Lie Algebra Representations of Orthogonal Stochastic Duality Functions

Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications

ISSN: 1736-4337

Open Access

Perspective - (2022) Volume 16, Issue 11

Lie Algebra Representations of Orthogonal Stochastic Duality Functions

Dietrich Burde*
*Correspondence: Dietrich Burde, Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, Email:
Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Received: 29-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. glta-23-90863; Editor assigned: 31-Oct-2022, Pre QC No. P-90863; Reviewed: 15-Nov-2022, QC No. Q-90863; Revised: 21-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. R-90863; Published: 29-Nov-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/1736-4337.2022.16.361
Citation: Burde, Dietrich. “Lie Algebra Representations of Orthogonal Stochastic Duality Functions.” J Generalized Lie Theory App 16 (2022): 361.
Copyright: © 2022 Burde D. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The Lie bracket measures the non-commutativity of the vector space L. That is, [x,y] is a measure of how much x and y "fail to commute". If [x,y]=0, then x and y commute, which means that their product is independent of the order in which they are multiplied. On the other hand, if [x,y]≠0, then x and y do not commute, which means that their product depends on the order in which they are multiplied. One important consequence of the Jacobi identity is that it implies the Lie bracket is always alternating. That is, [x,x]=0. To see this, let y=z=x in the Jacobi identity and then use the antisymmetry property. the differential geometric context of post-Lie algebras in great detail. In contrast, Vallette introduced post-Lie algebras in connection with the study of Koszul operads and the homology of partition posets. Numerous authors have examined them in a variety of contexts, including algebraic operad triples, modified Yang–Baxter equations, Rota–Baxter operators, universal enveloping algebras, double Lie algebras, R-matrices, isospectral flows, Lie-Butcher series and numerous other topics. The commutative post-Lie algebra structure is the focus of several findings regarding the existence and classification of post-Lie algebra structures [1].


In mathematics, a Lie algebra is a vector space together with an operation called Lie bracket, which measures the non-commutativity of the space. Lie algebras were first introduced by Lie in the late 19th century to study symmetries of differential equations, but they have since become an important tool in many areas of mathematics, physics and engineering. In this essay, we will explore the basic concepts of Lie algebras, their properties and their applications in different fields. A Lie algebra is a vector space L over a field F together with a binary operation called Lie bracket, denoted by [,], that satisfies the following axioms.

The trivial Lie algebra: The vector space L={0} with the Lie bracket [x,y]=0 for any x,y,L is called the trivial Lie algebra. The abelian Lie algebra: A vector space L over a field F is called abelian if [x,y]=0 for any x,y,L. In this case, the Lie bracket is trivial and L is a commutative algebra. The abelian Lie algebra is important in the study of Lie algebras because it is the simplest non-trivial example. The general linear Lie algebra: Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over a field F. Then the set of all n×n matrices with entries in F, denoted by gl(n,F), is a Lie algebra with Lie bracket [A,B]=AB−BA for any A,B(n,F). This Lie algebra is called the general linear Lie algebra. The special linear Lie algebra: The special linear Lie algebra sl (n,F) is the subalgebra of gl(n,F) consisting of all matrices with trace zero. It is a simple Lie algebra of dimension n2−1.

Differential geometry and the investigation of geometric structures on Lie groups, for instance, both contain post-Lie algebras and post-Lie algebra structures. In the context of nil-affine Lie group actions, post-Lie algebras emerge as a natural common generalization of pre-Lie algebras and LRalgebras. The orthogonal Lie algebra: Let V be an n-dimensional vector space with an inner product over a field F. Then the set of all n×n matrices with entries in F that satisfy A^T=-A, denoted by o(n,F), is a Lie algebra with Lie bracket [A,B]=AB-BA for any A,Bo(n,F). This Lie algebra is called the orthogonal Lie algebra [2-5].


If there is a function of both processes that corresponds to the expectations of the dual process and those of the original process, then two processes are considered to be in duality. For a number of families of stochastic processes, orthogonal polynomials of the hypergeometric type that are orthogonal with respect to the corresponding stationary measures have recently been obtained as duality functions. Limit cases for these orthogonal polynomials are the wellknown simpler duality functions. To demonstrate the stochastic duality. They also get self-duality functions for a continuous process as Bessel functions, which are not polynomials.



Conflict of Interest

No conflict of interest.


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