Papillomavirus Infection in Humans with Gastric and Oropharyngeal Cancers

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medicine

ISSN: 2576-1420

Open Access

Opinion - (2024) Volume 9, Issue 3

Papillomavirus Infection in Humans with Gastric and Oropharyngeal Cancers

Nitzan Celiac*
*Correspondence: Nitzan Celiac, Department of Medicine, Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University, Istanbul 34755, Turkey, Email:
Department of Medicine, Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University, Istanbul 34755, Turkey

Received: 13-May-2024, Manuscript No. jidm-24-141818; Editor assigned: 15-May-2024, Pre QC No. P-141818; Reviewed: 27-May-2024, QC No. Q-141818; Revised: 01-Jun-2024, Manuscript No. R-141818; Published: 08-Jun-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2576-1420.2024.9.355
Citation: Celiac, Nitzan. “Papillomavirus Infection in Humans with Gastric and Oropharyngeal Cancers.” J Infect Dis Med 9 (2024): 355.
Copyright: © 2024 Celiac N. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Papillomavirus infections, primarily known for their association with cervical cancer, have increasingly drawn attention due to their potential involvement in other types of cancers, including gastric and oropharyngeal cancers. This article explores the complex relationship between papillomaviruses and these less commonly discussed malignancies, shedding light on their epidemiology, mechanisms of pathogenesis, and implications for public health. Papillomaviruses (PVs) constitute a large family of DNA viruses that infect epithelial tissues in humans and animals. They are typically associated with benign epithelial proliferations such as warts, but certain types have been linked to the development of various cancers. The most well-known example is cervical cancer, predominantly caused by high-risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) types such as HPV-16 and HPV-18. However, recent research has suggested that PVs may also play a role in cancers affecting sites beyond the cervix [1].

Gastric cancer is a significant global health burden, with an estimated 1.09 million new cases and 769,000 deaths reported worldwide in 2020. While Helicobacter pylori infection remains the primary risk factor for gastric cancer, recent studies have explored the potential role of papillomavirus infections, particularly in gastric adenocarcinomas. HPV DNA has been detected in a subset of gastric tumors, albeit less frequently than in cervical cancers. The exact mechanisms by which HPV contributes to gastric carcinogenesis are still under investigation but may involve disruption of cell cycle regulation and immune evasion strategies similar to those observed in other HPV-related cancers [2].


Oropharyngeal cancer, which includes cancers of the tonsils, base of tongue, and other parts of the throat, has seen a notable rise in HPV-related cases over recent decades, particularly in Western countries. HPV, notably HPV-16, is now recognized as a significant risk factor for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OPSCC). The virus is thought to be transmitted through sexual contact and can establish persistent infection in the oropharyngeal mucosa, eventually leading to malignant transformation. HPV-related OPSCC tends to have a better prognosis compared to non-HPV-related cases, highlighting the distinct biological and clinical characteristics associated with HPV infection in this context. The diagnosis of HPV-associated cancers in the gastric and oropharyngeal regions relies on the detection of HPV DNA or viral proteins within tumor tissues. In clinical practice, testing for HPV is becoming increasingly routine, especially for oropharyngeal cancers where the presence of HPV can influence treatment decisions and prognosis [3].

Preventive measures against HPV-related cancers primarily focus on vaccination against high-risk HPV types, notably HPV-16 and HPV-18. Vaccination programs targeting adolescents aim to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and potentially other HPV-associated cancers, including those affecting the gastric and oropharyngeal regions. Early detection through screening programs also plays a crucial role in managing HPV-related cancers, allowing for timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. While HPV-associated cancers have historically been linked primarily to cervical cancer, emerging evidence suggests a broader role for these viruses in malignancies affecting the gastric and oropharyngeal regions. Continued research into the molecular mechanisms of HPV-induced carcinogenesis and the development of effective prevention and treatment strategies are essential for mitigating the global burden of these cancers. By understanding the multifaceted relationship between papillomaviruses and human cancers, we can strive towards more targeted interventions and improved outcomes for patients worldwide [4].

Despite the progress in understanding HPV-associated cancers, several challenges remain. One of the primary challenges is the variability in HPV prevalence across different geographic regions and populations, which complicates the development of universal prevention and treatment strategies. Additionally, the role of HPV in gastric cancer is still not fully elucidated, and more research is needed to clarify its significance and potential implications for clinical management. The effectiveness of current HPV vaccines in preventing non-cervical HPV-related cancers, such as gastric and oropharyngeal cancers, requires further investigation. While HPV vaccination has shown promising results in reducing the incidence of cervical cancer, its impact on other HPV-associated cancers is still being studied. Continued monitoring and surveillance are essential to assess the long-term efficacy of vaccination programs and to identify any emerging trends in the epidemiology of HPV-related cancers [5].


While much progress has been made in understanding the role of papillomaviruses in cancer, particularly cervical cancer, their association with gastric and oropharyngeal cancers represents a growing area of interest and concern. Continued research efforts are needed to elucidate the mechanisms of HPV-induced carcinogenesis in these less commonly discussed malignancies and to develop effective strategies for prevention, early detection, and treatment. By expanding our knowledge base and implementing evidence-based interventions, we can strive towards reducing the incidence and mortality of HPV-associated cancers globally. Collaborative efforts among researchers, healthcare providers, policymakers, and the public are essential in achieving this goal and improving the overall health outcomes of individuals affected by HPV-related cancers.



Conflict of Interest



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