Human Tooth Activities, Regional Variations, and Other Aspects

Oral Health Case Reports

ISSN: 2471-8726

Open Access

Perspective - (2022) Volume 8, Issue 2

Human Tooth Activities, Regional Variations, and Other Aspects

Olivia Smith*
*Correspondence: Olivia Smith, Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Canada, Email:
Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Canada

Received: 17-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. ohcr-22-65825; Editor assigned: 20-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. P-65825; Reviewed: 25-Feb-2022, QC No. Q-65825; Revised: 04-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. R-65825; Published: 08-Feb-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2471-8726.2022.8.47
Citation: Smith, Olivia. “Human Tooth Activities, Regional Variations, and Other Aspects” Oral Heath Case Rep 8 (2022): 47.
Copyright: © 2022 Smith O. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Many of the functions of the primate dentition have increasingly transferred to the hands, as has been recognised for some time [1]. Various fundamental modifications in the monkey face and teeth have occurred during evolution as a result of food gathering and feeding-foraging behaviours in general. Some of the most important concerns in the study of the earliest fossil hominids are the degree of change and the amount of environmental effect on relative proportions of the primate jaw mass and teeth [2].

About the Study

The reduction in tooth size in the Hominidae family is thought to be due to a shift in eating habits or a growing reliance on tools. Food reduction transferred from within the mouth to outside the mouth as the use of mechanical technologies in food preparation developed, and this was a key influence in changing the lower region of the face. Even when the canines were reduced and the tool-defense functions of the dentition were shifted to a hand-held instrument, the teeth continued to play a crucial part in the individual's survival [3].

The extensively worn teeth of numerous archaic skeleton groups give evidence for the survival significance of a vast oro-facial complex. The high rate of dental attrition found in prehistoric tribes, as well as many extant primitive communities, suggests that tooth surface wear is a normal biological process. There has been a vast variety of changes in the dentition of diverse human groups from the Neolithic to the present day, both attritional and morphological. Although some types of dental wear may suggest that teeth were utilised for functions other than eating, there have been few investigations of tooth wear among primitive populations.

Furthermore, no systematic attempt has been made, to my knowledge, to connect the degree of pattern of attrition with tooth usage, dietary or nondietary. The planes generated by wear patterns on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth must be extensively investigated. This research should not only give information regarding tooth usage, but also information that will help in the description of the movements and forces applied to the dental arches. In fact, the wear patterns partially maintain the skeletal record of the individual's chewing actions throughout his or her life.

The evolutionary development of the dental apparatus of the Hominidae family may be better characterised if the distribution of forces and movements throughout the mandible during mastication is better known. This might refer to the selective pressures on the entire oral anatomy, as well as the shift in certain of these pressures when "tool" functions transferred from the mouth to the hand. Because several researches have demonstrated that dental attrition decreases with increased urbanisation, it's likely that the types and degrees of tooth wear are linked to the population's culture.

Brothwell discovered that even in dry, sandy areas, where considerable dentine exposure is typical, there is a reduction in tooth degradation that is linked to cultural development. They discovered a combination of sorts of occlusions in a Mesolithic population from Sudan, which they ascribed to the cultural phase's transitional character. According to a study of bone material discovered in Tehuacan, Mexico, there are links between altering tooth wear patterns and the economy. When Moorrees recognised the limited use of determining age by comparing degrees of attrition, and Brothwell cited similar difficulties in calculating age by using worn teeth, this covariation of wear patterns and attrition with culture was stressed. In addition, Campbell noticed a significant He noticed a difference in the rate of attrition among certain Australian Aborigines, which he attributed to the fact that some of them were, as he put it, "living under civilised conditions."

This utilisation is usually determined by the type of food consumed, as well as the techniques of food preparation and specific manipulative actions that are regularly performed with the teeth. The investigation of skeletal remains discovered during archaeological digs might offer a wealth of information about the people' previous activities with the use of such connections. Such approaches are projected to give information feedback between osteological and archaeological materials, allowing for a better understanding of the technology and environmental circumstances involved. Some of the data gathered might show a sexual division of labour, dietary variance, the consequences of oral diseases, and the influence of different trade specialities.

When viewed in this light, cross-population dental wear comparisons should reveal substantial differences that are connected to the cultures under investigation. However, the lack of an appropriate method for recording diverse aspects of tooth wear and accompanying alveolar bone lesions has been one of the fundamental impediments to any cross-cultural comparison of dental attrition. Broca and HrdliEka's approach previously created a graded series for human molar wear while ignoring the remainder of the dental arch. New categories for tracking wear have recently been employed in dentistry research [3-5].


However, all of this research, both older human tooth assessments and more current findings, were solely interested in the degree of wear and hence relied on dentine exposure gradients. There was no documentation of the shape of the worn occlusal surfaces. Because the geometry of the war planes along these surfaces differs by population, this information must be expressed in some fashion to allow cross-cultural comparisons. The section that follows offers a mechanism for capturing these occlusal surface characteristics that will allow comparisons of an infinite number of groups or individuals.


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