Editorial on Diabetes and Metabolism

Journal of Metabolic Syndrome

ISSN: 2167-0943

Open Access

Editorial - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 3

Editorial on Diabetes and Metabolism

Lisa Andrew*
*Correspondence: Lisa Andrew, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Helsinki, Finland, Email:
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Helsinki, Finland

Received: 03-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. jms-22-62750; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. P-62750; Reviewed: 09-Mar-2022, QC No. Q-62750; Revised: 14-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. R-62750; Published: 19-Mar-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/ jms.2022.11. 269
Citation: Andrew, Lisa. “Editorial on Diabetes and Metabolism.” J Metabolic Synd 11 (2022): 269.
Copyright: © 2022 Andrew L. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The term "metabolism" refers to all of the chemical reactions that occur in your body. These chemical reactions necessitate the use of energy. The amount of energy they require varies depending on factors such as age, body weight, and body composition. Diabetes interferes with your body's use of the hormone insulin. This hormone regulates blood sugar by transporting glucose from the bloodstream to the tissues. Diabetes, if uncontrolled, causes chronically high blood sugar levels, which can harm your organs and blood vessels. In this section, we'll look at how diabetes affects your metabolism and the connection between diabetes and obesity [1-3].

In your body, billions of chemical reactions occur every second. Your metabolism is the sum total of these chemical reactions. Each of these reactions necessitates the expenditure of energy. Even extracting usable energy from food necessitates the use of energy. The amount of energy your body burns in a given amount of time, usually measured in calories, is referred to as metabolic rate. It is made up of three major parts. Your basal metabolic rate, energy burned during digestion, and energy burned through physical activity are all reliable sources.

People with and without diabetes have nearly identical metabolisms, with one major exception: people with diabetes have insulin dysfunction. Carbohydrates are normally broken down by your saliva and digestive system after you consume food. When carbohydrates are broken down, they enter your bloodstream as a sugar known as glucose. Insulin is produced by your pancreas and transports glucose to your cells for energy. Diabetes patients either do not respond to insulin or do not produce enough of it, or both. This can result in persistently high blood sugar levels.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks and destroys beta cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin. It is typically diagnosed between childhood and early adulthood. Reliable Source to control their blood sugar, people with type 1 diabetes must use insulin injections or an insulin pump. Obesity is the leading risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. Regardless of genetic predisposition, it is thought to increase your risk by at least six times. Overweight or obese people are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of five risk factors that increase your chances of having a stroke, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease [4,5].

Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90 to 95 percent of diabetes cases. It happens when your body develops insulin resistance. Insulin resistance occurs when your cells no longer respond to insulin and your blood sugar remains high. Your pancreas produces more insulin to compensate for insulin resistance. The beta cells in your pancreas may be damaged as a result of this overproduction. Your pancreas will eventually be unable to produce enough insulin to effectively lower your blood sugar. When your blood sugar levels remain elevated but not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you have prediabetes. Prediabetes affects more than one-third of all American adults, according to Trusted Source.

Diabetes patients frequently require insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Insulin is typically administered through injections with pens or syringes. You can also use an insulin pump, which is inserted under your skin. Inhaled insulin, which you breathe in through your lungs, is another option. This type of insulin absorbs quickly and wears off quickly 1.5 to 2 hours versus 4 hours with rapid-acting injectable insulin. Taking too much insulin can result in low blood sugar, which can be fatal in severe cases. Going long periods without eating, skipping meals, or exercising can all contribute to low blood sugar. Regularly monitoring your blood sugar level can assist you in making informed decisions about food and medications. You'll gain a better understanding of how your body reacts to different foods and exercises over time.

Many people count carbohydrates to make it easier to take the appropriate amount of insulin. Eating a high-carb meal, especially one high in simple carbohydrates, causes your blood sugar levels to rise more than eating a low-carb meal, and more insulin is required to keep your blood sugar within a normal range. Metabolism is the process by which the body generates energy from the food and drink that a person consumes. Following a meal, the body begins breaking down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in order to produce energy. This energy is then used by the body to keep organs and biological processes running.

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