Research Article - (2023) Volume 13, Issue 1
Received: 02-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. jtese-23- 89650;
Editor assigned: 04-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. P- 89650;
Reviewed: 17-Jan-2023, QC No. Q- 89650;
Revised: 21-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. R- 89650;
, DOI: 10.37421/2165-8064.2023.13.525
Citation: Thangeswaran, P, P. Chandra Kumar, R.R. Nagul Prasad and S. Gowtham. “Design and Development of Composites Based on Basalt/Aramid Fibers for High Temperature Applications.” J Textile Sci Eng 13 (2023): 525.
Copyright: © 2023 Thangeswaran P, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Composite materials are typical engineering materials that are designed and produced for a variety of purposes in consumer products, the marine and oil sectors, sports goods, aircraft parts, and automotive components. The global market for composite materials is expanding due to the use of lightweight components. Steel and aluminum were replaced with composite materials that performed better. This makes the discovery of novel materials possible by fusing several components into a composite structure. Although rising nations will create a new reality as they enter the composites fray, the increasing rivalry will result in quickly evolving and complicated marketplaces. The global composite materials industry is growing quickly. Since composite materials have significantly reduced weight, they are utilized for structural applications and parts of all spacecraft and aircraft, from combat planes to the space shuttle and passenger jets to gliders and hot air balloon gondolas. The design of high-performance, cost-effective aircraft will be aided by the creation of next-generation composite materials that are lightweight and resistant to high temperatures. Creating composite materials based on nano filler epoxy resins to create structural aeronautic components that effectively guard against lightning strikes. The preparation of the epoxy matrix involves combining a tetra functional epoxy precursor with a reactive diluent, which lowers the moisture content and speeds up the dispersion of the nano filler. The reactive diluent also proves to be beneficial for improving the curing degree of nano filler epoxy composites. Evaluation of the performance of 100% Basalt, 100% Aramid, and Basalt and Aramid fabric follows development and testing of the relative mechanical characteristics. Using finite element analysis, epoxy hybrid composites are employed in aerospace applications and are compared to other composite materials now available for usage in passenger aircraft.
Light weight • Polymer matrix • Reinforcement • Resistance • FRP • Layers • Static strength • Torsion strength
The aerospace industry's unceasing drive to increase the performance of military and commercial aircraft drives the continuous improvement of high performance structural materials. One such type of materials is composite materials that are important in both modern and future aircraft parts. Due to their high strength and stiffness-to-density ratios, as well as their exceptional physical qualities, composite materials are particularly appealing for use in aviation and aerospace applications. However, shorter assembly times must be balanced against the longer amount of time that will likely be required to create the component in the first place. For composites that need to be lightweight and have great damage tolerance, aramid fibers are a must. These fibers are used as reinforcement in a wide range of composite products due to their strength, stiffness, and dimensional stability. Kevlar's weak compressive strength-causing fiber structure may be exploited to your benefit in hybrid composite systems. Hybrid composites are often created by reinforcing two or more components with a single matrix. Due to its mechanical qualities and resistance to environmental deterioration, epoxy resin is among the top performing resins. Epoxy resin is employed in advanced composite applications because it demonstrated strong adherence to the implanted fiber. The alternative option in this review is basalt fiber, an inorganic fiber with very good qualities that is combined with Kevlar for creating hybrid composites to overcome the drawbacks and also to increase properties compared to both fibers’ separate properties. The first attempts to make basalt fiber were made in the United States in 1923, and following World War II, more research was done. For military and aeronautical applications, researchers in the USA, Europe, and Soviet Union carried out this work. Basalt fibers are becoming more popular due to their high strength, superior chemical resistance, nontoxic nature, low cost, and simplicity of processing.
Chemistry of fibers
Aramid fiber (kevlar): Kevlar is a polymer, which means it is composed of several instances of the same building block, known as a monomer, which are joined together to form a long chain (Figure 1). In this case the monomer is made up of an amide group and a phenyl group. Kevlar which is a type of synthetic polymer is a trade name of DuPont’s Para-amide fiber, in which the amide groups are separated by Para phenylene groups, which means that the amide groups are attached to each other on opposite sides of the phenyl group (i.e. carbons 1 and 4) (Figure 2) shows the structure of Kevlar polymer.
Basalt fiber: Chemically speaking, basalt is abundant in silicon, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium oxides, as well as traces of alumina. The total percentage distribution of basalt's chemical makeup Geographical distribution affects the chemical composition. Basalt makes up to 33% of the earth's crust, hence it is abundant. Basalt powder is ground into a fine powder and heated to a glassy molten state between 1500 and 1700°C to create basalt fibers, which are subsequently extruded into thin threads. Basalt fiber is visible in (Figure 3).
Composites in aerospace applications: The aerospace industry's unceasing drive to increase the performance of military and commercial aircraft drives the continuous improvement of high performance structural materials. Composite materials are a type of material that is used extensively in both present-day and future aerospace components. Due to their high strength and stiffness-to-density ratios, as well as their exceptional physical qualities, composite materials are particularly appealing for use in aviation and aerospace applications. In a tough resin matrix, somewhat stiff, strong fibers make up a composite material. Both wood and bone are made of natural composite materials: cellulose fibers in a lignin matrix make up wood, while hydroxyapatite particles in a collagen matrix make up bone. Carbonand glass-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP and GFRP, respectively), which are more well-known artificial composite materials used in the aerospace and other industries, are composed of stiff and strong (for their densities) but brittle carbon and glass fibers and a polymer matrix that is tough but not particularly stiff or strong. To put it simply, a composite material with the majority or all of the advantages (high strength, stiffness, toughness, and low density) is generated with few or none of the weaknesses of the individual component materials when components with complimentary features are combined in this manner [1,2].
Composites interphase: A composite interphase is the space between a fiber and a matrix that possesses properties that are distinct from those of the fiber and the matrix [S]. The interactions between the different components of composite materials are reflected in how they behave mechanically. A load applied to a fiber-reinforced composite transfers between the matrix and the fiber through their interphase. The strength of the composite is increased by a strong interphase, which encourages larger. The failure mode of the composite is also influenced by the interphase's state. On the up degrees of adhesion, matrix fractures serve as the catalyst for failure none the less, with lower adhesion values. The fiber-matrix interface experiences failure. Increasing interfacial adhesion can enhance polymeric composites' off-axis characteristics, including interlaminar shear and transverse strength as well as environmental stability. However, a low degree of fiber-matrix adhesion is preferred for some applications, such as fracture toughness. Generally speaking, the ideal interphase state depends on the specific application and its anticipated loads [3-5].
Fiber matrix interface: The fibers are given a surface treatment during production to facilitate adhesion with the polymer matrix, whether it be thermosetting (epoxy, polyester, phenolic, or polyimide resins) or thermoplastic (polypropylene, Nylon 6.6, PMMA, PEEK). The fiber surface is chemically etched to make it rougher, and then it is coated with a suitable size to help it adhere to the designated matrix. The capacity of the matrix to support the fibers (needed for strong compression strength) and give outof- plane strength is, in many cases, equally significant. Composite tensile strength is largely a function of fiber characteristics. A system with a wellbalanced set of attributes is what the material supplier seeks to offer. Improved lamina or laminate qualities can result from better fiber and matrix properties, but the crucial area of the fiber-matrix interface must not be overlooked. The interface is required to transmit the load from the matrix to the reinforcement. In order to give the composite its high strength and stiffness, fibers must be tightly attached to the matrix. The features of the interface also have an impact on a composite's resistance to creep, fatigue, and environmental deterioration. In these situations, the link between attributes and interface characteristics is typically complicated, necessitating the use of analytical/ numerical models backed by substantial experimental data [5].
Fabrication of composites: The fabrication platform was a glass plate that had been treated with a releasing agent. The release agent-coated glass plate was covered with a stack of the reinforcing fabric preforms, which were then covered by a peel ply and a resin distribution medium, respectively. Using double-sided tape, a vacuum bag film was used to cover the whole setup. After that, a resin flow helped by vacuum saturated the textiles. For 8 hours, the vacuum was operated at 700 mm Hg. Composite laminates were then allowed to post-cure at room temperature. Ten layers of cloth were stacked to create all of the composite laminates. The falsehood replacement of aramid fabric layers with basalt fabric layers resulted in composite laminates, beginning with aramid fiber reinforced composite laminate and ending with basalt fiber reinforced composite laminate Twos. Eight aramid and two basalt fabric layers were stacked in various orders to create the symmetric hybrid composite laminates. The initial letter of the reinforcing material, followed by the number of layers, served as the designation for the composite laminate configurations. The initial letters "H" and "S," respectively, are used to abbreviate the asymmetric and symmetric hybrid designs (Figure 4). Displays the stacking patterns and acronyms for the created laminate structures. Provides a summary of the created composite laminates' thickness, density, and fiber volume fraction data utilized. All tests were conducted in a normal humidity environment at ambient temperature [6,7].
Ceramic matrix composites to aero-engine components: One of the cutting-edge materials that has been recognized as a crucial material system for enhancing the thrust-to-weight ratio of high-performance aviation engines is ceramic matrix composites (CMCs). More and more gas turbine designers are taking CMCs into consideration. High performance, light weight, low emission, low noise, and low life cycle cost are criteria for aero-engines. In order to boost performance, aero-engines must have a higher thrust-toweight ratio (T/W), which means that the temperature of the turbine intake must rise (TIT). There are different specifications for subsonic transportation than there are for supersonic, hypersonic, and space planes [8].
Advanced composites in aerospace engineering: Composites are hybrid materials created by fusing two or more components together in order to take use of each component's strengths. Fiber-reinforced polymer composites (FRPs), which were created by adding fibrous materials to various matrices (such as polymeric, ceramic, and metallic ones), are now receiving a lot of interest in the aerospace engineering community. Composite material use in the modern aerospace sector has grown by more than 50%. In the aerospace industry, composite materials have been used in both primary and secondary structural components, such as the castings for rocket motors, Radames, antenna dishes, engine nacelles, horizontal and vertical stabilizers, center wing boxes, aircraft wings, pressure bulkheads, landing gear doors, engine cowls, floor beams, tall cones, flap track panels, and so on [8].
Lightweight: Compared to metals, FRPs weigh a lot less. There is a tremendous desire to lighten aircraft structures in order to gain significant fuel savings in the context of addressing the rising cost of fuels. The weight of aero plane structures was reduced by more than 30% as a result of the usage of composite materials. Additionally, less fuel use will contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
High static strength should be a requirement for composite materials utilized in aircraft constructions. Due to wind shear and other strong transient forces, some structural components, such as aircraft wings, should be able to withstand severe stresses.
Another crucial need for composites used in aircraft engineering is good fatigue performance. The fatigue performance of aircraft structures has a significant impact on their lifespan. Aerospace structures with good fatigue qualities last longer, need less maintenance, cost less, and are safer.
Composites used in aircraft engineering should also have excellent damage tolerance and fracture toughness. The buildings should not break suddenly as a result of fractures and defects that are already existent.
High-impact energy is yet another crucial need for aerospace composites to withstand various forms of rapid impacts (e.g., bird strikes, foreign objects, etc.).
Aerospace composites must offer electromagnetic wave protection.
A crucial criterion for aerospace composites is multifunctionality. In addition to being resistant to lightning strikes, hail, corrosive environments (such as fluids like jet fuel, lubricants, and paint strippers), and improved fire, smoke, and toxicity performance, composites should offer excellent dimensional stability under a wide range of temperatures (starting from freezing to high temperatures).
Another crucial need for composite materials used in aircraft is structural health monitoring (SHM). This is required for online damage monitoring of aircraft structures in order to carry out maintenance tasks on time. As a result, the cost of maintenance would go down and aeronautical structures' safety would increase.
Accessibility of low-cost, straightforward design and production methods, as well as trustworthy analytical and forecasting tools.
All of the fore mentioned requirements can be met by the sophisticated composites of today. Additionally, composite materials require fewer joints and rivets than do metals, which increases aircraft dependability and reduces the risk of structural fatigue cracks [9,10].
Use of composites in aircraft design: About 40 years ago, the skins of the empennages of the American F14 and F15 fighters were made of boronreinforced epoxy composite, one of the earliest applications of contemporary composite materials. Composite materials were first exclusively employed in secondary structures, but as understanding and advancement of the materials have developed, so too has their employment in fundamental structures like wings and fuselages. The airframes of various aircraft that employ a large quantity of composite materials are included in the following table. Initially, only a very modest amount of composite materials was employed in manufacturing two percent, for instance, in the F15. However, the proportion has significantly increased, going from 19% in the F18 to 24% in the F22. Because less airframe weight results in higher fuel efficiency and thus decreases operating costs, the use of composite materials in commercial transport aircraft is appealing. The rudder of the A300 and A310, as well as the vertical tail fin, were made of composite material for the first time in a substantial way by Airbus in 1983 and 1985, respectively. In the latter instance, the composite fin's weight and production cost were decreased by reducing the 2,000 pieces (excluding fasteners) of the metal fin to less than 100. Later, the elevator of the A310 was constructed with a honeycomb core and CFRP faceplates. In order to increase payload capacity and overall performance, composite materials are also employed in helicopters due to their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. In the 1950s, Boeing Vertol employed composite materials for rotorcraft fairings, and in the 1970s, it produced the first composite rotor blades. Many contemporary helicopters, particularly the V22 tilt-rotor aircraft, which contains almost 50% composite material by weight, utilize composites in important structural components. In the construction of helicopters, the formability of composites has proved particularly advantageous in reducing the number of component components and, consequently, cost (Figure 5).
Sample preparation
Parameters required:
Temperature - Room temp
Time-5,10 and 15 min
Pressure-10,20,30 kg/cm2 (Figure 6).
Optimized sample
(Table 1).
Fibre Material | Aramid Fibre/Basalt Fibre |
Resin | Epoxy |
Blend Proportion | 70:30:00 |
Temperature | Room Temperature |
Duration | 10 min |
Pressure | 30(kg/cm2) |
No.of Layers | 10 |
Composite Production Method | Fiber reinforced composite |
A multiscale analysis on the bonding effectiveness of composite bonded concrete reinforced with aramid, basalt, and carbon fibers has been reported. It may be said that high temperatures considerably worsen the integrity of FRP-bonded concrete. Notably, high temperatures, up to 300° C, can cause AFRP-bonded concrete to lose more than 55% of its peel and shear interface fracture toughness. bond performance deterioration brought on by hot temperatures. There is no doubt that so-called "standard" metallic materials and their derivatives play a crucial role in aircraft constructions and the numerous applications in which they are used. They are always being developed and enhanced to give ever-increasing performance. However, there is no denying that composite materials will play a bigger part as knowledge and understanding advance since the vast advantages that composites provide have not yet been completely realized. This function will grow as human creativity discovers more and more diversified applications for composite materials, in addition to the increased performance of the materials themselves.
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