Navigating the Cognitive Terrain: Neurocognitive Changes in Patients Undergoing CAR-T Cell Therapy

Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

ISSN: 2684-6012

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 7, Issue 2

Navigating the Cognitive Terrain: Neurocognitive Changes in Patients Undergoing CAR-T Cell Therapy

Clamp Tanakabatiya*
*Correspondence: Clamp Tanakabatiya, Department of Neurology, Sapienza University of Rome, 00161 Rome, Italy, Email:
Department of Neurology, Sapienza University of Rome, 00161 Rome, Italy

Received: 01-Apr-2024, Manuscript No. jcnn-24-134968; Editor assigned: 03-Apr-2024, Pre QC No. P-134968; Reviewed: 15-Apr-2024, QC No. Q-134968; Revised: 20-Apr-2024, Manuscript No. R-134968; Published: 27-Apr-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2684-6012.2024.7.230
Citation: Tanakabatiya, Clamp. “Navigating the Cognitive Terrain: Neurocognitive Changes in Patients Undergoing CAR-T Cell Therapy.” J Clin Neurol Neurosurg 7 (2024): 230.
Copyright: © 2024 Tanakabatiya C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T cell) therapy has emerged as a groundbreaking treatment for hematologic malignancies, offering hope to patients with relapsed or refractory disease. While CAR-T cell therapy has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in inducing tumor remission, emerging evidence suggests potential neurocognitive changes as a consequence of treatment. In this review, we explore the landscape of neurocognitive changes in patients undergoing CAR-T cell therapy, focusing on the underlying mechanisms, clinical manifestations and implications for patient care. We discuss the multifactorial nature of neurocognitive changes, including Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS), immune-mediated neurotoxicity and Central Nervous System (CNS) infiltration of CAR-T cells. Furthermore, we examine the challenges in assessing and monitoring neurocognitive function in the context of CAR-T cell therapy and discuss strategies for mitigating cognitive sequelae and improving patient outcomes. By navigating the cognitive terrain, we aim to enhance awareness and understanding of neurocognitive changes associated with CAR-T cell therapy and optimizes supportive care measures for patients undergoing this transformative treatment approach.


CAR-T cell therapy • Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy• Neurocognitive changes • Immune-mediated neurotoxicity


Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T cell) therapy has revolutionized the treatment landscape for hematologic malignancies, offering a promising therapeutic option for patients with relapsed or refractory disease who have exhausted standard treatment modalities. By harnessing the power of the immune system to target and eradicate cancer cells, CAR-T cell therapy has achieved unprecedented rates of complete remission and durable responses in patients with diseases such as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) and multiple myeloma. Despite its remarkable clinical efficacy, CAR-T cell therapy is associated with a spectrum of adverse events, including Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS), immune-mediated neurotoxicity and Central Nervous System (CNS) toxicity, which can impact various organ systems, including the brain. Emerging evidence suggests that neurocognitive changes may occur as a consequence of CAR-T cell therapy, ranging from mild cognitive dysfunction to severe encephalopathy and delirium [1].

The underlying mechanisms driving neurocognitive changes in patients undergoing CAR-T cell therapy are multifactorial and complex. CRS, characterized by systemic inflammatory responses and cytokine storm, can lead to endothelial dysfunction, blood-brain barrier disruption and neuroinflammation, contributing to cognitive impairment. Immune-mediated neurotoxicity, characterized by the activation of CAR-T cells within the CNS, can result in direct neuronal damage, neuroinflammation and alterations in neurotransmitter signaling pathways. Additionally, the infiltration of CAR-T cells into the CNS and off-target effects on normal brain tissue may further exacerbate neurocognitive dysfunction. Assessing and monitoring neurocognitive function in patients undergoing CAR-T cell therapy present significant challenges, given the heterogeneity of clinical presentations and the lack of standardized assessment tools. Furthermore, distinguishing between neurocognitive changes secondary to treatment-related toxicity and disease progression poses diagnostic dilemmas. Nevertheless, early recognition and prompt intervention are essential for mitigating cognitive sequelae and optimizing patient outcomes [2].

Literature Review

The literature on neurocognitive changes in patients undergoing Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T cell) therapy encompasses a range of studies investigating the incidence, mechanisms, clinical manifestations and management of cognitive dysfunction associated with this revolutionary treatment approach. Several clinical trials and retrospective studies have reported neurocognitive changes in patients receiving CAR-T cell therapy for hematologic malignancies, including Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) and multiple myeloma. These changes can manifest as a spectrum of cognitive dysfunction, ranging from mild impairments in attention, memory and executive function to severe encephalopathy, delirium and coma. The incidence and severity of neurocognitive changes appear to correlate with the intensity of treatment, the presence of Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) and the degree of Central Nervous System (CNS) involvement [3].

The underlying mechanisms driving neurocognitive changes in patients undergoing CAR-T cell therapy are multifactorial and complex. CRS, a systemic inflammatory response triggered by CAR-T cell activation, can lead to endothelial dysfunction, blood-brain barrier disruption and neuroinflammation, resulting in cognitive impairment. Additionally, immune-mediated neurotoxicity, characterized by the infiltration of CAR-T cells into the CNS and the release of proinflammatory cytokines, may contribute to direct neuronal damage and neuroinflammation, further exacerbating cognitive dysfunction. Diagnostic challenges in assessing neurocognitive changes in the context of CAR-T cell therapy include differentiating treatment-related toxicity from disease progression and other etiologies of cognitive impairment. Clinical evaluation, neuroimaging studies and biomarker assessments may aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of neurocognitive dysfunction, although standardized assessment tools and criteria for defining cognitive impairment are lacking [4].


The discussion of neurocognitive changes in patients undergoing CAR-T cell therapy encompasses several key points, including the mechanisms underlying cognitive dysfunction, the clinical manifestations and diagnostic challenges and strategies for management and supportive care. The multifactorial nature of neurocognitive changes in patients undergoing CAR-T cell therapy highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach to assessment and management. Strategies for mitigating cognitive sequelae include early recognition and prompt intervention, supportive care measures such as hydration, corticosteroids and cytokine-directed therapies for CRS and close monitoring of neurologic status and cognitive function. Furthermore, ongoing research efforts are needed to elucidate the pathophysiology of neurocognitive changes associated with CAR-T cell therapy, identify biomarkers predictive of cognitive impairment and develop targeted interventions to mitigate cognitive sequelae and improve patient outcomes. Longitudinal studies evaluating the long-term effects of CAR-T cell therapy on cognitive function and quality of life are essential for optimizing supportive care measures and informing clinical practice [5,6].


In conclusion, neurocognitive changes represent a significant clinical concern in patients undergoing CAR-T cell therapy for hematologic malignancies. The underlying mechanisms driving cognitive dysfunction are multifactorial and complex, involving CRS, immune-mediated neurotoxicity and CNS infiltration of CAR-T cells. Diagnostic challenges in assessing cognitive impairment underscore the need for standardized assessment tools and criteria for defining cognitive dysfunction. Despite these challenges, early recognition and prompt intervention are essential for mitigating cognitive sequelae and optimizing patient outcomes. Supportive care measures, including hydration, corticosteroids and cytokine-directed therapies, may help alleviate symptoms of neurotoxicity and improve cognitive function. Ongoing research efforts are needed to further elucidate the pathophysiology of neurocognitive changes associated with CAR-T cell therapy and develop targeted interventions to optimize supportive care and improve outcomes for patients undergoing this transformative treatment approach.



Conflict of Interest



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