Nursing Care Experiences with Syrian Refugees in Southern Turkey

Journal of Nursing & Care

ISSN: 2167-1168

Open Access

Case Report - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 6

Nursing Care Experiences with Syrian Refugees in Southern Turkey

Jennie Walker*
*Correspondence: Jennie Walker, Department of Nursing, The University of Nottingham, UK, Email:
Department of Nursing, The University of Nottingham, UK

Received: 05-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. JNC-22-73782; Editor assigned: 07-Jun-2022, Pre QC No. P-73782; Reviewed: 19-Jun-2022, QC No. Q-73782; Revised: 20-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. R-73782; Published: 27-Jun-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2167-1168.2022.11.537
Citation: Walker, Jennie. “Nursing Care Experiences with Syrian Refugees in Southern Turkey.” J Nurs Care 11 (2022): 537.
Copyright: © 2022 Walker J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Medical services experts' "social biases" toward people's social convictions, perspectives, and discernments influence the consideration they give. Their attention to their inclination is firmly connected with the nature of medical services gave. This study was intended to survey attendants' discernments with respect to giving consideration to Syrian evacuee patients utilizing similitudes and to assess their perspectives in view of these analogies.


Nursing care • Syrian refugees • Southern Turkey


The members in this subjective review comprised of 80 attendants who worked in level 1 and level 2 wellbeing establishments. Information was gathered utilizing a meeting structure ready by the specialists. The structure included graphic attributes of the medical attendants and two articulations used to decide the medical caretakers' perspectives on giving consideration to Syrian evacuee patients. The attendants were given a deficient sentence, which was "Giving consideration to a Syrian displaced person patient on the grounds that," and were approached to finish the spaces. The information were examined utilizing the substance examination strategy. Based on "giving consideration to Syrian displaced person patients," four classes of not entirely set in stone: word related mindfulness, wellbeing advancement, a troublesome cycle/obstruction, and offering support to no end. The members produced 50 representations, with "humankind," "a child/small kid," and "a boundary" as the three most utilized similitudes, having a place with the "word related mindfulness" and "a troublesome cycle/opposition" classifications, individually. The similitudes of medical attendants in regards to giving consideration to Syrian exile patients were generally moved in the classifications of "word related mindfulness" and "a troublesome cycle/obstruction." Metaphors produced by the medical attendants offer a strong exploration instrument to uncover, comprehend, and make sense of attendants' very own discernments and to create and uphold nursing care likewise. Furthermore, the subject of transcultural nursing ought to be talked about to a greater extent in nursing schooling programs. Understanding the social setting of displaced people is vital during the nursing care process [1-4].

The peculiarity of migration is characterized as the settlement of individuals to new areas by leaving their own places of residing in the expectation of getting business and better working circumstances. This present circumstance has turned into a huge scope issue in light of political, financial, military, social, and social elements. Uprooting in view of a conflict is without a doubt the most terrible type of movement and is joined by the idea of shelter searcher/exile. A shelter is characterized as an individual who has been driven away from their nation and who can't or doesn't have any desire to return in light of dread. Turkey is presently the biggest host nation of enrolled displaced people. As per the records of the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, 270,000 exiles dwell in 25 camps in 10 line urban areas, with multiple times seriously living in urban communities like Şanliurfa, Hatay, Gaziantep, and Kahramanmaraş. Based on the records of the Directorate General of Migration Management in 2020, Istanbul is the city facilitating the biggest number of Syrian exiles (557,708). Kahramanmaraş, where this study was led, right now has 93,609 Syrian displaced people. Being a metropolitan city inside the extent of this review, being available to displaced person moves from different camps in the territories in the locale, and the way that the scientists know the territory and the provincial circumstances very much were all determinative elements for leading this concentrate in this region. The nationwide conflict in Syria, progressing beginning around 2010, has made large number of individuals leave their country and started significant populace development. Movement started in 2011 with Turkey's "Open Door" strategy, and 3,632,622 Syrian evacuees had relocated to Turkey by January 2020 [3].

The migration of Syrian displaced people has impacted the populace, financial design, and social elements of all beneficiary nations, including Turkey. Aside from these issues, Syrian outcasts experience intense medical conditions, and they might change wellbeing administration needs in their host society. Irresistible illnesses, particularly found in Syrian evacuee youngsters, represent a danger to contaminations and convey the gamble of turning into a plague. Simultaneously, it is the obligation of the medical services group, particularly nurture, to meet the crisis/careful mediation, actual consideration, and mental consideration needs of displaced people for wounds got in the disaster area. Giving great consideration involving viable using time productively is really important even with expanding interest for medical care administrations. Based on this perspective, this article was created to permit attendants to communicate their encounters and hardships in giving consideration to people from various societies utilizing a similitude system [5].

It is a moral commitment to safeguard the citizenship and medical care privileges of helpless (delicate) gatherings coming to Turkey and to different nations and locales. Outcasts are for the most part powerless against not getting wellbeing administrations in light of monetary deficiency, absence of health care coverage, and not knowing the language/customs of their host country. Also, social contrasts June adversely influence people's admittance to wellbeing administrations. Hence, weak gatherings of exiles are inadequately incorporated into the medical services arrangement of their objective country. Attendants might be quick to perceive general medical issues that might be capable during the relocation cycle in the wellbeing framework and to design drives to resolve these issues. As attendants consistently give care to evacuees and casualties of battle in politically unsteady areas across the world, they should grasp the way of life of people/patients to give all-encompassing consideration. As Leininger underlined in her "Hypothesis of Culture Care: Diversity and Universality," medical services experts' "social biases" toward people's social convictions, mentalities, and discernments influence the consideration they give. In addition, their degree of mindfulness of their own predispositions is firmly connected with the nature of medical services gave. Specifically, attendants act as a scaffold in giving people comprehensive consideration. Attendants have expressed that convictions and mentalities connected with sicknesses and medical services shift across various social orders and that they might experience issues in speaking with patients from various societies while giving consideration. Concentrates on regarding this matter have featured factors like trouble in correspondence, misconception, and challenges in giving consideration to various sexes. In this manner, social contrasts among parental figures and care beneficiaries influence nature of care [6-8].

Analyzing the social viewpoints of medical attendants working in Turkey, which has a larger number of evacuees from unexpected societies in comparison to different nations, is essential to guarantee they give outcasts great consideration. Language, custom, attitude, and mentality, which connect with social point of view, influence attendants' all's discernment and attention to people from various societies. Then again, these variables June likewise make it hard for medical attendants to really focus on these people. Besides, medical care administrations gave without knowing the social points of view of these people might neglect to consider and precisely address existing and conceivable medical issues. Moreover, the consideration needs of outcasts in Turkey, changing patient sort, and progressing rushes of movement might prompt deficiencies and issues in the medical care gave. Numerous quantitative and subjective examinations in the homegrown worldwide writing have been directed to research hardships experienced in focusing on people from various societies. In any case, no subjective concentrate in which information well defined for the field of nursing were examined utilizing content examination was found. Subjective examinations center around circumstances of which people know however need profundity and itemized information. The reason for concentrates on involving the similitude technique in a subjective examination configuration is to depict the various strategies that individuals use to encounter, decipher, comprehend, or conceptualize a part of a specific reality. "Figurative discernments" is one technique for communicating oneself saw hardships of medical attendants in giving consideration to evacuees to make a mental plan in the personalities of attendants. At the end of the day, an illustration is the image of an issue that an individual has encountered. Similitudes that permit one to foster knowledge about obscure realities with this made plan/picture can influence people's activities that are acted in reality and that thusly shape their discernments, convictions, mentalities, and considerations [9,10].


Based on the abovementioned, the figurative impression of medical attendants working in Level 1 and Level 2 wellbeing not entirely settled in that frame of mind as to the issue of "giving consideration to Syrian displaced person patients." The objective was to address the accompanying question: "What similitudes are communicated by attendants as to giving mind to Syrian evacuee patients?" Information were gathered utilizing a structure ready by the specialists. The structure included inquiries concerning enlightening elements of the members (nine inquiries) and one sentence that incorporated a similitude (as per the representation question design). The members (n=80) finished oneself report information assortment structure exclusively in the nursing room. The structure required 25-30 minutes to finish. The expressive structure included inquiries regarding members' sociodemographic attributes like age, orientation, nursing experience, and work unit (centers/units). After the members responded to the inquiries concerning their sociodemographic qualities, they were given the deficient sentence "Giving consideration to a Syrian exile patient in light of the fact that” (representation question design) and requested to fill in the spaces in this sentence with a figurative articulation.


The authors would like to thank the nurses who participated in this study.

Conflict of Interest



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