Impact of Including Winemaking By-product on the Properties of A2A2 Milk and Probiotic-made Petit Suisse Cheese

Journal of Food & Industrial Microbiology

ISSN: 2572-4134

Open Access

Short Communication - (2024) Volume 10, Issue 5

Impact of Including Winemaking By-product on the Properties of A2A2 Milk and Probiotic-made Petit Suisse Cheese

Costa Jea*
*Correspondence: Costa Jea, Department of Food Science and Technology, , Federal University South Border, BR 158, km 405, Laranjeiras do Sul 85319-899, PR, Brazil, Email:
1Department of Food Science and Technology, , Federal University South Border, BR 158, km 405, Laranjeiras do Sul 85319-899, PR, Brazil

Received: 03-Sep-2024 Editor assigned: 06-Sep-2024 Reviewed: 18-Sep-2024 Revised: 24-Sep-2024 Published: 30-Sep-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2572-4134.2024.10.305
Citation: Jea, Costa. “Impact of Including Winemaking Byproduct on the Properties of A2A2 Milk and Probiotic-made Petit Suisse Cheese.” J Food Ind Microbiol 10 (2024): 305.
Copyright: © 2024 Jea C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The dairy industry is increasingly exploring sustainable and innovative
ways to enhance the nutritional and sensory properties of dairy products
while minimizing waste. One such approach is the inclusion of winemaking
by-products in dairy production, particularly in the manufacture of cheese.
Winemaking by-products, such as grape pomace, seeds, and skins, are rich
in bioactive compounds like phenolic compounds, antioxidants, and dietary
fiber. These by-products, often discarded after the wine production process,
can be repurposed for use in food products, offering both environmental and
nutritional benefits. Petit Suisse cheese, a soft, creamy, and mild cheese,
traditionally made from cow’s milk, offers a unique opportunity to explore the
effects of such by-products. The increasing interest in A2A2 milks a specific
breed of milk with a particular type of beta-casein protein adds another layer of
complexity and potential benefit. This article discusses the impact of including
winemaking by-products on the properties of A2A2 milk and probiotic-made
Petit Suisse cheese, focusing on the nutritional, sensory, and technological
aspects [1-3].


The inclusion of grape pomace, seeds, or skins in the cheese can
significantly boost its antioxidant capacity. The phenolic compounds in these
by-products can help protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce the
risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. This could make
the cheese more appealing to health-conscious consumers. Grape seeds
and skins are excellent sources of dietary fiber. Including these by-products
in cheese production could increase its fiber content, which is important for
digestive health. Additionally, fiber can help regulate blood sugar levels, improve
cholesterol profiles, and contribute to overall satiety, making it a more healthful
product. However, careful formulation is needed to ensure that these additions
do not compromise the desired smooth, creamy texture of Petit Suisse cheese.
The organic acids and antioxidants from winemaking by-products may help
improve the shelf life of Petit Suisse cheese. The acidity could act as a natural
preservative, while antioxidants might reduce spoilage caused by oxidative
processes, thereby extending the product's freshness. The incorporation of
phenolic compounds may also contribute to a slightly astringent or tannin-like
taste, which could appeal to consumers looking for novel, gourmet cheese
experiences. The addition of grape pomace may affect the texture of the Petit
Suisse cheese. Grape seeds, rich in fiber, could enhance the creaminess of
the cheese, while the skins might add a slight graininess or more robust texture


The inclusion of winemaking by-products in the production of A2A2 milkbased
Petit Suisse cheese presents an exciting opportunity to enhance the
nutritional properties of dairy products while reducing waste from the wine
industry. By enriching the cheese with antioxidants, fiber, and organic acids
from grape pomace, seeds, and skins, this approach offers potential benefits
for digestive health, inflammation reduction, and overall wellness. As the
food industry continues to prioritize sustainability and health, such innovative
strategies in smart food production are likely to become more widespread,
paving the way for healthier, more functional dairy products. The combination
of probiotic bacteria and the bioactive compounds from winemaking byproducts
could have synergistic effects on gut health. Probiotics help balance
the gut microbiome, while antioxidants and fiber from the grape by-products
support digestive health by acting as prebiotics and promoting the growth of
beneficial gut bacteria. Winemaking by-products, particularly grape skins, may
impart subtle fruity, wine-like flavors to the cheese, enhancing its complexity.


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