Malaysia Carbon Dioxide Emissions are influenced by Economic Expansion, Renewable Energy and Natural Resources

International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences

ISSN: 2162-6359

Open Access

Commentary - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 12

Malaysia Carbon Dioxide Emissions are influenced by Economic Expansion, Renewable Energy and Natural Resources

Blake Alkire*
*Correspondence: Blake Alkire, Department of Economic Sciences and Management, University of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat, Bangkok, Thailand, Email:
Department of Economic Sciences and Management, University of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat, Bangkok, Thailand

Received: 02-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. ijems-23-86230; Editor assigned: 03-Dec-2022, Pre QC No. P-86230; Reviewed: 16-Dec-2022, QC No. Q-86230; Revised: 23-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. R-86230; Published: 29-Dec-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2162-6359.2022.11.670
Citation: Alkire, Blake. “Malaysia Carbon Dioxide Emissions are Influenced by Economic Expansion, Renewable Energy and Natural Resources.” Int J Econ Manag Sci 11 (2022): 670.
Copyright: © 2022 Alkire B. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The scientific literature uses the term "Nexus" to describe connections and ties. In science, where field integration has been attempted for decades with mixed results, this is not a novel concept. Water scarcity or surplus may jeopardize the functioning of the food and energy production sectors, with societal and economic consequences, and the term "nexus" is now frequently used to describe these connections. Sectoral stakeholders who have developed strategies for allocating water are fully aware. However, sectoral interests frequently influence governance strategies. Stakeholders' perceptions of resources as separate entities can be dispelled through the Water, Food, and Energy Nexus. Assets by realizing that individuals cannot act from a sector's perspective in order to address the challenges facing our water futures. Assets by gaining awareness of the larger system. It is the recognition of a type of social justice in which the involvement of a whole group is recognized that water allocation across water-using economic sectors must ensure that all water consumers receive what they require while also taking into consideration the requirements of others. When looking for opportunities for growth, Targets rely heavily on the community. On the other hand, addressing the Water Nexus remains influenced. Through a business plan that tries to set efficiency goals for different industries [1].


The goal of the journal's special section on "Enabling Management of the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Services" The goal of "Nexus" is to collect scientific contributions that address real-world issues. Ecosystem services must be considered in the management of the Water Food-Energy Nexus at the local, river basin, and regional levels. The results of the call for papers revealed a scarcity of examples. Nexus applications based on the four pillars despite its high quality and Several of the manuscripts submitted were not publishable. The entire Nexus perspective, with ecosystem services receiving the least attention in the trade-off between conflicting uses the special area has a diversified assortment of papers covering a wide range of topics A survey of watershed investments in natural infrastructure solutions, as well as an examination of payment institutional arrangements Methodological approaches for watershed service systems. The Nexus is an idea, but it will remain so until we find a method to make it operational. Only expert communicators of sustainability can discuss this issue. River basin management has become more integrated. The Nexus' purposes are strikingly similar. However, it requires a robust institutional foundation, which can be found in but may be challenging to implement in less organised country associates. The Water Framework Directive provides the institutional framework for executing the Water Framework Directive Nexus. The promotes agricultural, energy, and environmental integration. and environmental policies in a watershed as a requirement for developing options for sustainable water futures When creating such comprehensive policies It is critical to recognise that numerous Water Nexus-related activities [2].

Use a rigorous technique to modelling and charting water flow and availability in the Danube riverbasin utilising regular rainfall-groundwater replenishment from runoff models, as well as a plethora of spatially detailed data They also investigate the cost of water providing services based on market prices provided water per country Regardless, this valuation methodology Regarding the advantage of supplying water to end customers, the mapping of both Water's biophysical capacity and economic value can aid in design implementing water efficiency policies by weighing the advantages of an improved water resource allocation across the whole Water Nexus estimate the economic worth of alternate water applications using the residual method [3].

The importance of mapping ecosystem services in a recent study of best practises in mapping ecosystem services. mapping and modelling for empowerment and awareness consequences and concluded that a variety of approaches are required to address various user requirements The methods available for analysing the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Services Nexus encompasses a wide range of applications, including the use of indicators and biophysical modelling as well as economic valuation Using any of these ways in conjunction with The use of mapping methods permits the intrinsically spatial nature. Nexus will be apprehended. The system in question, the decision context, and the decision criteria all influence the selection of relevant tools Data and model availability This necessitates the usage of integrated Approaches to assessment that go beyond sectoral applicability The Water Nexus must also be operationalized, which necessitates the establishment or refining of policy tools for managing interactions between water, food, energy, and ecosystem services The document instruments, as well as the institutional arrangements supporting the procedures under consideration. Conduct an institutional examination of Watershed service payments in the Western United States Payments for watershed services and, more broadly, payments for ecosystem services are a relatively new policy tool in resource conservation that offers a framework for resource protection. Which ecological service recipients can be compensated providers of services [4,5].


In order to achieve your objectives, be prepared to exert a lot of effort. After confronting your concerns and gaining the confidence to carry them out, devote all of your efforts to achieving your goal. To have a clear vision, one must be fearless, have faith in them, be confident enough to pursue their goals, be willing to take risks, and not be afraid of failing. In addition, getting back up after making a mistake, trying again, and being willing to work hard to make things happen define one's vision. Controlling one's destiny rather than allowing society, parents, teachers, and classmates to dictate it is the most important thing.



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