Is Navel Therapy Effective in Treating Joint Pain?: An Overview

Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Perspective - (2021) Volume 6, Issue 8

Is Navel Therapy Effective in Treating Joint Pain?: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar Sharma**
*Correspondence: Mukesh Kumar Sharma*, Department of Medicine, National Institute of Ayurveda, Department of Medicine, National Institute of Ayurveda, India, Email:
1Department of Medicine, National Institute of Ayurveda, India

Received: 09-Aug-2021 Published: 30-Aug-2021 , DOI: 10.37421/2573-0312.2021.6.239
Citation: Sharma, Mukesh Kumar. “Is Navel Therapy Effective in Treating Joint Pain?: An Overview”. Physiother Rehabil 6 (2021):239.
Copyright: © 2021 Sharma MK. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The navel, according to Ayurveda, is the centre of consciousness, where a great deal of energy is stored. Here's how rubbing your belly button with oil might make you feel better.

Our joints weaken as we age due to excessive wear and tear and decreased bone density. Inflammation and pain in joints can also be caused by poor body posture, physical inactivity, or medical disorders such as arthritis and osteoporosis. Chronic joint pain can make it difficult to live a normal life, leaving you reliant on others to accomplish even basic tasks. Navel therapy is the most convenient and effective technique to relieve joint pain and inflammation, allowing you to live a pain-free life [1].

Navel treatment or the Pechoti technique is an incredible age-old act of rubbing the midsection button with oils that assists with detoxifying the body and fix different afflictions. As indicated by Ayurveda, the navel (nabhi) is the centre of cognizance where a ton of energy is put away. The midsection button is associated with pretty much every organ of the body through the channel of 72,000 veins, along these lines kneading the navel assists with invigorating the sensitive spots, which thus, gives dumbfounding medical advantages. Hence, investing some measure of energy consistently to rehearse basic, recharging, and the joyful demonstration of self-care with warm navel oils can bring about strong physical and psychological well-being [2].

Here are some of the ways navel therapy can lead to your overall wellbeing of mind and body:

Improves Digestive Health: Rubbing the navel assists with controlling Agni (stomach related fire) for upgrading stomach related capacities, work on customary end of waste from the entrails, and calm disquiet and stomach related difficulties related with gas and bulging. An appropriately working gastrointestinal plot assists with overseeing weight and diminishes aggravation in the body.

Oils to Use: Mustard oil or ginger oil.

Boosts Fertility: Standard use of warm oil in the gut catch can assist with further developing sperm include and versatility in guys and improves richness in females alongside fortifying the conceptive framework. Likewise, females can mitigate issues and torment during the monthly cycle time frame with the assistance of navel treatment as it loosens up the veins around the uterine covering.

Types of Oil Used for Navel Therapy

Here are a few kinds of oil, which as per Jain can furnish alleviation from joint torment with normal application. He additionally clarifies their advantages

Sesame Oil: Sesame is known as the "Sovereign of Oilseeds" because of its dietary characteristics. Loaded with amazing cancer prevention agents, sesame oil assists with lessening aggravation in the body, bringing down the oxidative pressure brought about by free revolutionaries. The oil has solid calming properties which help to treat constant agony in joints and muscles when utilized topically in the navel for rubbing [3].

Mustard Oil: Utilized widely as cooking oil in Asian foods, mustard oil likewise gives medical advantages when applied topically on the navel. Mustard oil comprises of allyl isothiocyanate, a synthetic compound that desensitizes certain aggravation receptors in the body, and hence assists with soothing joint agony.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Additional virgin olive oil is improved with oleocanthal, an organically dynamic compound that effectsly affects the body as mitigating drugs, hence rubbing the oil help to decrease joint agony. Besides, the high measure of fundamental omega-3 unsaturated fats present in the additional virgin olive oil helps in the agony the board of kindled joints.

Rosemary Oil: Rosemary fundamental oil holds potential medical advantages and is utilized as a less than overwhelming pain killer in people medication. Rosemary oil is somewhat more viable for torment than acetaminophen, a typical OTC aggravation drug. Thus, the oil can be utilized in navel treatment to lessen joint agony, aggravation, muscle irritation, and sprain [4].


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4. Chopra, Arvind. "Ayurvedic medicine and arthritis." Rheumat Dis Clinics of North America 26 (2000): 133-144.

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