Features of Oral and Dentofacial Regeneration With Biomimicry

Journal of Bioengineering & Biomedical Science

ISSN: 2155-9538

Open Access

Opinion - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 10

Features of Oral and Dentofacial Regeneration With Biomimicry

*Correspondence: Simon Khayambashi, Department of McGill Craniofacial Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells Laboratory, Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Email:
1Department of McGill Craniofacial Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells Laboratory, Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Received: 26-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. jbbs-23-87914; Editor assigned: 28-Sep-2022, Pre QC No. P-87914; Reviewed: 12-Oct-2022, QC No. Q-87914; Revised: 18-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. R-87914; Published: 26-Oct-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2155-9538.2022.12.327
Citation: Khayambashi, Simon. “Features of Oral and Dentofacial Regeneration with Biomimicry.” J Bioengineer & Biomedical Sci 12 (2022): 327.
Copyright: © 2022 Khayambashi S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The Greek words "profiles," which mean "life," and "mimesis," which means "significance to emulate," are what give rise to the term "biomimetics." At first, it meant developing any new material or invention that is inspired by nature or comes from nature. Biomimetics refers to the use of bioinspired materials or particles in science. These materials or particles can be designed to replace conventional designs or they can be determined from living organic entities that replicate natural components. The integration of novel, extremely complex biomaterials and procedures to recover and replace lost structures has been the primary focus of the growing field of tissue designing and regenerative medicine (TERM) over the past ten years. However, the development of cutting-edge, precise bio-substitutes for various tissues and organs has always remained a challenge due to the intricate life structures and functions of the human body [1].

A wide range of treatments, from macromolecular to nanomolecular, can be found in the craniofacial area, which is home to living oddities and contains the hardest to the softest tissues. To achieve the highest level of organic similarity to normal tissues, it is necessary to manage the unique characteristics of each organ and tissue. Biomimetic dentistry has made significant progress in the design and extraordinary recovery of dental hard and delicate tissues. We think that biomimetic improvements are very important for designing dentofacial structures well. This ongoing survey provides a brief overview of the significant amount of work done to address these points of view over the past ten years. The goal of this study is to provide a guide for new researchers, dentists, and clinicians at all stages of the research process to help them develop a perspective on biomimetics and its significance in clinical treatments, particularly supportive dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and periodontology [2].


The hardest tissue that covers the tooth structure's crown is enamel. Due to its high inorganic content (96 percent), it is considered the body's hardest substance. Most of the time, it has joined hydroxyapatite gems organized in a three-layered design, which gives it common tasteful and primary properties. However, constant and intricate changes in the oral microenvironment occasionally cause veneer demineralization, which in turn initiates caries. Caries of the teeth affects more than 66% of the population and is extremely common among individuals [3]. Numerous factors, including the presence of cariogenic microorganisms, dietary sugars, decreased salivary flow, and xerostomia, contribute to the onset of caries. In most cases, the processes of demineralization and remineralization in the oral cavity work in harmony. However, certain factors consistently tend to cause tooth demineralization, resulting in serious white spot sores, caries movement, and ultimately cavitation. The proper cleaning of the teeth to get rid of cariogenic bacteria, a healthy salivary stream, and the presence of enough calcium and phosphate particles in the spit can help control the restriction of tooth demineralization a little [4].

However, due to the fact that the body's normal defenses probably won't be enough to stop caries, minimally obtrusive dentistry techniques are typically used in a frantic effort to stop beginning caries and to protect as a significant part of the normal tooth design to maintain the tooth's utilitarian trustworthiness and style. By the way, finish recovery is still a difficult task, and it becomes even more difficult during clinical execution. As a result, it is essential to investigate alternative methods for lacquer fixation and specialized biomaterials that organically and primarily mimic the typical veneer. Pandya described four distinct approaches to polish tissue design and recovery: (a) physiochemical combination; (b) protein-grid directed enamel precious stone turn of events; (c) veneer surface remineralization; and (d) cell-based recovery. We will discuss these methods and the most recent advancements they have made in veneer mimetics [5].


We emphasized the ongoing situation of biomimetic analogs used in dentistry in this survey. It's clear that intensive research over the years has led to the creation of cutting-edge biomaterials and methods to imitate and replace conventional designs in the craniofacial area. In any case, as a biomimetic concept, it has been observed that materials that are typically determined or naturally close to each other exhibit superior clinical results and greater opportunities for clinical interpretation and patient use. This can be attributed to the diverse concept of organic frameworks, which are constantly changing cycles of mechanical, metabolic, physiochemical, and physiological processes. In order to propel the ebb and flow of research in dentofacial recovery, an interdisciplinary methodology that coordinates medicine, bioengineering, biotechnology, and computational sciences is required. Numerous in vitro and animal model studies demonstrate that original medicines are prepared for groundbreaking clinical treatments. We assume that regenerative medicine has advanced significantly in dentistry; Nonetheless, there are numerous avenues to explore when seeking biomedical examination motivation from a variety of perspectives.


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