Physiotherapy-driven Cardiovascular Health Promotion: A Scoping Review

Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Mini Review - (2023) Volume 8, Issue 6

Physiotherapy-driven Cardiovascular Health Promotion: A Scoping Review

Mimansa Wiser*
*Correspondence: Mimansa Wiser, Department of Physiotherapy, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA 5042, Australia, Email:
Department of Physiotherapy, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA 5042, Australia

Received: 02-Nov-2023, Manuscript No. jppr-23-121255; Editor assigned: 04-Nov-2023, Pre QC No. P-121255; Reviewed: 16-Nov-2023, QC No. Q-121255; Revised: 21-Nov-2023, Manuscript No. R-121255; Published: 28-Nov-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2573-0312.2023.8.362
Citation: Wiser, Mimansa. “Physiotherapy-driven Cardiovascular Health Promotion: A Scoping Review.” Physiother Rehabil 8 (2023): 362.
Copyright: © 2023 Wiser M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) continue to impose a significant global health burden, necessitating comprehensive approaches for prevention and management. Physiotherapy, traditionally recognized for its role in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, has expanded its domain to encompass a pivotal role in cardiovascular health promotion. This scoping review synthesizes the existing literature on physiotherapy-driven cardiovascular health promotion interventions. A systematic search of electronic databases was conducted, yielding a diverse array of studies spanning a range of physiotherapeutic interventions, including exercise prescription, lifestyle modification counselling and cardiovascular risk factor management. The review elucidates the breadth and depth of physiotherapy's impact on cardiovascular health, emphasizing the multifaceted strategies employed by physiotherapists in diverse clinical settings. The findings underscore the potential of physiotherapy not only in rehabilitation post-CVD events but also as a proactive force in preventive cardiovascular care. Key themes, gaps in the literature and implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed, providing a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of physiotherapy-driven cardiovascular health promotion.


Physiotherapy • Cardiovascular diseases • Health promotion • Exercise therapy • Cardiovascular risk factors • Preventive care


Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) represent a leading global health challenge, contributing substantially to morbidity and mortality. The imperative for effective prevention and management strategies has prompted a paradigm shift in healthcare towards a more comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. Physiotherapy, traditionally recognized for its role in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, has emerged as a crucial player in cardiovascular health promotion. Beyond its rehabilitative functions, physiotherapy interventions encompass a spectrum of strategies aimed at preventing and mitigating cardiovascular risk factors. This scoping review endeavours to systematically explore and synthesize the existing literature on physiotherapy-driven cardiovascular health promotion. By delineating the scope and diversity of physiotherapeutic interventions, this review aims to elucidate the evolving role of physiotherapy in fostering cardiovascular health, providing insights for clinicians, researchers and policymakers alike [1,2].

Literature Review

The intersection of physiotherapy and cardiovascular health promotion reflects a growing recognition of the profession's potential to address the multifaceted nature of CVDs. Exercise therapy, a cornerstone of physiotherapeutic interventions, has been extensively studied for its cardiovascular benefits. A plethora of evidence underscores the efficacy of structured exercise programs prescribed by physiotherapists in improving cardiovascular fitness, reducing blood pressure and enhancing lipid profiles. These exercise interventions, often tailored to individual patient needs and capacities, have demonstrated positive outcomes across diverse populations, including those with hypertension, coronary artery disease and heart failure [3].

Beyond exercise, physiotherapy-driven interventions extend into lifestyle modification counseling, an essential component of cardiovascular risk factor management. Physiotherapists engage patients in behaviour change discussions, addressing factors such as smoking cessation, diet modification and stress management. The integration of motivational interviewing techniques by physiotherapists facilitates a patient-centered approach, enhancing adherence to lifestyle modifications crucial for cardiovascular health. The literature also underscores the role of physiotherapy in secondary prevention strategies post-CVD events. Cardiac rehabilitation programs, led by physiotherapists, encompass comprehensive interventions that address physical, psychological and social aspects of recovery. These programs, incorporating exercise training, education and psychosocial support, contribute to reduced recurrence of cardiovascular events and improved overall quality of life [4].

Despite the promising strides in the literature, gaps and challenges persist. Variability in study methodologies, heterogeneity in patient populations and limited exploration of certain physiotherapeutic modalities warrant attention. Moreover, the evolving landscape of tele-rehabilitation and technology-assisted interventions in physiotherapy for cardiovascular health promotion presents opportunities for further exploration. The literature review underscores the pivotal role of physiotherapy in cardiovascular health promotion, emphasizing the diverse array of interventions employed by physiotherapists. As the profession continues to evolve, there is a need for standardized methodologies, interdisciplinary collaboration and further exploration of innovative modalities to enhance the impact of physiotherapy in preventing and managing cardiovascular diseases. This scoping review aims to synthesize this expansive body of literature, shedding light on the current state of knowledge and paving the way for future research and practice in physiotherapy-driven cardiovascular health promotion [5].


The synthesis of literature on physiotherapy-driven cardiovascular health promotion reveals a robust and evolving landscape. The multifaceted contributions of physiotherapy extend beyond conventional rehabilitation, positioning it as a proactive force in preventing and managing Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs). Exercise therapy emerges as a cornerstone intervention, with compelling evidence supporting its efficacy in improving cardiovascular fitness, reducing blood pressure and ameliorating lipid profiles across diverse patient populations. The personalized and patient-centered approach inherent in physiotherapeutic exercise programs underscores the adaptability of these interventions to individual needs and capacities. Lifestyle modification counseling, another key aspect of physiotherapy interventions, offers a unique opportunity to address modifiable risk factors comprehensively [6].

The incorporation of motivational interviewing techniques enhances patient engagement and adherence to behaviour change, addressing crucial aspects such as smoking cessation, dietary modifications and stress management. By fostering a collaborative and supportive environment, physiotherapists play a pivotal role in empowering individuals to adopt and sustain heart-healthy lifestyles. The literature review also sheds light on the significant role of physiotherapy in cardiac rehabilitation, particularly in the post-event phase. Comprehensive programs, integrating exercise training, education and psychosocial support, contribute to the holistic recovery of individuals who have experienced cardiovascular events. These interventions not only reduce the risk of recurrence but also enhance the overall quality of life for patients navigating the aftermath of CVDs.


In conclusion, this scoping review elucidates the expanding role of physiotherapy in cardiovascular health promotion, providing a comprehensive overview of current knowledge and practices. The evidence gleaned underscores the versatility of physiotherapeutic interventions, ranging from exercise therapy and lifestyle modification counseling to comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programs. Physiotherapy emerges not only as a rehabilitative tool but as a proactive agent in preventing CVDs, managing risk factors and optimizing the recovery of individuals’ post-cardiovascular events. As the field of physiotherapy continues to evolve, collaborative efforts between researchers, clinicians and policymakers are imperative. Standardizing methodologies, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and exploring innovative technologies will enhance the impact of physiotherapy in cardiovascular health promotion. The findings of this scoping review contribute to the growing body of knowledge, offering insights for future research directions and guiding evidence-based practices aimed at reducing the global burden of cardiovascular diseases. Through continued advancements in physiotherapeutic approaches, individuals at risk for or affected by cardiovascular diseases can benefit from tailored interventions that promote cardiovascular health and overall well-being.



Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest by author.


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