Neurulation Unveiled a Journey into the Formation of the Nervous System in Embryonic Development

Journal of Morphology and Anatomy

ISSN: 2684-4265

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 8, Issue 1

Neurulation Unveiled a Journey into the Formation of the Nervous System in Embryonic Development

Lei Zhang*
*Correspondence: Lei Zhang, Department of Anatomy, Southwest Medical University, Luzhou 646000, China, Email:
Department of Anatomy, Southwest Medical University, Luzhou 646000, China

Received: 02-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. jma-24-126826; Editor assigned: 04-Jan-2024, Pre QC No. P-126826; Reviewed: 16-Jan-2024, QC No. Q-126826; Revised: 22-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. R-126826; Published: 29-Jan-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2684-4265.2024.8.310
Citation: Zhang, Lei. “Neurulation Unveiled a Journey into the Formation of the Nervous System in Embryonic Development.” J Morphol Anat 8 (2024): 310.
Copyright: © 2024 Zhang L. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Embryonic development is a fascinating and intricate process that transforms a single fertilized egg into a complex multicellular organism. Central to this process is neurulation, the remarkable journey during which the nervous system takes shape. Neurulation is a critical stage in embryonic development, laying the foundation for the intricate network that governs all aspects of an organism's functioning. The journey of neurulation begins shortly after fertilization, as the fertilized egg undergoes a series of divisions and differentiations to form a blastula. The blastula, a hollow ball of cells, eventually undergoes gastrulation, a process that transforms it into a gastrula with three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The ectoderm, the outermost layer, plays a pivotal role in neurulation. It is from this layer that the nervous system will emerge. As the gastrula undergoes further transformations, a region of the ectoderm known as the neural plate becomes distinguishable. The neural plate marks the beginning of the intricate process of neurulation.


Neurulation • Nervous system • Embryonic development


The neural plate is a flat, sheet-like structure that appears along the dorsal surface of the developing embryo. Its formation is regulated by a complex interplay of signaling molecules and transcription factors. One of the key signaling pathways involved in this process is the Wnt signaling pathway. Wnt signaling promotes the expression of genes that are crucial for the specification of neural tissue. As a result, cells in the ectoderm adopt a neural fate and become committed to forming the nervous system. Concurrently, other signaling pathways, such as the Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) pathway, work in opposition to Wnt signaling, ensuring a precise balance that allows for the formation of the neural plate. The neural plate is not a static structure; rather, it undergoes further transformations, ultimately leading to the formation of the neural tube—a structure that will give rise to the central nervous system.

The next phase of neurulation involves the transformation of the neural plate into the neural tube. This process is characterized by the bending and folding of the neural plate, resulting in the formation of a tubular structure. The closure of the neural tube is a crucial event, as its failure can lead to severe developmental disorders, such as neural tube defects. Closure of the neural tube occurs through a series of complex cellular movements and interactions [1,2]. At the midline of the neural plate, cells undergo convergent extension, a process that involves both cell elongation and movement towards the midline. This convergent extension narrows the neural plate and contributes to the formation of the neural groove—a central indentation in the plate. As the neural groove deepens, the neural folds on either side elevate and eventually fuse at the dorsal midline. This fusion results in the closure of the neural tube. The closure process proceeds sequentially along the length of the embryo, beginning in the cervical region and progressing towards the anterior and posterior ends.

Literature Review

The orchestration of neurulation involves a molecular ballet, with signaling molecules and transcription factors playing leading roles. Sonic hedgehog (Shh), a crucial signaling molecule, is secreted by the notochord—a structure that forms beneath the neural plate. Shh plays a central role in patterning the developing neural tube. Shh establishes a gradient along the dorsalventral axis of the neural tube, influencing the fate of cells in a concentrationdependent manner. This gradient helps specify different neuronal subtypes along the dorsoventral axis, contributing to the regional diversity of the nervous system. Simultaneously, transcription factors such as Pax3, Pax7 and Nkx2.2 are expressed in distinct domains within the neural tube, further specifying the identity of neural progenitor cells. The precise coordination of these molecular signals ensures the proper development of the diverse cell types that constitute the nervous system.

While the neural tube gives rise to the central nervous system, an equally essential player in neurulation is the neural crest. The neural crest is a transient structure that forms at the border between the neural tube and the epidermis. Neural crest cells are a versatile population with the remarkable ability to migrate extensively throughout the developing embryo and differentiate into diverse cell types. As the neural tube closes, a portion of the neural crest cells undergoes an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, acquiring migratory properties [3,4]. These migrating neural crest cells embark on a journey to various regions of the embryo, contributing to the formation of structures such as sensory ganglia, autonomic ganglia and pigment cells. The diversity of cell types generated by neural crest cells highlights their importance in shaping the complexity of the nervous system. Their ability to differentiate into a wide array of cell types underscores their significance in both the peripheral nervous system and non-neural tissues.


The intricacies of neurulation make it susceptible to disruptions, leading to a class of congenital malformations known as Neural Tube Defects (NTDs). NTDs are characterized by the incomplete closure of the neural tube and can manifest in various forms, including anencephaly and spina bifida. Anencephaly is a severe NTD where the neural tube fails to close at the anterior end, resulting in the absence of parts of the brain and skull. Spina bifida, on the other hand, occurs when the neural tube does not close completely along the posterior end, leading to an opening in the spine. These conditions can have profound implications for the affected individuals, impacting both their physical and cognitive abilities. The etiology of NTDs is multifactorial, involving genetic, environmental and nutritional factors. Folic acid, a B-vitamin, has been identified as a crucial factor in preventing NTDs. Adequate folic acid intake, especially during early pregnancy, has been shown to reduce the risk of NTDs, highlighting the importance of nutritional factors in embryonic development.

The process of neurulation is highly conserved across various species, underscoring its fundamental importance in the development of complex nervous systems. Comparative studies of neurulation in different organisms provide insights into the evolutionary conservation of key molecular and cellular mechanisms [5,6]. For example, studies in model organisms such as zebrafish, frogs and mice have revealed conserved roles for signaling pathways like Wnt and Shh in the regulation of neurulation. The similarities in the molecular players and their functions highlight the deep evolutionary roots of neurulation. Moreover, understanding the variations in neurulation among different species can offer valuable insights into the diversity of nervous system development. Evolutionary adaptations have led to variations in neurulation processes, reflecting the diverse ecological niches and functional requirements of different organisms.

A comprehensive understanding of neurulation is not only crucial for unraveling the mysteries of embryonic development but also holds significant clinical implications. The insights gained from studying neurulation contribute to our understanding of congenital disorders, such as neural tube defects and provide potential targets for therapeutic interventions. The ability to manipulate and differentiate stem cells into specific neural cell types opens the door to potential therapies for conditions resulting from aberrations in neurulation. As we continue to delve deeper into the molecular and cellular intricacies of neurulation, new avenues for research and potential therapeutic strategies will undoubtedly emerge. The journey into understanding the formation of the nervous system during embryonic development is ongoing, promising continued discoveries that will shape our understanding of both normal development and pathological conditions.


Neurulation stands as a testament to the elegance and complexity of embryonic development. From the formation of the neural plate to the intricate closure of the neural tube, this journey shapes the blueprint of the nervous system. The molecular players, signaling pathways and cellular events involved in neurulation weave together to orchestrate the formation of a structure that is central to an organism's functioning—the nervous system. As we unravel the mysteries of neurulation, we gain not only a deeper understanding of embryonic development but also insights into the origins of congenital disorders and potential avenues for therapeutic interventions. The evolutionary conservation of neurulation across species highlights its fundamental importance in shaping the diversity of nervous systems. The journey into neurulation is far from complete and the ongoing exploration of its intricacies holds the promise of transformative discoveries. In the realms of both basic science and clinical applications, the revelations from neurulation continue to shape our understanding of life's earliest stages and the intricate dance that gives rise to the wonders of the nervous system.



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