Mini Review - (2023) Volume 11, Issue 2
Received: 01-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. economics-23-96657;
Editor assigned: 03-Mar-2023, Pre QC No. P-96657;
Reviewed: 15-Mar-2023, QC No. Q-96657;
Revised: 20-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. R-96657;
, DOI: 10.37421/2375-4389.2023.11.397
Citation: Yereycken, Kichiel. “New Urbanization Types under
Economic Growth Objectives.” J Glob Econ 11 (2023): 397.
Copyright: © 2023 Yereycken K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Using the general equilibrium framework and the theory of finite change, the paper investigates the emergence and consequences of contract farming as a new subsector of agriculture in a small open developing economy. In this paper, we look at how a foreign contract farming subsector that makes money from crops enters a country's agricultural sector. For entry, the cash crop must be significantly more expensive than the food crop that is currently being grown in the country which raises overall economic welfare may result in a more skewed distribution of income decreases domestic food production, resulting in an increase in food imports and food insecurity. As a result, may imply a compromise between growth and inequality.
Cooperation network • Web of science • Cite space
We employ a variant of the 33 mixed specific factor-Heckscher Ohlin general equilibrium model of production and trade to demonstrate the possibilities of sectoral diversification with combinations of contract farming in comparison to traditional agriculture under some plausible conditions. In this scenario, the introduction of a new policy may result in the emergence of a new sector resulting in finite changes. When compared to some empirically sound conclusions in the literature and some secondary data on the website, our findings appear to be consistent. Additionally, we contend that the rise in contract farming contributes to an even worsening of the issue of food insecurity. In terms of the social welfare function, policy simulations identify critical parameters confirming the dominance of the distribution effect over the growth effect. According to simulations, there may be a problem with food insecurity because increases in GDP may cause inequality to rise. In order to maintain social welfare, the government may limit contract farming to a certain extent if non-food-producing sectors expand, deteriorating the terms of trade of food-importing nations.
In terms of carbon dioxide equivalents, the carbon footprint measures emissions of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases There has not yet been a globally agreed-upon definition of carbon footprint. Edwards-Jones for instance and carbon footprint as the total greenhouse gas emissions from the production and consumption of goods define the "carbon footprint" as the direct and indirect emissions caused by energy use within a given geographic area. The greenhouse gas emissions from the production and consumption of goods and services are referred to as the carbon and Peters while the refers to the carbon footprint as an estimate of the emissions and absorption of and from human activities in a nation. The British Standards Institution defines a product or service's carbon footprint as its total life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases.
According to Weber and Matthews over 80% of carbon emissions in the US are closely linked to household consumption, and this could exceed 120% if the implicit carbon emissions carried in imported products are taken into account. As preferences for high-carbon-emitting goods and services increase in sectors such as household and residence, the demand for household consumption is overgrowing. Carbon reduction in the household sector will be the primary factor in assisting China in achieving the objectives of In China, energy consumption as well as consumption of goods and services by the household sector gradually account for fifty percent of domestic carbon emissions. On the planet, around 72% of fossil fuel by-products are created by family utilization and family carbon impression addresses a huge part of the worldwide carbon impression.
The household carbon footprint has emerged as a research hotspot as a feasible strategy for reducing global warming and maintaining sustainable economic development. There are a variety of studies on household carbon footprints, and Christi’s chipping away at working out family carbon are analysing household carbon footprint growth trends making scenario projections of the carbon footprints of households. The household carbon footprint is rapidly expanding, despite its tardy start as a hotspot for research. There is a wealth of research, a variety of areas of interest, and a wide range of research methods. This paper uses bibliometric analysis to quantitatively analyse the development of the household carbon footprint, sort out the knowledge base of the household carbon footprint, and collect the hot frontiers of the household carbon footprint. As a result, the rapidly evolving household carbon footprint has made it difficult for aspiring scholars to comprehend its development, comprehend the research history, and capture the hot frontiers.
In terms of carbon dioxide equivalents, the carbon footprint measures emissions of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases There has not yet been a globally agreed-upon definition of carbon footprint. Edwards-Jones et al., for instance and carbon footprint as the total greenhouse gas emissions from the production and consumption of goods define the "carbon footprint" as the direct and indirect CO2 emissions caused by energy use within a given geographic area. The greenhouse gas emissions from the production and consumption of goods and services are referred to as the carbon footprint and Peters refers to the carbon footprint as an estimate of the emissions and absorption of from human activities in a nation. The British Standards Institution defines a product or service's carbon footprint as its total life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases [1-3].
As a reference for subsequent research. The process of collecting, filtering, and processing data is described in detail in the second section of this paper, which focuses on the advantages of software for metrological analysis. With the assistance of software, Section focuses on the co-citation, cluster, and burst analyses of the household carbon footprint literature to capture the knowledge base. By examining nation/region cooperation networks at the macro level, institution cooperation networks at the mesa level, and author cooperation networks at the micro level, Section 4 captures field cooperation at three levels. Co-word analysis and journal overlay maps analysis are used to predict future research directions and provide a more comprehensive summary of the development of research hotspots in Section 5. Finally, the flaws are highlighted in light of this paper's summary of the research content. This paper can assist not only current researchers in comprehending the development of the household carbon footprint and separating the essential information, but also new researchers in rapidly comprehending the household carbon footprint, identifying the frontiers and hotspots of research, and quickly joining the field.
Research on household carbon footprint is divided into three main periods from bottom to top, indicating that the research on household carbon footprint has a clear evolutionary lineage and relevant knowledge base. Since the primary nodes in the original picture are superimposed on each other, it is not easy to distinguish the node names. Figure 3 appropriately adjusts the node positions based on the original picture to better grasp the vein structure. The first period for household carbon footprint research is the literature within this period is shown in as structure in the lower right corner, which can also represent the first part of the co-citation network. The first part of the structure does not have a prominent core article, and its research themes are each focused but overall interconnected, with the more critical nodes being Ramaswami, and Weber CL and focused on the consumption profile and carbon emissions of different household types in the United Kingdom to inform the development of rational low-carbon policies [4-6].
Visualization software and the WOS data website to present a bibliometric analysis of the development of the household carbon footprint. The study found that the carbon footprint of a household has a clear foundation and precise trends over time. The foundation for subsequent diverse and interdisciplinary articles in this research area is provided by the classic literature, and subsequent research hotspots exhibit apparent inheritance and development characteristics. There is a distinct structure of scientific cooperation networks in the household carbon footprint study, each with its own distinct nation or region. Article collaborations between institutions, nations, and regions are now the norm. China, institutions in China, and scholars in China are all actively involved in this field's research, but they still need to move of the collaborative network. Household carbon footprint studies demonstrate a more prominent topic drift and knowledge evolution process and encompass a variety of research topics. The apparent shift in the keyword is clear evidence of the gradual transformation of household carbon footprint research into a diverse, interdisciplinary field. This paper dissects the advancement of family carbon impression exhaustively and makes the fundamental information to give a reference to ensuing specialists.
There are no conflicts of interest by author.
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