Fungi and Bacteria′s Relative Contributions to Litter Decomposition at Low and High Soil Moisture

Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering

ISSN: 2165-784X

Open Access

Opinion - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 9

Fungi and Bacteria′s Relative Contributions to Litter Decomposition at Low and High Soil Moisture

Haixing Liu*
*Correspondence: Haixing Liu, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, China, Email:
Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, China

Received: 02-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. jcde-22-84654; Editor assigned: 03-Sep-2022, Pre QC No. P-84654; Reviewed: 15-Sep-2022, QC No. Q-84654; Revised: 22-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. R-84654; Published: 29-Sep-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2165-784X.2022.12.471
Citation: Liu, Haixing. “Fungi and Bacteria's Relative Contributions to Litter Decomposition at Low and High Soil Moisture.” J Civil Environ Eng 12 (2022): 471.
Copyright: © 2022 Liu H. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Despite the fact that fungi and bacteria have distinct sensitivity to soil moisture, it is still unclear how their activity and contributions to soil carbon (C) cycling differ depending on soil moisture conditions. During a 21-day incubation period in the laboratory, we manipulated soil fungi and bacteria with the fungicide captain and the bactericide bronopol, respectively. We then examined how these manipulations affected C dynamics at low and high moisture levels in a grassland soil. In order to distinguish ryegrass from soil-derived C in respiration dissolved organic carbon and soil C, we added 13C-labeled ryegrass and measured the activities of four C-degrading enzymes. Ryegrass-derived C in soil increased with decreased soil moisture, indicating decreased microbial activity with decreased soil moisture, while total soil respiration rates and microbial biomass C (MBC) decreased. Biocides and soil moisture levels initially slowed ryegrass respiration rates. In any case, at low soil dampness, ryegrass breath never again was stifled by bronopol following eight days of brooding, however stayed smothered with captan, recommending that with low dampness parasites assumed a more significant part in decaying ryegrass litter than microorganisms.


Then again, at high soil dampness, biocide impacts on ryegrass breath for the most part vanished following eight days, proposing that more labile parts of ryegrass litter were at this point not present and that the enduring microorganisms adjusted in much the same way to disintegrating the more hard-headed litter. During the incubation, bacteria preferred to decompose labile substrates early on, while fungi were more involved in breaking down more resistant ryegrass that remained in the soil at the end. At low dampness with captan, a decrease in oxidative protein creation added to the expansion in the hydrolytic: oxidative enzyme ratio, which further demonstrates the significance of fungi in the decomposition of more stubborn substances in lowmoisture environments. In the estimation of gross primary productivity (GPP), light use efficiency (LUE) models have been extensively utilized. However, a number of studies showed that current LUE models typically underestimate GPP during drought years. In addition, recent research demonstrated that LUE was controlled by soil moisture (SM) during droughts, requiring the inclusion of SM-related stress scalars in LUE models. In the meantime, the effect of SM stress on LUE is anticipated to be both immediate and cumulative due to drought's persistence. However, it isn't clear if the accumulated SM stress can capture LUE more effectively. We therefore compared the efficacy of concurrent soil moisture deficit (SMD), lagged soil moisture deficit and accumulated soil moisture deficit (ASMD) in capturing actual LUE during drought years based on observations from grassland flux sites in Australia and the United States. At almost all of the locations, ASMD's linear correlations with LUE were more robust and stable than those of SMD and LSMD. Additionally, when it came to tracking actual LUE during drought years, ASMD performed better than water stress scalars like the Land Surface Water Index and vapour pressure deficit. With a R2 and RMSE of 0.88 and 1.06 g C m2 d1, the LUE model's ability to simulate grassland GPP during drought years was improved by the addition of ASMD [1,2].

Our research demonstrates that ASMD has the potential to improve the performance of the existing LUE models during drought years and highlights the cumulative effect of SM in regulating LUE. In our study, satellite-based soil moisture from SMAP, soil moisture retrieved by CYGNSS-R and merged soil moisture from the European Space Agency's Climate Change Initiative (ESA CCI) were evaluated using the TC method. More specifically, the CYGNSS-Rbased, merged and in-situ TC method (CMID-TC) is a brand-new evaluation triplet. It is provided to incorporate site observations and provide a local evaluation of CYGNSS-R-based errors. To further evaluate the performance of various products over various types of land cover, we also examine the error indicators. Comparing the various performances in various regions and under various types of land cover may be able to provide new insights for improving GNSS-R-based soil moisture estimates. These new insights may be based on in-situ and TC evaluations from the perspective of temporal variation and spatial accuracy of soil moisture on a quasi-global (QG) scale. This study is the first to use TC to compare a QG scale CYGNSS-R-based SSM error and correlation evaluation with SMAP and ESA CCI SSM [3,4].

This paper's remaining sections are arranged as follows: Segment 2 presents the highlights of the QG region and the datasets. The extended triple collocation, non-TC-based evaluation metrics and the spatial–temporal resampling technique for assessing soil moisture are all discussed. The results of the CMID-based ETC assessment of soil moisture are presented along with a discussion of the two strategies' assessment results and error sources and a plan for future research. The study comes to a conclusion. On the LP, continuous afforestation has led to a slow but steady increase in vegetation coverage in the northwest and a rapid increase in vegetation coverage in the southeast. However, over the past 30 years, SM in this region has displayed "wet to dry" and "dry to wet" patterns. Further investigation into the connection between SM dynamics and vegetation change is necessary for this unique phenomenon to be comprehended. Long-term vegetation restoration has been shown to have a significant impact on the soil water storage of grasslands and forests. Through absorption and transpiration, increased vegetation encourages SM loss while reducing bare land evaporation. By means of transpiration and evaporation, which are closely linked to climate forcing, vegetation variation has a significant impact on SM. As a result, these three components as well as the processes and components have a feedback relationship. It is still unknown, despite numerous studies on the SM response to climate change, whether the state of the vegetation will exacerbate or alleviate the process of responding [5].


On SM (of the surface layer and root layer), vegetation and climate forcing data, pixel-level statistical analysis was carried out to clarify how vegetation regulates (intensifies or mitigates) the SM responses to climate change. The degree of SM's response to climatic forcing, or SM sensitivity, was used to examine the indirect effects. The sensitivity of SM, which is a component of the terrestrial water cycle and is severely affected by climate change, was not included in previous studies' calculations of the temporal and spatial distribution of the sensitivity of TWS. The following were the goals of this study to show how SM is distributed over time and space on the LP to make it clear how vegetation and SM relate to temperature and precipitation; and, thirdly, to determine the amount of vegetation's influence on SM on the LP. The findings provide guidance for the practical strategies of vegetation reconstruction and the scientific management of water resources in arid and semi-arid regions and are representative of the LP's dynamic response to the GGP over the past 20 years.


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