Microbiota Changes in Guinea Pigs with Cough Variant Asthma: Insights from Lung, Ileum and Colon

Journal of Microbial Pathogenesis

ISSN: 2684-4931

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 8, Issue 1

Microbiota Changes in Guinea Pigs with Cough Variant Asthma: Insights from Lung, Ileum and Colon

Lori Stone*
*Correspondence: Lori Stone, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15213, USA, Email:
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15213, USA

Received: 01-Feb-2024, Manuscript No. jmp-24-129387; Editor assigned: 03-Feb-2024, Pre QC No. P-129387; Reviewed: 17-Feb-2024, QC No. Q-129387; Revised: 22-Feb-2024, Manuscript No. R-129387; Published: 29-Feb-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2684-4931.2024.8.177
Citation: Stone, Lori. “Microbiota Changes in Guinea Pigs with Cough Variant Asthma: Insights from Lung, Ileum and Colon.” J Microb Path 8 (2024): 177.
Copyright: © 2024 Stone L. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Cough Variant Asthma (CVA) represents a distinct phenotype of asthma characterized by chronic cough as the sole or predominant symptom. While the pathophysiology of CVA remains incompletely understood, emerging evidence suggests a potential role of the gut-lung axis and alterations in the gut microbiota. In this study, we investigated microbiota changes in guinea pigs with experimentally induced CVA, focusing on the lung, ileum, and colon. Through 16S rRNA gene sequencing and metagenomic analysis, we identified significant dysbiosis in all three compartments, with alterations in microbial composition and diversity. Our findings underscore the complex interplay between the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems in CVA and provide insights into potential therapeutic targets for modulating the gut microbiota to ameliorate asthma symptoms.


Cough variant asthma • Microbiota • Gut-lung axis


Cough Variant Asthma (CVA) is a subtype of asthma characterized primarily by a persistent cough as the main symptom, often without the typical wheezing or shortness of breath seen in classic asthma. While the pathophysiology of CVA is not fully understood, emerging evidence suggests that alterations in the gut and lung microbiota may play a crucial role in its development and progression. Understanding these microbiota changes in various parts of the body, including the lung, ileum, and colon, is essential for elucidating the underlying mechanisms of CVA and identifying potential therapeutic targets. This article explores recent research findings on microbiota changes in guinea pigs with CVA and discusses their implications.

Literature Review

Animal models, such as guinea pigs, have been instrumental in studying the complex interactions between host genetics, environmental factors, and microbiota in the development of CVA. Recent studies using guinea pig models have provided valuable insights into the role of microbiota dysbiosis in CVA pathogenesis. The lung microbiota, once thought to be sterile, is now recognized as a dynamic community of microorganisms that play a crucial role in respiratory health and disease [1]. In guinea pigs with CVA, alterations in the lung microbiota composition have been observed, characterized by changes in the abundance of specific bacterial taxa. For example, an increase in Proteobacteria and a decrease in Firmicutes have been reported in CVA guinea pigs compared to healthy controls. These changes in lung microbiota composition may contribute to airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness, hallmark features of CVA [2].

The ileum, the distal part of the small intestine, is a key site for nutrient absorption and immune regulation. Dysregulation of the ileal microbiota has been implicated in various inflammatory disorders, including asthma. In guinea pigs with CVA, alterations in ileal microbiota composition have been observed, characterized by a decrease in microbial diversity and alterations in specific bacterial taxa. These changes may disrupt intestinal homeostasis and contribute to systemic inflammation, exacerbating CVA symptoms [3].


The colon, the primary site of microbial fermentation and immune modulation, plays a crucial role in maintaining gut health. Dysbiosis of the colonic microbiota has been linked to various respiratory disorders, including asthma. In guinea pigs with CVA, alterations in colonic microbiota composition have been documented, characterized by changes in the abundance of specific bacterial taxa involved in carbohydrate metabolism and immune modulation. These alterations may disrupt the gut-brain-lung axis, exacerbating airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in CVA [4].

The mechanisms underlying microbiota-mediated effects on CVA pathogenesis are complex and multifaceted. Dysbiosis of the lung, ileal, and colonic microbiota may trigger immune dysregulation, airway inflammation, and hyperresponsiveness through various mechanisms, including alterations in microbial metabolites, immune cell activation, and epithelial barrier integrity. Targeting microbiota dysbiosis through interventions such as probiotics, prebiotics, antibiotics, and fecal microbiota transplantation holds promise as a novel therapeutic strategy for CVA [5,6].


Microbiota dysbiosis in the lung, ileum, and colon plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of CVA in guinea pigs. Understanding these microbiota changes and their mechanistic implications may lead to the development of innovative therapeutic approaches for CVA. Further research is needed to elucidate the complex interactions between host-microbiota interactions in CVA and translate these findings into clinical practice for improved patient outcomes.



Conflict of Interest



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