How to Recognize a Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test That Is Positive

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medicine

ISSN: 2576-1420

Open Access

Review Article - (2021) Volume 6, Issue 8

How to Recognize a Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test That Is Positive

Arafaa Aqsaa*
*Correspondence: Arafaa Aqsaa, Department of Health Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan, Email:
Department of Health Sciences, University of Peshawar, Pakistan

Received: 07-Aug-2021 Published: 28-Aug-2021 , DOI: 10.37532/2576-1420.2021.6(8).191
Citation: Aqsaa, Arafaa. “How to Recognize a Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test That Is Positive”. J Infect Dis Med 6 (2021).191
Copyright: © 2021 Arafaa Aqsaa. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a profoundly infectious illness. It's brought about by a contamination of microorganisms called Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Openness to Mtb can bring about either dynamic TB sickness or dormant TB contamination. Idle TB implies you're contaminated yet have no signs or side effects. Idle TB can likewise ultimately become dynamic TB infection.

Dynamic TB sickness is treated with a blend of prescriptions for six to nine months. Dormant TB is generally treated also to forestall future dynamic infection. There are two sorts of tests used to analyse TB: a blood test and a skin test. Your outcomes from either test will not uncover whether you have inactive or dynamic TB. All things being equal, they're utilized to decide whether you ought to be dealt with and with what sort of medicine [1].

A TB skin test is additionally called a Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST). The test is typically very much endured, and individuals seldom have negative responses to it. A TB skin test is done in two sections:

Section one: During one visit to a specialist's office or facility, a minuscule measure of tuberculin is infused under the skin, ordinarily in the lower arm. Tuberculin is a sterile concentrate refined protein subordinate (PPD) produced using the microorganisms that cause TB. In the wake of getting the infusion, a little, pale knock will shape at the site

Section two: The second period of the test happens 48 to 72 hours after the fact. Around then, your primary care physician will take a gander at your skin to perceive how it responded to the tuberculin. Your skin's response will assist your primary care physician with deciding whether you've been contaminated with TB. On the off chance that you stand by longer than 72 hours, you'll need to begin once again with another test and new infusion. In case this is your first TB skin test and it's negative, you might be approached to return in one to three weeks for a recurrent test to guarantee the outcomes are something very similar [2].

Recognizing disease

In case you've been contaminated with Mtb, your skin around the site of the infusion should begin to grow and solidify by 48 to 72 hours. This knock, or induration as it's alluded to clinically, will likewise become red. The size of the induration, not the redness, is utilized to decide your outcomes. The induration ought to be estimated across the lower arm, opposite to the hub between your hand and elbow. A few components influence how the test is deciphered. If the size of induration is less than 5 mm then it results in negative for TB If the size of induration is less than 5 mm then it results in positive if you've had late contact with somebody with TB, you are HIV-positive, you have had an organ relocate, and you are taking immunosuppressants. If the size of induration is 15 mm or more then it results in positive for TB. In the event that you have a positive test outcome and you have manifestations or are considered at high danger of TB openness, you'll probably be recommended drugs to clear up the contamination and mitigate side effects.

In case you're generally safe and have a positive test, your primary care physician might prescribe a TB blood test to affirm the conclusion. The TB skin test is less exact than the blood test, so you could have a positive skin test and a negative blood test. In the event that you've gotten the bacillus CalmetteGuérin (BCG) immunization, you might have a bogus positive skin test result. It's utilized in specific nations to decrease an individual's danger for creating TB [3,4].

You can likewise get a bogus adverse outcome, which means the test is negative yet you're really tainted with TB. Once more, wrong organization of the test or translation of the outcome could prompt a bogus negative test outcome. Certain insusceptible framework conditions, particularly an organ relocate, may likewise cause a bogus negative skin test [5].


  1. Huebner, Robin E., Maybelle F. Schein, and John B. Bass Jr. “The tuberculin skin test.” Clin Infect Dis. (1993): 968-975.
  2. Piana, F., L.R. Codecasa, P. Cavallerio, and M. Ferrarese, et al. “Use of a T-cell-based test for detection of tuberculosis infection among immunocompromised patients.” Eur Respir J. 28(2006): 31-34.
  3. Zellweger, J.P., A. Zellweger, S. Ansermet, and B. De Senarclens, et al. “Contact tracing using a new T-cell-based test: better correlation with tuberculosis exposure than the tuberculin skin test.” Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 9(2005): 1242-1247.
  4. Malotte, C. Kevin, Fen Rhodes, and Kathleen E. Mais. “Tuberculosis screening and compliance with return for skin test reading among active drug users.” Am J Public Health. 88(1998): 792-796.
  5. Erwin, Paul C., David A. Bemis, Dianne I. Mawby, et al. “Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission from human to canine.” Emerg Infect Dis. 10(2004): 2258.
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