Homoeopathic Miasmatic Interpretation of Autoimmune Disorders

Alternative & Integrative Medicine

ISSN: 2327-5162

Open Access

Opinion - (2023) Volume 12, Issue 4

Homoeopathic Miasmatic Interpretation of Autoimmune Disorders

Divya Parmar*
*Correspondence: Divya Parmar, Department of Practice of Medicine, University of Parul, Gujarat, India, Email:
Department of Practice of Medicine, University of Parul, Gujarat, India

Received: 01-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. aim-23-106401; Editor assigned: 03-Jul-2023, Pre QC No. P-106401; Reviewed: 14-Jul-2023, QC No. Q-106401; Revised: 20-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. R-106401; Published: 31-Jul-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2327-5162.2023.12.458
Citation: Parmar, Divya. “Homoeopathic Miasmatic Interpretation of Autoimmune Disorders.” Alt Integr Med 12 (2023): 458.
Copyright: © 2023 Parmar D. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


A condition known as an autoimmune disorder is one in which the immune system reacts abnormally and incorrectly targets and attacks healthy, functional elements of the body as though they were foreign organisms. There are almost 100 different types of autoimmune illnesses, some of which are organ-specific (like primary biliary cirrhosis, or PBC) and others of which are multi-organ immunological diseases, like systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE. The greatest treatment for autoimmune illnesses is reportedly homoeopathy. It effectively treats and prevents the needless amputation of good tissues. Homoeopathy is a completely natural procedure that has been doing marvels for centuries.


Autoimmune disorders • Homoeopathy • Miasm


Immunology is referred to as the "science of self/non-self-discrimination" although brief, this definition emphasizes the significance of the notion of the self. The immune system engages in information processing and cognition, active engagement with the environment for maintaining the balance and for symbiotic relationships, so vital for living in this prodigious universe, in addition to defensive and restorative functions. Thus, two orientations result [1]. The biological system relating to the organism's immunity for the purpose of protection and its insularity [2]. The ecological context pertaining to the dynamic entity of the organism while interacting with the overall environment.

The environment in which we live is full of numerous dangerous substances, such as bacteria, viruses, allergy-inducing antigens, chemicals, dusts, pollutants, etc. They enter our bodies every second, either by the air we breathe, the food or drink we consume, or through physical contact. A defense system made up of diverse immune cells exists inside of our bodies and is known as the body immune system. When any foreign particles, such as viruses, bacteria, or hazardous substances enter our bodies, those immune cells of our immune system function like well-trained soldier, fighting alongside them to kill and defend our body and cells from their onslaught. Therefore, our immune cells are constantly hunting for and combating pathogens.


However, occasionally our immune system is unable to distinguish between our own cells and external foreign particles and it begins to attack our own cells under the mistaken belief that they are alien, which can lead to the emergence of certain health problems. We refer to this as autoimmune illness. According to current beliefs, autoimmune diseases require both genetic predisposition and environmental triggers to the immune pathways that ultimately result in tissue death. The complex immune system evolved with the primary purpose of defending hosts against infectious pathogens. However, this pleiotropic immune system can cause pathology in two main ways: first, immune deficiency syndromes, in which one or more immune system cells are unable to react in a protective way to a pathogen; and second, autoimmune illnesses. The foundation of autoimmune disease and the subject of this review, the inability to discriminate self from non-self, are frequently referred to as a breach of tolerance. Autoimmune disorders are broadly grouped into two categories 'organ-specific' one organ is affected, 'non-organ-specific' disorders - multiple organs or body systems may be affected. Now autoimmunity are recognised to be present normally in health, but when abnormal, they represent extremes form

Psychological profile and autoimmunity

The negative consequences of psychological anxiety on immunological and neuroendocrine functioning are well-known. According to the research, personality, psychological, and/or social support characteristics are the main predictors of how people would react to disease. An intermediary measurement in the link between stress and illness, psychological distress measures patients' perceptions of stress and their perceived impact. The central and autonomic neural, immunological, endocrine and cardiovascular systems can all be affected by psychological distress, either indirectly through health behaviours (such as compliance with treatment regimens, reduced sleep and poor nutrition) or directly through changes in these systems.

It is shown that the majority of patients with autoimmune diseases experienced severe stress as children and, more crucially, a lack of ability to act out, express and externalize the stress, or an insufficient catharsis of the feeling. Internalization and externalization barriers are harming the economy. The illness lies in the personality itself. The goal of the homoeopathic doctor's investigation should be to identify the causes of autoimmunity and investigate the patients' interpersonal relationships. Homoeopathy has long acknowledged the significance of the mind-body connection.

• Patients with scleroderma and Sjögren's syndrome have also been found to have higher than average levels of psychological distress. 62 Sjögren's patients were evaluated for levels of anxiety, sadness, well-being and symptoms they were then contrasted with a group of healthy controls and a group of patient controls with RLS.A. Compared to healthy controls, Sjögren's patients had significantly higher levels of anxiety and depression as well as lower physical and mental wellbeing. Additionally, Sjögren's patients reported noticeably more symptoms than RA patients didn’t.

• Using the Beck Depression Inventory assessed 50 patients with scleroderma for characteristics related to depressed symptoms. From mild to severe depression symptoms, 46 percent of the sample reported them. High levels of hopelessness and a lack of coherence (coping skills and resilience in the face of stress) were found to be the greatest predictors of depressive symptoms in this population, according to regression analyses.

• There is strong evidence to support the idea that emotional moods might affect the immunological response. It is presently accepted that the immune system and the brain communicate in both directions and play a significant regulatory role in one another. Such neural-immune interactions offer a route via which both psychological processes and immunological function might affect one another. Additionally, a variety of psychiatric diseases have been linked to immunological changes.

• An increasing amount of research indicates that psychological distress may contribute to the development, aggravation and consequences of SLE.

Homoeopathic view on autoimmune disorders (ads)

Basic characters of Ads

Recognition problem: example of the army. Every soldier adheres to the discipline and cooperates with the central administration's rules and regulations. However, some soldiers begin to adopt the antagonistic stance and rebel against the system; it's equivalent to a coup.

Surveillance problem: According to the hypothesis of "immune surveillance," the immune system keeps watch over the body to identify and eliminate both malignant host cells and invading infections. The sophisticated immune system closely monitors every happening in its laboratory.

Internalization: In autoimmune inflammations, the onset of symptoms is caused by the reaction of the immune system. But because the reaction is directed against the self, it becomes an internalized process of destruction.

Destructive: The failure of the surveillance mechanism and consequent development of the aberrant immune response leads to the process of destruction.

Suicidal: The immune system becomes helpless and as if paralyzed and cannot cope up with the continuation of the aberrant immune response. The system takes on the path of self-harm.

Strange behaviour: Yes, acting against the self, going from harmony to disharmony is a strange behaviour.

As if paralyzed and helpless: The system becomes a mute spectator of AD process if it goes relentless and unabated.

Self-sacrificing: Whether it is the sacrifice of the system and sacrifice for whom?

Non-acceptance: I don’t accept the harmony, so much of symbiosis.

Antagonism with self: Does the system becomes hatred, bitter, antipathic and aggressive and wants to punish itself?

Battling against self: The battel begins for survival, for winning and in the battle there are ups and downs, exacerbations and remissions. There can be a loss of function or of structure of single or multiple organs.

Approach to autoimmune disorders

No cell of body remained untouched by ADs. So, all ADs need constitutional treatment. MIASMS of any disease is determined according to its pathology and symptomatology. While the symptoms of ADs can vary, the pathophysiology is consistent or comparable in all cases. General pathology in AD is that if a virus, bacteria, or other intruder enters the body, proteins will evolve to fight the invaders and defend self-protecting tissue. However, this same protein turns on its own cells and tissues and produces antibodies against the cell membrane, its nucleus, its mitochondria and it’s DS DNA, finally causing the target tissue to be destroyed. THEME of AD s is “FIGHT END IN DESTRUCTION “FIGHT E.g. ANA vs. nucleus, anti-Ds DNA vs. Ds DNA. End of this fight will always be damage and destruction. Symptoms always start at functional level (psoric), ends at structural level (syphi). That’s why MIASM of AD is a combination of syphilitic and psoric miasm with prominence of syphilitic miasm.

KINGDOM: Fight for survival is the theme of animal remedy. All most all animal remedies come under syphilitic miasm. While selecting a mineral one should give preference to anti-syphilitic mineral Structure changes is the theme of Minerals. General miasmatic protocol in Auto immune diseases is to start with an Anti-tubercular remedy and switch over to a syphilitic prominent remedy as pathology advances. Tuberculinum shall be an inter current in initial stage of Auto immune disease and Syphillinum serve the same purpose in later stages [3].

Auto-immune diseases and miasmatic assessment

In case of Psoric miasm, almost all autoimmune disorders present themselves, in the initial phase, the functional zone which is characterized by symptoms, sensations, pains etc. with no obvious structural changes. This functional phase can last for months or even for few years and it depends on the type of the autoimmune disease. The quality of life is maintained at large but the psoric miasm sets the platform for structural changes to supervene under the rein of autoimmunity with the activation of the tubercular and syphilitic miasmatic activity. Vitiligo cases with no any subjective symptoms or any correlation with autoimmune pathogenesis, (especially when there are only small spots of vitiligo) are psoric in nature.

In case of Sycotic miasm, the problems of the immunity as to the surveillance, recognition and confusion as to the identity and with consequent role defining identification issues. It is due to sycotic miasmatic activity that the reasoning faculty of discrimination is affected. Confusion has a big role to play in autoimmune disorders and hence sycotic miasmatic dominance is seen as large. Problem of recognition of self and non-self is developed through three characters excessive, defective or absent. The tissue changes begin and proliferate in ADs under the influence of the sycotic miasmatic activity. There is a slow development of the disease process and gradual shrinking of the physiological functions of the affected organs. Indolence, fatigue, sluggishness and weakness characterize Sycosis. Example: In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, with slow and gradual development with class I (no restriction of ability to perform normal activities) and class II (moderate restriction but adequate for normal activities), with no sclerosis in the joint indicate the sycotic miasm [4].

In case of Tubercular Miasm, it is characterized as erratic, suddenness, heightened sensitivity and rapid pace of the disease process. All ADs either beginning as acute active diseases but definitely heading towards destruction are indicative of the tubercular miasm. Juvenile onset (Type I) diabetes mellitus, which destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas, resulting in inability to regulate blood sugar with emaciation is a tubercular miasmatic process; however, irreversible complications are indicative of syphilitic miasm. Systemic lupus erythematosus, characterized by inflammation of different organs associated with the production of antibodies reactive with nuclear, cytoplasmic and cell membrane antigens which attacks Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), causing widespread destruction in vital organs viz. kidneys, heart, lungs, skin etc. indicates syphilitic miasm.

In case of Syphilitic miasm, the step in pathology finally leads towards destruction and if unaided, irreversible changes occur in the tissues, organs and systems. Can you imagine an acute SLE? The rapidity with which the disease progresses and cause havoc in multiple vital organs is a point of note how the self-destruction occurs under the influence of syphilitic autoimmunity. Example: Class III of rheumatoid arthritis (marked restriction, inability to perform most duties of usual occupation or self-care) and class IV (incapacitation or confinement to a bed or wheel-chair), with changes of sclerosis indicate the syphilitic miasm.

In case of Drug Miasm, ADs are treated with immuno-suppressive chemical drugs and they have huge side-effects. Although immuno-suppressive therapy can be of use in tiding over the acute crises, it is not helpful to cure the ADs. Immuno-suppressive drugs should not be stopped abruptly and careful monitoring is necessary for the entire management. In addition of the totality which has been elicited, it is necessary to add the side-effects of the drugs [5].


In homoeopathy, every illness is intrinsic and general, affects the patient as a whole and requires internal treatment. For a homoeopath, the idea of ADs is intriguing because all ADs cases require a holistic approach to treatment and homoeopathy fits that integrated modality that includes the mental and physical consortium, the genetic milieu and the massive influx of environmental variables that constantly exert their influence over the fragile immune system that is confused and gone haywire. The homoeopathic treatment reroutes the road, enables the recovery of lost identity and provides the healing touch required for synthesis and harmony.


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