Crystalline Graphitic Carbon Nitride Sheet use in Electronic Transport and Devices

Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems

ISSN: 2332-0796

Open Access

Perspective - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 4

Crystalline Graphitic Carbon Nitride Sheet use in Electronic Transport and Devices

Jimmy Karl*
*Correspondence: Jimmy Karl, Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado, USA, Email:
Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado, USA

Received: 02-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. jees-22-68778; Editor assigned: 05-Apr-2022, Pre QC No. P-68778; Reviewed: 12-Apr-2022, QC No. Q-68778; Revised: 15-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. R-68778; Published: 22-Apr-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2332-0796.2022.11.20
Citation: Karl, Jimmy. “Crystalline Graphitic Carbon Nitride Sheet use in Electronic Transport and Devices.” J Electr Electron Syst 11 (2022): 20.
Copyright: © 2022 Karl J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Graphitic carbon nitride is a prospective contender for use as a metalfree functional material since it demonstrates semiconducting characteristics. Low out-of-plane and high in-plane resistivity are anisotropic features that are caused by electronic transport in, which is dependent on the crystal orientation. We looked at a top-gate device with in-plane transport properties, a heterojunction diode with out-of-plane transport capabilities, and a Scotty barrier diode with a turn-on voltage of and an estimated series resistance and barrier height at the interface of and, the Scotty contact demonstrated rectifying behaviour [1]. With a small insulator-based van der Waals gap at the interface and a turn-on voltage that belonged to a type-II band alignment with a staggered gap, the device, which consists of a film and a hexagonal silicon carbide substrate, induces tunnelling transport.


The realisation of the normally off switch that makes use of the intrinsic transport characteristics and a straightforward device structure was demonstrated in the carrier transport control, which was performed by the top gate device with a film gate dielectric and was only possible when the negative bias voltage was applied along the direction [2]. Due to the distinct properties of the individual constituent elements, optoelectronic devices based on layered materials, such as graphene and transition metal chalcogenides, have novel physical and/or chemical characteristics that are significant for the development of devices in both academic and industrial fields [3]. Applications that make use of devices with layered materials include light emission or detection and charge carrier exciton transport. Semiconducting devices that have been developed with carrier transport along the in-plane direction include field effect transistors and diodes of junctions. It has also been looked into vertical Scotty barrier diodes along the out-of-plane transport direction. These experiments, which took into account the anisotropic carrier transport features of layered materials, are fascinating topics for applications including flexible, transparent, two-dimensional and two-point five-dimensional devices.

The non-toxic functional material graphitic carbon nitride has drawn a lot of interest because it can be used in metal-free photo catalysis [4]. It is also thought of as a novel semiconductor material with a bandgap energy that can be used in optoelectronics. However, because powdered amorphous or polycrystalline materials have been created in most cases, investigations on the application of in the field of optoelectronics have been less numerous than those on its usage in photo catalytic applications. An in-plane crystal structure with low inversion symmetry, for instance, has been used to study the piezoelectric property [5]. The optical absorption edge and carrier dynamics were also determined by realising a photoconductive property of the film. Additionally, it has been suggested that substitutional atoms be used to alter the energy bandgap, just like typical semiconductor alloys do. The synthesis of an alloy with incorporation was proven; the alloy's luminescence colour changed from blue to almost ultraviolet. As a promising semiconductor material for cutting edge optoelectronic devices. A highly organised crystalline film was recently created via thermal chemical vapour deposition the structure is made up of a stack of layers, each with a hexagonal network and anomalous holes surrounding by heptane units.


The layered structure of the film demonstrated low and high resistivity along out-of-plane and in-plane directions, respectively. As is the case with other layered materials, the process of carrier transport along the out-ofplane direction comprises hopping between each layer. It was anticipated that carriers would localise around the atoms of the anomalous entire edge along the direction. It is intriguing that the inherent qualities of the crystal structure affect transport characteristics, as opposed to the behaviour of normal layered materials.


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