Editorial Highlights on Dental Fluorosis

Oral Health Case Reports

ISSN: 2471-8726

Open Access

Short Communication - (2020) Volume 6, Issue 3

Editorial Highlights on Dental Fluorosis

Amine Keyal*
*Correspondence: Amine Keyal, College of Dentistry, New York University, New York, USA, Email:
College of Dentistry, New York University, New York, USA

Received: 07-Aug-2020 Published: 19-Aug-2020
Citation: Amine Keyal. “Highlights on Dental Fluorosis”. Oral Heath Case Rep 6 (2020): 1-2.
Copyright: © 2020 Keyal A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Editorial Note

Journal of Oral Health case report commemorates its decade long service to the scientific community by consistently publishing peer-reviewed articles and tracking the progress and significant advancements in the field of Dentistry and oral health. Ever since its inception in the year 2014, in addition to regular issue releases on a quarterly basis, this transdisciplinary journal is also releasing special issues and conference proceedings from time to time, thus comprehensively covering a wide range of topics and emerging challenges in Medicine, physiology and pathology of the periodontium, tissue integration of dental implants, biology and the modulation of periodontal, alveolar bone healing and regeneration, diagnosis, epidemiology, prevention and therapy of periodontal disease and the clinical aspects of tooth replacement with dental implants, and Clinical Epidemiology, Oral Implantology. The journal focuses on application oriented research on Medicine, physiology and pathology of the periodontium, tissue integration of dental implants, biology and the modulation of periodontal, alveolar bone healing and regeneration, diagnosis, epidemiology, prevention and therapy of periodontal disease and the clinical aspects of tooth replacement with dental implants, and Clinical Epidemiology, Oral Implantology. In this issue some of the recent and impactful research articles that were published by the journal will be discussed.

Dental fluorosis is the presence of black out white lines or streaks on the teeth that possibly happens when more youthful youngsters devour an excessive amount of fluoride, from any source, over significant stretches when teeth are creating under the gums. When teeth get through the gums, you can't create fluorosis. Fluorosis isn't an ailment and doesn't influence the wellbeing of your teeth [1]. By and large, the impact is unobtrusive to such an extent that lone a dental specialist would see it during an assessment. The kind of fluorosis found in the United States has no impact on tooth work and may make the teeth more impervious to rot.

The possibility of creating fluorosis exists until about age eight since teeth are as yet shaping under the gums. At last, getting the perfect measure of fluoride is ideal—not all that much and not very little. Your dental specialist, pediatrician or family doctor can assist you with deciding the best possible measure of fluoride for your kid. Here are a few things guardians can do at home to help forestall fluorosis. Newborn child to 3 Years Old: Bosom feed your youngster. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests the selective utilization of human milk for all newborn children (with the exception of the couple of for whom breastfeeding is resolved to be destructive) until they are a half year old enough, at that point adding strong nourishments and proceeding to breastfeed until the youngster is at any rate a year old. On the off chance that your infant is basically taken care of newborn child recipe, counsel your PCP on the best kind of equation for your infant. At the point when your kid's teeth begin coming in, brush them completely two times per day (morning and night) or as coordinated by a dental specialist or doctor. Administer youngsters' brushing to guarantee that they utilization of the proper measure of toothpaste, which is close to a smear or the size of a grain of rice. 3-8 year olds keep brushing teeth altogether two times per day or as coordinated by a dental specialist or doctor. For kids ages 3-6, utilize close to a pea-sized measure of fluoride toothpaste. Numerous instances of fluorosis can be forestalled by shielding youngsters from gulping fluoride items like toothpaste. Watch out for your youngster's brushing to help limit the measure of toothpaste that gets gulped. Try not to utilize fluoride mouth washes for youngsters under six except if encouraged to do as such by a dental specialist or other wellbeing proficient. The American Dental Association doesn't suggest them at this age in light of the fact that numerous kids more youthful than six haven't completely built up their gulping reflex and may swallow more than they let out.Utilize dietary fluoride supplements just as endorsed by a doctor or a dental specialist. Fluoride supplements are suggested for youngsters between a half year and 16 years of age living in non-fluoridated regions and at high danger of creating tooth rot. The remedy ought to follow the dietary fluoride supplement plan affirmed by the ADA. Fluoride in Your Drinking Water: Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the U.S. Ecological Protection Agency requires open water frameworks to tell its clients if the regular happening fluoride level surpasses 2.0 mg/L or parts per million. Individuals living in regions where normally happening fluoride levels in drinking water surpass 2 sections for each million should consider an elective water source or home water medicines to decrease the danger of fluorosis for little youngsters. While the EPA doesn't have the position to manage private drinking water wells, it suggests that private well water be tried once every year [2]. In the event that you home is snared to a private well, it's a smart thought to have the very much tried for the fluoride level yearly particularly if there are little youngsters in the home. Normally happening fluoride levels can fluctuate extraordinarily from area to area. Furnish your dental specialist and doctor with the consequences of the well water testing so they can furnish you with exact data on your family's fluoride needs.

These research articles published by the journal have immense relevance and significance in development and optimization of cost-effective and affordable treatments; characterization of ridge complexities and underline medical conditions in pharmaceutical formulations and biological samples.


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