Postgraduate Study in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Progress

Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access

ISSN: 2167-7689

Open Access

Perspective - (2023) Volume 12, Issue 2

Postgraduate Study in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Progress

Zhengwei Huang*
*Correspondence: Zhengwei Huang, Department of Pharmacy, University of Jinan, Guangzhou, China, Email:
Department of Pharmacy, University of Jinan, Guangzhou, China

Received: 28-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. pbt-23-94652; Editor assigned: 30-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. P-94652; Reviewed: 11-Feb-2023, QC No. Q-94652; Revised: 17-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. R-94652; Published: 25-Feb-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2167-7689.2023.12.357
Citation: Huang, Zhengwei. “Postgraduate Study in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Progress.” Pharmaceut Reg Affairs 12 (2023): 357.
Copyright: © 2023 Huang Z. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


From a bibliometric perspective, the study quantitatively examined the related research progress in pharmaceutical sciences/pharmacy education and offered practical recommendations to facilitate the growth of pharmaceutical sciences/pharmacy postgraduate education. The Web of Science Core Collection database was used for the bibliographic analysis. The literature that was published between 1985 and 2021 was screened and chosen. The bibliometrics online platform, VOSviewer software and the citation report from Clarivate Analytics were utilized for the overall profile description, citation analysis and research hotspot mining. The bibliometric results and profiles were plotted and represented [1].


The bibliometric analysis of 485 relevant papers revealed an ever-increasing research frontier; The primary contributors were primarily American institutions. There has been an increase in the number of papers cited, with a significant portion coming from areas other than education research. According to the mining results, the emerging trends in the field included interprofessional training and new educational styles for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) therapy, as well as in-school and residency education for pharmacy postgraduates. The studies were looked at and it was found that promoting relevant research programs, establishing financial support and launching specific publication sources could help improve pharmaceutical sciences/pharmacy postgraduate education. In addition, the findings suggested that this was a lesser-known issue that merited the investigators' greater attention.

One of the most important standards for citizens in a modern society is a high level of healthcare. A prerequisite for such a standard is a sufficient supply of medical products, particularly drugs, as well as their rational administration. The pharmaceutical industry and pharmacist systems that are associated with drug production and administration in the majority of nations necessitate the collaboration of specialists in both fields. Recently, to treat chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension and others and severe epidemics, the pharmaceutical industry and pharmacist system must urgently develop sustainably. It is generally perceived that training is the essential way to deal with ensure the economical improvement of a discipline. Because education research has the potential to support the rational design of curriculum, enhance evaluation systems and update the study area for students, it is of great significance [2].

Natural product innovations in pharmaceutical products are the focus of the first five papers in this special issue. The chemical structure modification and characterization of seed gum from Tamarindus indica and Cassia fistula were reported in the paper "Use of seed gums from Tamarindus indica and Cassia fistula as controlled release agents" by Kampanart Huanbutta and Wancheng Sittikijyothin. Using these modified seed gums, controlled release tablets were made and their in vitro drug release and drug release mechanism were studied. The development of a water-compatible form of coconut oil through nanoemulsification with the assistance of surfactants was reported in the paper titled "The effect of surfactant on the physical properties of coconut oil nanoemulsions" by Sirikarn Pengon and coworkers. Using 5% (w/w) polyethylene glycol hydrogenated castor oil as a surfactant, stable coconut oil nanoemulsions with small particle sizes could be easily made. In the future, the study's findings may serve as the foundation for the production of stable nanoemulsions for the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. "Formulation and evaluation of gels containing coconut kernel extract for topical application," Wantanwa Krongrawa and coworkers reported the innovation derived from coconut kernel extract. They developed gels containing coconut kernel extract after conducting research on the biological activities, such as antioxidant properties.

The initial two cycles of gathering program-level appraisal uncovered issues with both the evaluation devices and the program objectives themselves. The Bloom's Taxonomy level at which course directors evaluated students' achievement of program goals varied. Additionally, an incorrect mapping of course learning objectives to program goals was discovered. Measures of how well students were doing in relation to program-level goals became unreliable as a result of these issues. Peer conversations between course chiefs and the evaluation board of trustees prompted change of program objectives as well as further developed appraisal information assortment instruments. The development of novel preclinical discoveries into meaningful changes in patient care depends on clinical pharmaceutical research. Researchers with the special abilities to coordinate fundamental pharmacology and the clinical pathogenesis of illness are profoundly looked for in scholarly community and the drug business. Clinical pharmacologists' capacity to incorporate preclinical and clinical proof as it connects with drug reaction is a key component important to diminish both the hour of medication improvement and the probability of late-stage drug failures [3-5].


In conclusion, Similarly as with the drug business, interpretation of preclinical examination revelations into significant restorative intercessions has been a significant drive inside scholastic settings. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) have helped establish an infrastructure for clinical research within academic institutions, which has increased the demand for highly skilled researchers in the clinical pharmaceutical sciences.



Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest by author.


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Citations: 533

Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access received 533 citations as per Google Scholar report

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