in finding out about the real-world blues. This aspect of the study was needed to be researched and analysed so that we could study the possible reactions crime news and shows can have on the society. Often the studies, research about the psychological effects but they forget about the small physical reactions that leads to psychological problems like sleep deprivation can later become insomnia.

Moreover, most of the studies listed in the review of literature talks about how media covers the crime news and it affects the audience, very few studies have been done on how continuous exposure to covering crime can affect the media persons.

Focus of the study is reiterated throughout this dissertation to emphasize that crime news always has two types of reactions one that is more evident like increased heartbeat and the other which silently is affecting you. With the popularity of OTT platforms and trends like binge watching have surfaced so we need to analyse the effects so that consumer should be more aware. With this study, the aim is to understand that journalists too suffer from the similar reactions but since there isn’t a reliable scale to measure that hence, crime beat journalists suffers alone. This study is not only helpful in analysing the possible effects of the exposure to crime but how over exposure can affect our society.


Terms of enquiry

Aim: To study the behavioural and psychological effects due to crime news and crime shows w.r.t media practitioners and audiences.

Objectives: For Media Practitioners.

• To determine the work profile of the media practitioners.

• To determine the effects of covering crime beat (physical effects and psychographic effects).

• To study the association (if any) between demographics effects and effects of covering crime beat (physical effects and psychographic effects).

• To study the relation between work profile and effects of covering crime beat (physical effects and psychographic effects).

• To determine the consumption patterns of crime news and crime shows.

• To determine the effects of the consumption of crime news and crime shows (physical effects and psychological effects).

• To study the association (if any) between effects of the demographics and psychographic profiles of the respondents due to consumption of crime news/shows.

• To study the association between consumption pattern and effects (physical effects and psychological effects) of crime news and crime shows.

Research design and research method

Research design: The study aims to find the behavioural and psychological effects due to crime news and crime shows w.r.t media practitioners and audiences. The objectives include the demographic and psychographic profile of the respondents. The work experience and viewing preference of the respondents. Analytical research design is adopted to back the objectives of the study.

Research method: The research study is a quantitative study and we used the survey method as data collection tool for determining the impact of crime news and shows has on audiences and media practitioners.

Population, sampling procedure, data collection method and tools

Population: The group of individuals from which the sample for research is taken is known as population. In this research population of Punjab and Delhi will be taken into account for audiences and for media practitioners, the research population was from PAN India.

The population is selected on convenience basis as whoever was willing to answer participated in the survey.

Sampling procedure: It is a quantitative study; non- probability sampling procedure will be used. Purposive sampling method will be taken under consideration.

Sample size: The sample size will be of 166 individuals participated in the survey for audience and 23 individuals participated for media practitioners’ survey.

Data collection method and tools: The data collection tool method is survey and the tools used were questionnaire. The data tools were distributed via Google forms and were mailed to target respondents.

Data presentation and analysis

Data presentation: The report represents the relation between analysed results of audiences and media practitioners with each research objective. The data is presented in tabular format.

Data analysis: The data is quantitatively analysed.

The data responses collected in the Google Forms have been carefully presented and analysed below. Attention to detail and the rightful interpretation of the responses is highly important and has been my primary concern while breaking down the important terms and presenting the data collected for this study. The use of statistics lends a logical and effective measure of representation of the research objectives via the questions asked in these online forms.

Safe to say the collection of these responses directly reflects the opinions of the respondents of the online questionnaire. As a part of my study, I conducted two surveys one for the media practitioners and the second one for the audiences who consume crime-based content. I’ll be analysing the data collected separately to determine the real-world blues.

Data analysis of media practitioners

The first two graphs consist of age and gender, as they are important to understand the basic demographics of the participants of this survey. The collection of the demographic data of the respondent is important as the study focuses on the analysis of the relationship between the effects of the demographics and psychological profiles of the respondents covering crime news (Table 1).

Table 1. Represents the age of the respondents.

 Age Frequenc y Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent
20-29 7 30.4 30.4 30.4
30-39 9 39.1 39.1 69.6
40-49 7 30.4 30.4 100
Total 23 100 100 100

The age of the respondents. In this study, a total of 23 journalists participated. Seven participants were in their 20 s, nine participants were in their 30 s and seven were in their 40 s (Table 2).

Table 2. Represents the gender of the respondents.

Gender Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid,  Male 17 73.9 73.9 73.9
Female 6 26.1 26.1 100
Total 23 100 100 100

Table 2, represents the gender of the respondents. Out of 23 participants, seventeen were male and six were females.

The work profile of the respondents

In tables 3 and 4 we study the work profiles of the respondents. To understand the work profile of the respondent we have collected data based on whether they have a professional degree in journalism, places they cover as a crime journalist, in which media platform they work, their total experience in the journalism field and their experience as a crime journalist.

The collection of work profile data is important as this study focuses on the analysis relation between work profiles and the effects of covering crime beat (physical effects and psychological effects) (Table 3).

Table 3. Represents the qualifications of the respondents.

Journalism degree Frequenc y Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent
Valid,  Yes 17 73.9 73.9 73.9
No 6 26.1 26.1 100
Total 23 100 100  

Table 3, represents the academic qualifications of the respondents. Since the respondents are crime journalists, to understand their work profile we have asked whether they have any professional degree in journalism. 73.9% of our respondents have a professional degree in journalism while 26.1% of the respondents don’t have the same (Table 4).

Table 4. Represents the platform in which the respondent works.

Platform Frequenc y Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent
Valid Print 15 65.2 65.2 65.2
TV 3 13 13 78.3
Digital 5 21.7 21.7 100
Total 23 100 100  

Table 4, represents the type of media platform where the respondent works. The respondents work at Print, TV and digital platforms. 65.2% of the respondents work in print media, while 13.0% work in the Television industry and 21.7% work on digital platforms.

We have to note that none of the respondents works in radio.

Objective: To analyse the relationship between the demographics and physical effects and psychological effects of covering the crime beat.

In Table 5, we will study the correlation between the demographics (age) and physical (sweaty palms, tense muscles, drop in body temperature, a spike in blood pressure, increased heart rate and sleep deprivation) and psychological effects (lack of trust, paranoia, anxiety, insomnia, short-tempered, cynicism and desensitization) of covering the crime beat (Table 5).

Table 5. Represents the relationship between age and physical and psychological effects.

 Physical and psychological effects  Pearson correlationss Age
Physical reaction (Sweaty palms) Pearson correlation (R1) -0.079
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1) 0.72
N 23
Physical reaction (Tense Muscle) Pearson correlation (R2) 0.182
Sig. (2-tailed) (P2) 0.406
N 23
Physical reaction (Drop- in body temp) Pearson correlation (R3) -0.171
Sig. (2-tailed) (P3) 0.435
N 23
Physical reaction (spike in blood pressure) Pearson correlation (R4) 0.076
Sig. (2-tailed) (P4) 0.731
N 23
Physical reaction (Increased heart rate) Pearson correlation (R5) 0.145
Sig. (2-tailed) (P5) 0.508
N 23
Physical reaction (Sleep deprivation) Pearson correlation (R6) 0.279
Sig. (2-tailed) (P6) 0.198
N 23
Physical reaction (None of the above) Pearson correlation (R7) -0.308
Sig. (2-tailed) (P7) 0.153
N 23
Psychological reaction (Lack of trust) Pearson correlation (R1.1) 0.072
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.1) 0.745
N 23
Psychological reaction (Paranoia) Pearson correlation (R1.2) -0.022
Sig. (2-tailed) (1.2) 0.92
N 23
Psychological reaction (Anxiety) Pearson correlation (1.3) -0.117
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.3) 0.594
N 23
Psychological reactions (Cynicism) Pearson correlation (R1.4) -0.049
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.4) 0.825
N 23
Psychological reactions (Insomnia) Pearson correlation (R1.5) -0.055
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.5) 0.802
N 23
Psychological reactions (Short-tempered) Pearson correlation (R1.6) 0.159
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.6) 0.47
N 23
Psychological reactions (Desensitization) Pearson correlation (R1.7) 0.176
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.7) 0.423
N 23
Psychological reactions (None of the above) Pearson correlation (R1.8) 0.324
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.8) 0.131
N 23

Table 5, represents the correlation analysis between the age of the respondent and the physical and psychological effects (Here he/she has while covering crime beat).

Age of the respondent

Reporting pearson correlation of physical effects with age:

• Pearson product correlation of age and sweaty palms was markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1=-0.079, P1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and tense muscles was a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R2=0.182, P2>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and drop in body temperature was found to be a very low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R3=-0.171, P3>0.5)

• Pearson product correlation of age and spike in blood pressure was markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R4=0.076, P4>0.5).

• Pearson product correlation of age and increased heart rate was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R5=0.145, P5>0.5).

• Pearson product correlation between age and sleep deprivation was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R6=0.279, P6>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation between age and having no physical reaction was found to be a low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R7=-0.308, P7>0.05).

Reporting pearson correlation of psychological effects with age

• Pearson product correlation of age and lack of trust was markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.1=0.072, P1.1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and paranoia was markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.2= 0.072, P1.2>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and anxiety was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.3=-0.117, P1.3>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and cynicism was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.4=-0.049, P1.4>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and insomnia was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.5=-0.055, P1.5>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and short-tempered was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.6=0.159, P1.6>0.05)

• Pearson product correlation of age and desensitization was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.7=0.176, P1.7>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and was found to not having any psychological effect was a low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.8=0.324, P1.8>0.05).

Findings: There is no relationship between age and physical and psychological effects while covering the crime beat (Table 6).

Table 6. Represents the association between gender and physical and psychological effects.

 Physical and psychological effects Pearson Chi-square1) Asymptotic significance (2-sided) {p}
Physical reaction (Sweaty palms) 1.218 0.275
Physical reaction (Tense Muscle) 2.255 0.133
Physical reaction (Drop-in body temp) 0.65 0.42
Physical reaction (spike in blood pressure) 1.218 0.27
Physical reaction (Increased heart rate) 0.14 0.708
Physical reaction (Sleep deprivation) 3.159 0.076
Physical reaction (None of the above) 3.811 0.051
Psychological reaction (Lack of trust) 0.374 0.541
Psychological reaction (Paranoia) 0.369 0.544
Psychological reaction (Anxiety) 0.008 0.931
Psychological reactions (Cynicism) 0.839 0.363
Psychological reactions (Insomnia) 0.773 0.379
Psychological reactions (Short-tempered) 0.003 0.957
Psychological reactions (Desensitization) 0.374 0.541
Psychological reactions (None of the above) 0.123 0.726

Chi-square test was used to determine the association between the gender of the respondent and the physical and psychological effects (Here he/she has while covering crime beat).

The above table tells us that none of the values of p<0.05, which means there is no statistically significant association between gender and having a physical or psychological reactions while covering a crime news story; that is, both males and females can equally have this reaction irrespective of their gender.

Findings: There is no relationship between gender and physical and psychological effects while covering the crime beat.

Objective: To analyse the relation between work profile and effects of covering crime beat (physical effects and psychological effects).

In Table 7, we will study the correlation between the work profile (years of experience in covering crime beat) and physical (sweaty palms, tense muscles, drop in body temperature, a spike in blood pressure, increased heart rate and sleep deprivation) and psychological effects (lack of trust, paranoia, anxiety, insomnia, shorttempered, cynicism and desensitization) of covering the crime beat (Table 7).

Table 7. . Represents the relationship between experience in crime beat and physical and psychological effects.

Physical and psychological effects  Pearson correlation Years of experience in crime beat
Physical reaction (Sweaty palms) Pearson correlation (R1) -0.25
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1) 0.249
Physical reaction (Tense Muscle) Pearson correlation (R2) 0.106
Sig. (2-tailed) (P2) 0.63
N 23
Physical reaction (Drop-in body temp) Pearson correlation (R3) -0.16
Sig. (2-tailed) (P3) 0.465
N 23
Physical reaction (spike in blood pressure) Pearson correlation (R4) -0.03
Sig. (2-tailed) (P4) 8.93
N 23
Physical reaction (Increased heart rate) Pearson correlation (R5) 0.11
Sig. (2-tailed) (P5) 0.617
N 23
Physical reaction (Sleep deprivation) Pearson correlation (R6) 0.113
Sig. (2-tailed) (P6) 0.606
N 23
Physical reaction (None of the above) Pearson correlation (R7) -0.074
Sig. (2-tailed) (P7) 0.737
N 23
Psychological reaction (Lack of trust) Pearson correlation (R1.1) 0.29
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.1) 0.894
N 23
Psychological reaction (Paranoia) Pearson correlation (R1.2) -0.111
Sig. (2-tailed) (1.2) 0.615
N 23
Psychological reaction (Anxiety) Pearson correlation (1.3) -0.362
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.3) 0.089
N 23
Psychological reactions (Cynicism) Pearson correlation (R1.4) -0.68
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.4) 0.759
N 23
Psychological reactions (Insomnia) Pearson correlation (R1.5) -0.219
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.5) 0.315
N 23
Psychological reactions (Short-tempered) Pearson correlation (R1.6) -0.021
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.6) 0.925
N 23
Psychological reactions (Desensitization) Pearson correlation (R1.7) 0.161
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.7) 0.463
N 23
Psychological reactions (None of the above) Pearson correlation (R1.8) 0.446
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.8) 0.33
N 23

Table 7, represents the correlation analysis between experience of a journalist in crime beat and the physical and psychological effects (Here he/she has while covering crime beat).

Years of experience in crime beat

Reporting pearson correlation of physical effects with experience in covering crime beat:

• Pearson product correlation of experience and sweaty palms was a very low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1= -0.250, P1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of experience and tense muscles was a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R2=0.106, P2>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and drop in body temperature was found to be a very low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R3=-0.160, P3>0.5)

• Pearson product correlation of age and spike in blood pressure was markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R4=-0.030, P4>0.5).

• Pearson product correlation of age and increased heart rate was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R5=0.110, P5>0.5).

• Pearson product correlation between age and sleep deprivation was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R6=0.113, P6>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation between age and having no physical reaction was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R7=-0.074, P7>0.05).

Reporting Pearson Correlation of psychological effects with experience in covering crime beat includes:

• Pearson product correlation of experience and lack of trust was a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.1=0.29, P1.1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of experience and paranoia was markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.2=-0.111, P1.2>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of experience and anxiety was found to be a low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.3=-0.362, P1.3>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of experience and cynicism was found to be a moderate negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.4=-0.68, P1.4>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of experience and insomnia was found to be a very low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.5=-0.219, P1.5>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of experience and short-tempered was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.6=- 0.021, P1.6>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of experience and desensitization was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.7=0.161, P1.7>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of experience and having no psychological was found to not having any psychological effect was a low negative correlation and statistically significant (R1.8=-0.33, P1.8<0.05). Which means if the experience of the journalist in the crime beat increases, the chances of having no psychological effects on the individual will decrease.

Findings: If the experience of the journalist in the crime beat increases, the chances of having no psychological effects on the individual will decrease (Table 8).

Table 8. Represents the association between platform and degree and physical and psychological effects.

 Physical and psychological effects Platform Journalism degree
Pearson Chi- square(1) Asymptotic significance (2- sided) {p} PearsonChi- square(1) Asymptotic significance (2-sided) {p}
Physical reaction (Sweaty palms) (R1) 0.664 0.717 1.218 0.27
Physical reaction (Tense Muscle) (R2) 1.056 0.59 0.641 0.423
Physical reaction (Drop-in body temp) (R3) 2.848 0.241 0.094 0.759
Physical reaction (spike in blood pressure) (R4) 0.664 0.717 0.65 0.42
Physical reaction (Increased heart rate) (R5) 1.84 0.399 1.776 0.183
Physical reaction (Sleep deprivation) (R6) 2.848 0.241 0.015 0.901
Physical reaction (None of the above) (R7) 6.542 0.038 0.123 0.726
Psychological reaction (Lack of trust) (R1.1) 1.563 0.458 0.221 0.638
Psychological reaction (Paranoia) (R1.2) 0.558 0.757 0.369 0.5441
Psychological reaction (Anxiety) (R1.3) 1.84 0.399 1.174 0.278
Psychological reactions (Cynicism) (R1.4) 1.84 0.399 0.829 0.363

Table 8, Chi-square test was used to determine the association between the platform in which the respondent works (print, tv, radio and digital) and whether the respondent have a journalism degree with the physical and psychological effects (Here he/she has while covering crime beat).

The result of the Chi squared test of association shows that there is a significant association between platform and having no physical reaction {(R7) χ(1 ) (1, N=23}=6.542, p=0.038. Which means that platform can affect a journalist into not having any physical reaction while covering or investigating a crime story.

Other than that, there is no significant association between platform and degree in journalism with having physical or psychological effects on the person while covering crime beat.

Findings: Platform can affect a journalist into not having any physical reaction while covering or investigating a crime story (Table 9).

Table 9. Represents the driving force of journalists.

 S.No  Parameters Chi-square2) Asymptotic significance (p)
1 Search for justice 8.333 0.04
2 Fame 39.224 <0.001
3 Potential award 27.714 <0.001
4 Inner satisfaction 8.45 0.015

Table 9, represents the driving force of journalists while covering/ investigating a crime story.

• Since the value of χ2=8.333, p<0.05, hence, we do not accept that null hypothesis which means that driving force of journalists while covering/investigating a crime story is search for justice.

• Since the value of χ2=39.224 which is larger than p<0.05, hence, we do not accept that null hypothesis which means that driving force of journalists while covering/investigating a crime story is not fame.

• Since the value of χ2=27.714 which is larger than p<0.05, hence, we do not accept that null hypothesis which means that driving force of journalists while covering/investigating a crime story is not potential award.

• Since the value of χ2=8.450 which is larger than p<0.05, hence, we do not accept that null hypothesis which means that driving force of journalists while covering/investigating a crime story is inner satisfaction.

Findings: When a journalist investigate/covers a crime story, their driving force is search for justice and looking for inner satisfaction (Table 10).

Table 10. Represents the impact crime news have on society.

 S.No  Impact crime news have on society Chi-square2) Asymptotic significance (p)
1 Increase in crime rate 2.286 0.319
2 Demoralized police 1.22 0.543
3 Sacred citizens 10.093 0.006
4 Lack of confidence 6.533 0.038
5 Encourages migration 37.483 <0.01
6 Reduction in civic participation 11.375 0.003
7 Marginalises/displaces relevant content 14.56 <0.01
8 Tempts to bypass journalistic ethics (witness/judge/jury) 23.13 <0.01

The impact of crime news have on society includes:

• Since the value of χ2=2.286, p>0.05, hence, we accept the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news has no effect on increase in crime rate in society.

• Since the value of χ2=1.220, p>0.05, hence, we accept the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news does not demoralize the police.

• Since the value of χ2=10.093, p<0.05, hence, we do not accept the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news creates scared citizens.

• Since the value of χ2=6.553, p<0.05, hence, we do not accept the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news increases the lack of confidence.

• Since the value of χ2=37.483, p<0.05, hence, we do not accept the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news increases the chances of people migrating from one place to another.

• Since the value of χ2=11.375, p<0.05, hence, we do not accept the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news increases the reduction in civil participation.

• Since the value of χ2=14.560, p<0.05, hence, we do not accept the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news increases the chances of marginalisation or displacement of other relevant content.

• Since the value of χ2=23.130, p<0.05, hence, we do not accept the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news increases the chances of journalists coming under the temptation of bypassing journalistic ethics.

Findings: Due to increase in crime story, the respondents believes that our society is affected in various ways like scared citizens, lack of confidence or reduction in civil participation.

Data analysis of audience

The basic demographics of the study: The first three graphs consist of age, gender and education, as they are important to understand the basic demographics of the participants of this survey. The collection of the demographic data of the respondent is important as the study focuses on the analysis of the relationship between the effects of the demographics and psychographic profiles of the respondents due to the consumption of crime news and crime shows (Table 11).

Table 11. Represents the age of the respondents.

 Age N %
13-18 7 4.20%
19-34 130 78.30%
35-60 18 10.80%
Above 60 10 6.00%
Below 12 1 0.60%

The age of the respondents. In this study, a total of 166 respondents participated. As we can see in the table, out of the total respondents 78.3% (N=130) are young adults (age group 19-34 years), 10.8% (N=18) are middle age (age group 35-60 years), 6.0% (N=10) are senior citizens (age group above 60), 4.2% (N=7) are teenagers (age group 13-18 years) and 0.6% (N=1) is a child below is the age of 12 (Table 12).

Table 12. Represents the gender of the respondents.

Gender N %
Female 86 51.80%
Male 80 48.20%

The gender of the respondents. In this study, 51.8% (N=86) are females and 48.2% (N=80) are males (Table 13).

Table 13. Represents the education level of the respondents.

Education N %
Illiterate 11 6.60%
School 19 11.40%
College 24 14.50%
University 112 67.50%

The level of education of the respondents. According to the data collected for this study, 67.5% (N=112) have done their university (here post-graduation) degree, 14.5% (N=24) have done their college (here graduation) degree, and 11.4% (N=19) have completed their school and 6.6% (N=11) have received no education.

The consumption pattern of the respondents

The time respondents spend on screen and out of that particular time how much time they spend watching crime genre based content (news, documentaries or shows). According to the data collected for this study, 41.6% (N=69) spend less than 2 hours on the screen, 25.9% (N=43) spend two to four hours on the screen, 13.9% (N=23) spend four to six hours on the screen and 18.7% (N=31) spend more than six hours on the screen (Table 14).

Table 14. Represents the time respondents spend on-screen vis à vis time they spend watching crime.

 Time Total time spent on screens Time spent watching crime
N % N %
Less than 2 hours 69 41.60% 138 83.10%
2 hours-4 hours 43 25.90% 18 10.80%
4 hours-6 hours 23 13.90% 7 4.20%
More than 6 hours 31 18.70% 3 1.80%

Out of the said time, they spend on the screen, 83.1% (n=138) spend less than 2 hours watching crime genre content, 10.8% (n=18) spend two to four hours watching crime genre content, 4.2% (n=7) spend four to six hours watching crime-based content and 1.8% (n=3) spend more than six hours watching crime-based content (Table 15).

Table 15. Represents categories of crime content respondents’ watches.

 Categories of crime  Content respondents’ N %
News and current affair Yes 84 50.60%
No 82 49.40%
Fiction Yes 98 59.00%
No 68 41.00%
Non-Fiction Yes 72 43.40%
No 94 56.40%

The categories of the crime-based content respondents like to watch. According to the data collected for this study, 50.6% (N=84) consume crime content via news and current affairs, 59.0% (N=98) consume crime by watching fictional content like movies, web series etc and 43.4% (N=72) consume crime content by watching nonfictional content like documentaries, videos, reels etc. (Table 16).

Table 16. Represents respondents’ preferred time to watch.

 Preferred time to watch N %
Morning 6 3.60%
Afternoon 39 23.50%
Evening 51 30.70%
Night 70 42.20%

According to the data collected for this study, 42.2% (N=70) prefer to watch the crime-based content at night, 30.7% (N=51) prefer to watch it in the evening, and 23.5% (N=39) prefer to watch it in the afternoon and 3.6% (N=6) prefer to watch it in the morning (Table 17).

Table 17. Represents the viewing preference of the respondents.

Viewing preference N %
Alone 119 71.70%
With someone 47 28.30%

The viewing preference of the respondents while watching crimebased content. According to the data collected for this study, 71.7% (N=119) prefer to watch it alone and 28.3% (N=47) prefer to watch it with someone (Table 18).

Table 18. Represents the respondents’ preferred content.

 Preferred content Yes No
News and current affairs 50.60% 49.40%
Fiction 59.40% 41.00%
Non-Fiction 43.40% 56.60%

The viewing preference of the respondents in terms of the type of crime-based content (Table 19).

Table 19. Represents why respondents’ watch crime-based content.

 Why watch crime content? Yes No
Interest 40.40% 59.60%
Curiosity 50.00% 50.00%
Reality of the story 58.40% 41.60%
Cinematography 18.10% 81.90%
Presentation of the anchor 12.00% 88.00%
Simulation 11.40% 88.60%
Blood and graphic details 9.00% 91.00%

Objective: To study the association (if any) between the effects of the demographics and psychographic profiles of the respondents due to consumption of crime news/shows The correlation between the demographics (age) and physical (sweaty palms, tense muscles, drop in body temperature, a spike in blood pressure, increased heart rate and sleep deprivation) and psychological effects (lack of trust, paranoia, anxiety, insomnia, short-tempered, cynicism and desensitization) on the respondents due to consumption of crime news/shows (Table 20).

Table 20. Represents the relationship between age, anxiety, overthinking and introversion and physical and psychological effects.

 Physical and psychological effects  Pearson correlation Age Anxiety Overthinking Introversion
Physical reaction (Sweaty palms) Pearson correlation (R1) -0.139 0.095 0.022 0.071
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1) 0.74 0.224 0.779 0.363
Physical reaction (Tense Muscle) Pearson correlation (R2) 0.091 -0.015 0.023 0.043
Sig. (2-tailed) (P2) 0.245 0.844 0.77 0.579
N 166 166 166 166
Physical reaction (Drop-in body temp) Pearson correlation  (R3) -0.068 0.184 0.12 0.214
Sig. (2-tailed) (P3) 0.382 0.017 0.125 0.006
N 166 166 166 166
Physical reaction (spike in blood pressure) Pearson correlation (R4) 0.059 0.158 0.033 0.174
Sig. (2-tailed) (P4) 0.448 0.042 0.67 0.025
N 166 166 166 166
Physical reaction (Increased heart rate) Pearson correlation (R5) -0.174 -0.044 -0.033 -0.05
Sig. (2-tailed) (P5) 0.025 0.575 0.676 0.522
N 166 166 166 166
Physical reaction (Sleep deprivation) Pearson correlation (R6) -0.01 0.079 -0.162 -0.007
Sig. (2-tailed) (P6) 0.895 0.309 0.037 0.927
N 166 166 166 166
Physical reaction (Brain Fog) Pearson correlation (R7) 0.045 0.27 0.21 0.113
Sig. (2-tailed) (P7) 0.566 <0.001 0.007 0.148
N 166 166 166 166
Psychological reaction (Lack of trust) Pearson correlation (R1.1) -0.149 -0.04 -0.033 -0.027
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.1) 0.55 0.69 0.675 0.732
N 166 166 166 166
Psychological reaction (Paranoia) Pearson correlation (R1.2) -0.153 0.168 0.101 0.061
Sig. (2-tailed) -1.2 0.047 0.03 0.194 0.438
N 166 166 166 166
Psychological reaction (Anxiety) Pearson correlation -1.3 -0.089 0.136 0.075 0.072
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.3) 0.257 0.081 0.399 0.358
N 166 166 166 166
Psychological reactions (Insomnia) Pearson correlation (R1.4) 0.125 0.256 0.185 0.062
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.4) 0.11 <0.001 0.017 0.43
N 166 166 166 166
Psychological reactions (Aggressive Behaviour) Pearson correlation (R1.5) 0.004 0.16 0.147 0.079
Sig. (2-tailed) (P1.5) 0.955 0.039 0.059 0.314
N 166 166 166 166

The correlation analysis between the demographics (age) and psychographic (anxiety, overthinking and introversion) of the respondent and the physical andpsychological effects (Here he/she has by watching crime genre-based content).


Reporting Pearson correlation of physical effects with age:

• Pearson product correlation of age and sweaty palms was found to be a very low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1=-0.139, P1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and tense muscles was a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R2=0.091, P2>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and drop in body temperature was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R3=-0.068, P3>0.05)

• Pearson product correlation of age and spike in blood pressure was markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R4=0.059, P4>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and increased heart rate was found to be a very low negative correlation and statistically significant (R5=-0.174, P5<0.05). Which means as the age of the respondent will increase, chances of getting increased heart beat will decrease while they watch crime genre-based content.

• Pearson product correlation between age and sleep deprivation was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R6=-0.014, P6>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation between age and brain fog was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R7=-0.045, P7>0.05).

Reporting Pearson correlation of psychological effects with age:

• Pearson product correlation of age and lack of trust was markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.1= -0.149, P1.1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and paranoia was a very low negative correlation and statistically significant (R1.2=-0.154, P1.2<0.05). Which means as the age of the respondent will increase, the chances of getting paranoid will decrease when they consume crime-based content.

• Pearson product correlation of age and anxiety was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.3=-0.089, P1.3>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and insomnia was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.4=0.125, P1.4>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of age and aggressive behaviour was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.5=0.004, P1.5>0.05).

Findings: If the age of the respondent will increase chances of getting increased heart beat and being paranoid will decrease while/ after consuming crime-based content will decrease.


Reporting Pearson correlation of physical effects with anxiety:

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and sweaty palms was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1=0.095, P1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and tense muscles was a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R2=-0.015, P2>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and drop in body temperature was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically significant (R3=0.184, P3<0.05). Which means those who have anxiety will experience drop in body temperature when they will consume crime-based content. The more their anxiety will increase chances of dropping of body temperature will increase.

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and spike in blood pressure was a very low positive correlation and statistically significant (R4=0.158, P4<0.05). Which means those who suffer from anxiety will experience spike in blood pressure when they will consume crime-based content. The more their anxiety will increase chances of spike in blood pressure will increase w.r.t when they consume crime-based content.

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and increased heart rate was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R5=-0.044, P5>0.05)

• Pearson product correlation between anxiety and sleep deprivation was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R6=0.079, P6>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation between anxiety and brain fog was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R7=0.270, P7<0.05). Which means those who suffer from anxiety will experience brain fog when they will consume crime-based content. The more their anxiety will increase chances of brain fog will increase w.r.t when they consume crimebased content.

Reporting Pearson correlation of psychological effects with age:

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and lack of trust was markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.1=-0.040, P1.1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and paranoia was a very low positive correlation and statistically significant (R1.2=0.168, P1.2<0.05). Which means as the anxiety of the respondent will increase, the chances of getting paranoid will increase when they consume crime-based content.

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and anxiety was found to be low positive correlation and statistically significant (R1.3=0.136, P1.3<0.05). Anxiety will increase when the respondents will consume crime-based content

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and insomnia was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically significant (R1.4=0.256, P1.4<0.05). Which means as the anxiety of the respondents will increase chances of getting insomnia will also increase w.r.t consumption of crime-based content

• Pearson product correlation of anxiety and aggressive behaviour was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically significant (R1.5=0.160, P1.5<0.05). Which means as the anxiety of the respondents will increase the aggressive behaviour will also increase w.r.t consumption of crime based content.

Findings: Due to consumption crime news those who suffer from anxiety will have physical effects (drop in body temperature, spike in blood pressure and brain fog) and psychological effects (paranoia, anxiety, insomnia and aggressive behaviour)


Reporting Pearson correlation of physical effects with overthinking:

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and sweaty palms was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1=0.022, P1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and tense muscles was a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R2=0.023, P2>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and drop in body temperature was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R3=0.120, P3>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and spike in blood pressure was a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R4=0.033, P4>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and increased heart rate was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R5=-0.033, P5>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation between overthinking and sleep deprivation was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically significant (R6=0.162, P6<0.05). Which means as the overthinking will increase, sleep deprivation will also increase w.r.t consumption of crime-based content

• Pearson product correlation between overthinking and brain fog was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R7=0.210, P7<0.05). Which means as the overthinking will increase brain fog will also increase w.r.t consumption of crime-based content.

Reporting Pearson correlation of psychological effects with age:

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and lack of trust was markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.1=-0.033, P1.1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and paranoia was a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.2=0.101, P1.2>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and overthinking was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.3=0.075, P1.3 >0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and insomnia was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically significant (R1.4=0.185, P1.4<0.05). Which means as the overthinking of the respondents will increase, insomnia will also increase w.r.t consumption of crime-based content.

• Pearson product correlation of overthinking and aggressive behaviour was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.5=0.147, P1.5>0.05).

Findings: Due to consumption crime news those who are prone to overthinking will have physical effects (sleep deprivation and brain fog) and psychological effects (insomnia).


• Pearson product correlation of introversion and sweaty palms was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1=0.071, P1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of introversion and tense muscles was a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R2= 0.043, P2>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of introversion and drop in body temperature was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically significant (R3= 0.214, P3<0.05). Which means as the introversion level will increase, chances of drop in body temperature will also increase.

• Pearson product correlation of introversion and spike in blood pressure was a very low positive correlation and statistically significant (R4=0.174, P4<0.05). Which means as the introversion will increase, spike in blood pressure will also increase w.r.t consumption of crime-based content.

• Pearson product correlation of introversion and increased heart rate was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R5=-0.050, P5>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation between introversion and sleep deprivation was found to be a markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R6=-0.007, P6>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation between introversion and brain fog was found to be a very low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R7=-0.113, P7>0.05).

Reporting Pearson correlation of psychological effects with introversion

• Pearson product correlation of introversion and lack of trust was markedly low negative correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.1=-0.027, P1.1>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of introversion and paranoia was a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.2=0.061, P1.2>0.05.

• Pearson product correlation of introversion and anxiety was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.3=0.072, P1.3>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of introversion and insomnia was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.4=0.062, P1.4>0.05).

• Pearson product correlation of introversion and aggressive behaviour was found to be a markedly low positive correlation and statistically insignificant (R1.5=0.079, P1.5>0.05).

Findings: Due to consumption crime news those who are prone to introversion will have physical effects (spike in blood pressure and drop in body temperature) and no psychological effects (Table 21).

Table 21. Represents the relation between gender and education and physical and psychological reactions.

Physical reaction and psychological effects Gender Education level
Pearson Chi- square χ(1) Asymptotic significance (2- sided) {p} Pearson Chi- square χ(1) Asymptotic significance (2-sided) {p}
Physical reaction (Sweaty palms) (R1) 2.195 0.334 5.918 0.432
Physical reaction (Tense Muscle) (R2) 1.393 0.498 3.282 0.773
Physical reaction (Drop-in body temp) (R3) 0.506 0.777 1.837 0.934
Physical reaction (spike in blood pressure) (R4) 2.142 0.343 8.575 0.199
Physical reaction (Increased heart rate) (R5) 0.069 0.966 17.893 0.007
Physical reaction (Sleep deprivation) (R6) 2.352 0.308 13.337 0.038
Physical reaction (Brain Fog) (R7) 0.468 0.791 11.328 0.079
Psychological reaction (Lack of trust) (R1.1) 5.365 0.68 9.893 0.129
Psychological reaction (Paranoia) (R1.2) 6.004 0.05 16.494 0.011
Psychological reaction (Anxiety) (R1.3) 9.847 0.007 14.793 0.022
Psychological reactions (Insomnia) (R1.4) 2.841 0.242 2.878 0.824
Psychological reactions (Aggressive Behaviour) (R1.5) 8.941 0.011 4.664 0.588

Chi-square test was used to determine the association between the gender of the respondent and the physical and psychological effects of consuming crime-based content.


• The result of the Chi squared test of association shows that there is a significant association between gender and anxiety (R1.3) χ (1) (df=2, N=166)=9.847, p=0.007. Which means gender plays a significant role in development of anxiety due to consumption of crime-based content.

• The Chi squared test of association also shows that there is a significant association between gender and aggressive behaviour (R1.3) χ (1) (df=2, N=166)=9.847, p=Which means gender plays a significant role in development of aggressive behaviour due to consumption of crime-based content.

• Other than that, there is no significant association between gender and having physical or psychological effects on the person while consuming crime-based content.

Findings: Gender have significant role in development of psychological effects (anxiety and aggressive behaviour) due to consumption of crime-based content.

Education level

The result of the Chi squared test of association shows that there is a significant association between education level and increase in heart beat (R5) χ (1) (df=6, N=166)=17.893, p=0.007. Which m eans educational background plays a significant role in respondent’s reaction of increase in heartbeat due to consumption of crime based content.

• The chi squared test of association also shows that there is a significant association between education level and increase in sleep deprivation (R6) χ (1) (df=6, N=166)=13.337, p=0.038. Which means educational background plays a significant role in respondent’s reaction of sleep deprivation due to consumption of crime-based content.

• The chi squared test of association also shows that there is a significant association between education level and increase in sleep deprivation (R1.2) χ (1) (df=6, N=166)=13.337, p=0.038. Which means educational background plays a significant role in respondent getting paranoid due to consumption of crime-based content.

• Other than that, there is no significant association between level of education and having physical or psychological effects on the person while consuming crime-based content.

Findings: Educational background have significant role in development of physical (increase in heart beat and sleep deprivation) and psychological effects (paranoia) due to consumption of crime-based content.

Objective: To study the association between consumption pattern of the respondents and effects (physical effects and psychological effects) of crime news and crime shows.

The correlation between the consumption pattern (time spent on screen, watching crime genre) and physical (sweaty palms, tense muscles, drop in body temperature, a spike in blood pressure, increased heart rate and sleep deprivation) and psychological effects (lack of trust, paranoia, anxiety, insomnia, short-tempered, cynicism and desensitization) on the respondents due to consumption of crime news/shows (Table 22).

Table 22. Represents the association between consumption pattern and its effects.

Physical reaction and psychological effects Time spent watching crime Preferred time to watch Viewing preference
Pearson Chi- square χ(1) Asymptotic significance (2-sided) {p} Pearson Chi- square χ(1) Asymptotic significance (2-sided) {p} Pearson Chi- square χ(1) Asymptotic significance (2-sided) {p}
Physical reaction (Sweaty palms) (R1) 5.075 0.534 6.533 0.366 0.586 0.746
Physical reaction (Tense Muscle) (R2) 8.536 0.201 15.073 0.02 1.368 0.505
Physical reaction (Drop-in body temp) (R3) 13.375 0.037 8.515 0.203 0.775 0.679
Physical reaction (spike in blood pressure) (R4) 4.358 0.628 4.344 0.63 1.195 0.55
Physical reaction  (Increased heart rate) R5
21.542 0.001 9.941 0.127 1.827 0.401
Physical reaction (Sleep deprivation) (R6) 16.623 0.011 2.521 0.866 0.768 0.681
Physical reaction (Brain Fog) (R7) 10.749 0.096 6.675 0.352 2.147 0.342
Psychological reaction (Lack of trust) (R1.1) 8.849 0.182 4.253 0.643 2.222 0.329
Psychological reaction (Paranoia) (R1.2) 2.278 0.892 5.161 0.523 1.97 0.373
Psychological reaction (Anxiety) (R1.3) 12.208 0.057 3.808 0.703 0.192 0.373
Psychological reactions (Insomnia) (R1.4) 8.663 0.193 4.14 0.658 1.534 0.464
Psychological reactions (Aggressive Behaviour) (R1.5) 14.662 0.023 4.66 0.588 1.497 0.473

Chi-square test was used to determine the association (if any) between the consumption pattern (time respondents spends watching crime-based content, preferred time to watch and how they prefer to watch) and its physical and psychological effects

Time spent watching crime

The result of the Chi squared test of association shows that there is a significant association between time spent on watching crimebased content and drop in body temperature (R3) χ (1) (df=6, N=166)=13.375, p=0.037. Which means amount of time spent plays a significant role in drop of body temperature in the respondent’s body.

The result of the Chi squared test of association shows that there is a significant association between time spent on watching crime content and increase in heart beat (R5) χ (1) (df=6, N=166)=21.542, p=0.001. Which means the amount of time spent plays a significant role in increase in heartbeat of the respondent.

The Chi squared test of association also shows that there is a significant association between time spent on watching crime content and sleep deprivation (R5) χ (1) (df=6, N=166)=16.623, p=0.011.

Which means time spent plays a significant role in sleep deprivation in respondents.

The test also shows significant association between time spent on watching crime content and aggressive behaviour (R1.5) χ (1) (df=6, N=166)=14.662, p=0.023. Which means time spent plays a significant role in aggressive behaviour in respondents.

Other than that, there is no significant association between time spent on watching and having physical or psychological effects on the person while consuming crime-based content.

Findings: Time spent on screen watching crime-based content have significant role in development of physical (drop in body temperature, increase in heart beat and sleep deprivation) and psychological effects (aggressive behaviour) due to consumption of crime-based content.

Preferred time to watch: The test also shows significant association between time you watch crime content and tense muscles {[R2] χ (1) (df=6, N=166)=15.073, p=0.020. Which means the time the respondent prefers to watch crime-based content plays a significant role in getting tensed muscles.

Other than that, there is no significant association between time you watch crime-based content and its physical or psychological effects on the person

Findings: The time the respondent prefers to watch crime-based content plays a significant role in getting tensed muscles.

Viewing preference: The above table tells us that none of the values of p<0.05, which means there is no statistically significant association between how respondent prefers to watch and having a physical or psychological reactions while consuming crime genrebased content

Findings: There is no association between viewing preference and effects due to consumption crime-based content (Table 23).

Table 23. Represents the impact of consumption of crime-based content on society.

 S. no  Crime-based content on society Chi-square2) Asymptotic significance (p)
1 Encourages dark side of human nature 27.771 <0.01
2 Creates a scared society 18.88 <0.01
3 Reduces faith in law and order 18.699 <0.01
4 People hesitate to help strangers 104.976 <0.01
5 People don’t feel safe to go out at night 115.53 <0.01

Table 23, represents the impact of consumption of crime-based content on society according to the respondents.

• Since the value of χ2=27.771, p<0.05, hence, we reject the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news and crime shows encourages the dark side of human

• Since the value of χ2=18.880, p<0.05, hence, we reject the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news and shows creates a scared society.

• Since the value of χ2=18.699, p<0.05, hence, we reject the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news and shows reduces faith of people in law and order.

• Since the value of χ2=104.976, p<0.05, hence, we reject the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news and shows increases the chances of people being hesitant to help strangers.

• Since the value of χ2=115.530, p<0.05, hence, we reject the null hypothesis which means that according to the respondents, crime news and shows makes people to be scared to go out at night as it they feel it is not safe.

Findings: Due to exposure to crime-based content, the respondents believes that our society is affected in various ways like scared society, less faith in law and order etc.


The research focus is the outcome of a popular belief that crime news affects us because of its nature but how they will affect us that we don’t know or we know but we choose to ignore it. In this study, I have analysed various factors of the crime news and the real-world blues which was categories into physical and psychological effects category. The study was behavioural study and by including these effects I have tried to analyse all the possible reactions one can have may it be media practitioners or our audiences.

Reporters are the main content providers of news apart from the news agency. Among the reporters, the crime reporters are those who provide the newsroom with spot stories and interesting incidences of violence, which get prominence as they are more click bait and sensational and in this age of digitalisation for more likes journalists are subjected to crime stories for sensationalism. Thus, it was but natural to understand what are the behavioural effects on crime reporters. Here are my key findings in case of media practitioners:

• Demographics (age and gender) have no significant relation with physical or psychological effects on the crime beat journalists.

• Work profile (experience in crime beat and platform) of the journalist have a significant relation with physical or psychological effects due to coverage of crime beat.

• When a journalist is working on crime story their driving force is search for justice and inner satisfaction.

• Due to increase in crime, the respondents believes that our society is affected in various ways like scared citizens, lack of confidence or reduction in civil participation.

Our media effects theory states that over exposure will have impact on the behaviour but they do not specify what kind of effects can occur on the audiences or who are more prone to these effects. If we have answers to these questions maybe we could help those who are the most affected ones. We this study, we answer to those questions. During the data collection, we have focused on every stratum of society to get better understanding of who will be affected in what way. Here we try to understand what kind of behavioural impact the audience will experience due to consumption of crimebased content. The impact is divided into two categories-physical and psychological. Here are my key findings of the study in case of audiences:

• Demographics (age, gender and educational background) have significant relation with physical or psychological effects on the audience.

• Psychographic profiles (anxiety, overthinking and introversion) have significant relation with physical or psychological effects on the audience.

• Consumption pattern of the respondents (time spent on screen and what they watch it) have significant relation with physical or psychological effects on the audience.

• Due to exposure to crime-based content, the respondents believes that our society is affected in various ways like scared society, less faith in law and order etc.

Suggestions for further study: The limitation of the study was data collected for the media practitioners was very low, future researchers can focus on this and they could add other possible effects both physical and psychological.


I take this opportunity to thank everybody who helped me throughout the process of shaping this particular piece of study. I express immense gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Mohanmeet Khosla for her constant support and guidance for the duration of this dissertation. Her expertise and insightful feedback were a perpetual source of inspiration and the major driving force for me to keep improving and completing this dissertation.

I would also like to thank the Chairperson, Prof. Sumedha Singh, as well as the staff members of the School of Communication Studies, Panjab University for allowing me to showcase my research skills and providing me with every possible aid I would require to complete this project. Each word of encouragement has been vital to the development of this study. I also would like to thank Dr Chhavi Garg, Assistant Professor Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies, the Central University of Punjab for the guidance and encouragement in completing this dissertation.

At last, I acknowledge the help that was rendered to me by my family and friends, throughout the stages of this dissertation. They have been a pillar of strength on my tough days and my biggest cheerleaders during the time I became doubtful of my abilities.


I hereby certify that the dissertation entitled “Crime news and realworld blues: A behavioural study of media practitioners and audiences” by Arshpreet Kaur, University Roll No. 07 in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Master’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication submitted in the School of Communication Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh is an authentic record of my work carried out under the supervision of Prof Mohanmeet Khosla.


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