Magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection during a nanofluid filled tubular enclosure

Fluid Mechanics: Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2296

Open Access

Perspective - (2021) Volume 8, Issue 6

Magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection during a nanofluid filled tubular enclosure

Subhani Shaik*
*Correspondence: Subhani Shaik, Program Manager, Associate Professor, University of Cambridge, United States, Email:
Associate Professor, University of Cambridge, United States

Received: 16-Jun-2021 Published: 21-Jun-2021
Citation: Subhani Shaik. "Magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection during a nanofluid filled tubular enclosure." Fluid Mech Open Acc 8 (2021): e121.
Copyright: © 2021 Subhani S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Mixed convection flow during a tubular enclosure crammed with nanofluid within the presence of a magnetic flux is numerically investigated within the present study. Rock bottom and top curved wall of the enclosure are respectively kept isothermally hot and funky while the remaining walls are insulated. The governing equations are formulated supported Boussinesq assumptions and solved with finite element method. The computation is administered for mixed convection regime and also natural convection regime with fixed values of remaining parameters. An in depth parametric discussion is presented for the physical properties of flow and temperature distributions in terms of streamlines, isotherms, average heat transfer rate within the flow domain. The results show that the flow and temperature fields suffering from varying of pertinent parameters. Moreover, heat transfer rate is increased by 139.50% with the rise in Richardson number from 0.1 to 100. The increasing rate of warmth transfer thanks to Ri is respectively decreased by 58.11% with varying of Ha from 0 to 60 and increased by 23.97% with the addition of nanoparticles up to three. Comparison is performed against the previously published results on the idea of special cases and located to be in excellent agreement.


Magneticflux • Mixed convection • Nanofluids • Finite element method • Tubular enclosure


Combined convections free and made, named as mixed convection in closed enclosure is important in thermal engineering thanks to its frequent occurrences in heat transfer processes. Additionally the appliance of magnetic flux effect on mixed convection within closed enclosure received a considerable attention by the researchers and engineers. Several investigators accomplished theoretical and experimental works on mixed convection within different geometries. Rahman et al. investigated mixed convection during a rectangular cavity in presence of an indoor heat conducting cylinder with different orientations. They found that heat conducting cylinder of various sizes and locations strongly affects the flow and temperature distributions within the cavity. They also noted that heat transfer rate becomes highest while cavity ratio is 0.5 compared to the opposite cases. Later on, Basak et al. Studied the mixed convection during a lid driven porous cavity with different thermal conditions by using penalty finite element analysis. Their results indicated that the enhancement of local and average Nusselt number depends on the relevant physical parameters also as thermal conditions. USR finite difference method was utilized by Ismael et al. To research mixed convection during a square cavity with two moving horizontal walls. They also introduced partial slip mechanism to the moving walls. The convection declined with partial slip parameter. Moreover, average Nusselt number became higher with Richardson number at nonzero slip parameter. Then Mittal et al.extended this analysis for a porous cavity with two vertical moving walls crammed with nanofluids. Their results indicated that heat transfer rate increases significantly thanks to the presence of nanoparticles. It had been also noted that average Nusselt number is an increasing function of solid volume fraction. Ali et al. performed numerical studies of mixed convection in several geometries in presence magnetic flux effects. They suggested that heat transfer rate depends on the variation of physical parameters along side geometrical configurations. Additionally heat transfer rate decreased with the rise in magnetic flux strength. Rashidi et al. exercised mixture model to research mixed convection during a vertical wavy channel crammed with nanofluids. They found that heat transfer rate increases with increasing of Grashof number and Reynolds number for nanofluids with different concentration of nanoparticles. Later on, finite volume method was implemented by Kareem et al. to simulate mixed convection during a lid-driven trapezoidal cavity crammed with nanofluids and that they showed the warmth transfer rate increases for increasing concentration of nanoparticles. The increasing rate of warmth transfer thanks to volume fraction diminished with the diameter of nanoparticles. Then Javed et al. conducted an identical study under the consequences of uniformly and non-uniformly heating conditions in presence of magnetic flux. They observed convection is dominant at higher Rayleigh number and native Nusselt number is maximum at the sides and minimum at centre of the cavity. From the open literature review, it's clear that no study has been conducted for mixed convection in tubular enclosure. In respect of technological view, heat transfer and fluid motion in tubular enclosure have a big role in thermal engineering. The precise of objectives of this study were to research the fluid flow and temperature distribution for magnetohydodynamic mixed convection in tubular enclosure crammed with nanofluid. The numerical solutions are administered using finite element method, and for a variety of Richardson number, Hartman number and volume fraction with fixed values of other physical parameters. The results are presented in terms of streamlines and isotherms.

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