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Examining Individual Mental Health Issues: A Qualitative Study Among Sports Medicine Doctors with Fellowship Training

Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies

ISSN: 2161-0673

Open Access

Mini Review - (2023) Volume 13, Issue 1

Examining Individual Mental Health Issues: A Qualitative Study Among Sports Medicine Doctors with Fellowship Training

Sewrt Neil*
*Correspondence: Sewrt Neil, Department of Exercise and Health Sciences, University of the West of Scotland, Technology Ave, Blantyre, Glasgow G72 0LH, UK, Email:
Department of Exercise and Health Sciences, University of the West of Scotland, Technology Ave, Blantyre, Glasgow G72 0LH, UK

Received: 03-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. jsmds-23-96007; Editor assigned: 05-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. P-96007; Reviewed: 17-Jan-2023, QC No. Q-96007; Revised: 23-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. R-96007; Published: 30-Jan-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2795-0673.2023.13.295
Citation: Neil, Sewrt. "Examining Individual Mental Health Issues: A Qualitative Study among Sports Medicine Doctors with Fellowship Training." J Sports Med Doping Stud 13 (2023): 295.
Copyright: © 2023 Neil S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


It is risky to treat any pain with oral medications; acupuncture or topical medications should be used instead. The best and safest way to manage pain, which is felt in the skin, is using topical medications. The pain chemokine cycle makes chronic pain worse in the skin. Pain felt in the skin causes neurogenic inflammation, which spreads inflammation throughout the body. Pain and inflammation are reduced by blocking the pain receptors on skin sensory neurons. These morbid conditions would not be caused by a single nutrient or sugar consumption per second. In fact, once total energy intake is taken into account, many published studies have found no link between sugar consumption and body weight.


Athletes • Coronavirus • Anxiety • Depression


Activated macrophages, such the monocytes and macrophages drawn to the skin by chemokines during the pain chemokine cycle, produce HMGB1. Toll-like receptors (TLR2 and 4), Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) and HMGB1 interact with one another to cause the release of inflammatory cytokines. Adipokine/cytokine tumour necrosis factor is implicated in the promotion of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. TNF- is released more often from macrophages as a result of HMGB1. Tumor necrosis factor can spread to distant places and cause inflammation there, as well as in synovial tissues [1].

Literature Review

The mechanism of neurogenic inflammation links chronic pain with chronic inflammation. Inflammatory proteins are released from skin sensory neurons as a result of an early inflammation, which might make the condition worse. Most likely, persistent inflammation causes both chronic pain and more inflammation. The release of inflammatory proteins from skin sensory neurons in response to an initial discomfort, on the other hand, might result in the induction of inflammation in the body. Inflammatory proteins that amplify pain in other sensory neurons and may result in chronic inflammation are released over time as a result of chronic pain. For instance, the recent criticism of Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliot for removing a woman's blouse in public hurts not only the Cowboys but also the NFL as a whole. On a related issue, the NFL has come under fire for conducting little study on head injuries, particularly concussions. The sports industry will always face difficulties as a result of these damaging reports. Without a doubt, participating in sports will inevitably result in injuries. Both professional sportsmen and weekend worrywarts are perfectly aware that when they push themselves to the maximum during a game, they run the danger of getting hurt [2-4]. Even though they are aware that they could become hurt while practising for or participating in a competition, they continue to pursue what they love. For athletes, participating in sports is what makes their lives the happiest they can possibly be. They are equipped to handle any difficulties that may arise [5].


When you are a professional athlete, many of people approach you and ask to be buddies. They believe that because you have a sizable financial account, you will not mind paying for some of their material comforts. However, the "friends" leave when you start saying "no" or if, regrettably, the money disappears. When times get tough, many sportsmen were shocked to learn who their true buddies were. When you could afford to be hospitable with your earnings, the individuals who were calling and hanging out with you every day dispersed like bugs when the light shone on them. Sports injuries can happen to anyone who participates in strenuous physical activity. They can affect anyone; elite athletes are not the only ones who get them [6].


In an effort to save calories, female athletes who feel pressure to maintain a certain body type or weight may overexert themselves or develop eating problems. Excessive activity increases the need for rest and causes the illness known as amenorrhea. She also has less overall energy, overall body fat and less oestrogen. Both male and female athletes may feel the need to overtrain excessively to achieve a specific body ideal. The human body has a powerful capacity to adapt to physical hardship. Stress encompasses more than just physical harm. It can also be used to describe a practise that bolsters and enhances the capacity of the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. This procedure, which is frequently. Female athletes who experience pressure to maintain a specific body type or weight may overexert themselves or develop eating disorders in an effort to reduce calorie intake. The disease known as amenorrhea is brought on by excessive exercise, which increases the need for rest. She also experiences a loss in overall energy, total body fat and oestrogen levels. The urge to overtrain excessively in order to obtain a particular body image may be experienced by both male and female athletes. The ability of the human body to adjust to physical stress is extremely strong. Stress refers to more than just bodily harm. It can also refer to an activity that strengthens and improves the functionality of bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. This process, commonly referred to as "remodelling," involves both the destruction and accumulation of tissue.



Conflicts of Interest



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