Design Perspectives and Validation Results for Framework of Prediabetes Self-Care System

Journal of Health & Medical Informatics

ISSN: 2157-7420

Open Access

Perspective - (2022) Volume 13, Issue 10

Design Perspectives and Validation Results for Framework of Prediabetes Self-Care System

Suthashini Subramaniam*
*Correspondence: Suthashini Subramaniam, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Malaysia, Tel: +9232767784, Email:
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Malaysia

Received: 05-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. JHMI-22-78054; Editor assigned: 07-Oct-2022, Pre QC No. P-78054; Reviewed: 10-Oct-2022, QC No. Q-78054; Revised: 15-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. R-78054; Published: 20-Oct-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2157-7420.2022.13.443
Citation: Subramaniam, Suthashini. “Design Perspectives and Validation Results for Framework of Prediabetes Self-Care System.” J Health Med Informat 13 (2022): 443.
Copyright: © 2022 Subramaniam S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Diabetes is characterized as a non-transferable sickness that influences an enormous number of individuals. Type 2 diabetes (T2D) not entirely settled to be made by the body's failure use insulin really, and it influences by far most of people with diabetes. Forestalling T2D is a fundamental stage in forestalling persistent diseases. T2D might be kept away from during the prediabetes stage by altering one's eating routine and way of life. As of late, the quantity of individuals determined to have T2D has risen decisively. Prediabetes is a phase of diabetes wherein the blood glucose level is raised above ordinary however not sufficiently high to be analyzed as diabetes. T2D might be kept away from or postponed as of now by noticing a sound eating regimen and expanded active work [1]. Human way of behaving is basic in laying out a sound eating routine and way of life.


At the point when positive way of behaving is imbued, a new, better propensity for a superior life then creates. Diet, expanded active work, and conduct treatment are the three basic parts of way of life change. Innovative work endeavors are generally centered on the plan and advancement of diabetes the executive’s frameworks instead of diabetes avoidance. Diabetes the board frameworks are planned for the individuals who have previously been determined to have diabetes, while diabetes anticipation frameworks are intended for individuals who have not yet been determined to have diabetes yet are at the gamble of creating it [2]. Existing diabetes taking care of oneself frameworks experience difficulties in persuading people with prediabetes to make useful way of life and dietary changes. These frameworks were not created by medical care experts or scholastics and don't consolidate conduct change speculations, bringing about unfortunate diabetes control adherence and impractical mediation use.

A framework turns out to be less powerful on the off chance that there is insignificant responsibility from the objective clients. Inspiring client needs from designated clients is basic for planning effective medical services frameworks to support proceeded with utilization of any medical services intercession and proposition excellent therapy to shoppers [3]. Considering that many individuals with prediabetes don't treat their circumstances in a serious way or miss the mark on self-inspiration or information to make the important conduct changes, it is hence basic to accumulate medical services experts' points of view on the fundamental capabilities to remember for a T2D counteraction framework [4].

Counteraction of T2D is conceivable with appropriate eating regimen and way of life alteration at the prediabetes stage. Advanced innovation empowers wellbeing purchasers to forestall or defer diabetes by connecting with them in taking care of one undertaking through mediations that cultivate conduct change toward better wellbeing. In this review, we proposed an original structure for taking care of oneself frameworks produced for prediabetes and planned a model called I-PreventDiabetes designated at wellbeing customers, which was very much acknowledged by individuals with prediabetes [5].


Our review has shown that people with prediabetes can be enabled to bring down their blood glucose levels by furnishing them with mediations that permit them to adjust their ways of life. The outcomes exhibit that the I-PreventDiabetes system and application is attainable to advance conduct change among people with prediabetes. Through this application, clients understand that their wellbeing control comes from inside themselves and not from others, nor occurs by some coincidence. The application was likewise observed to be helpful and simple to utilize. Clients are propelled to decidedly utilize the application and experienced it. Generally speaking, the outcomes propose that I-PreventDiabetes can possibly ingrain the right way of behaving among individuals with prediabetes to alter their way of life and abstain from food to forestall T2D.


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