Qualities of Biodegradable Materials Utilized in Natural Designing

Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering

ISSN: 2165-784X

Open Access

Short Commentary - (2023) Volume 13, Issue 5

Qualities of Biodegradable Materials Utilized in Natural Designing

Yi Bao*
*Correspondence: Yi Bao, Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering, University of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA, Email:
Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering, University of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA

Received: 02-May-2023, Manuscript No. Jcde-23-105919; Editor assigned: 04-May-2023, Pre QC No. P-105919; Reviewed: 16-May-2023, QC No. Q-105919; Revised: 21-May-2023, Manuscript No. R-105919; Published: 28-May-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2165-784X.2023.13.523
Citation: Bao, Yi. “Qualities of Biodegradable Materials Utilized in Natural Designing.” J Civil Environ Eng 13 (2023): 508.
Copyright: © 2023 Bao Y. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Geotextiles have turned into a famous arrangement in ecological designing. They might be fabricated from manufactured or biodegradable materials. The principal elements of geotextiles are separation, filtration, drainage, sealing, protection against erosion andimproving the conditions of plant vegetation the majority of the synthetic ones are made from fossil fuels. Using natural products in place of petrochemical ones is one way to reduce energy use from nonrenewable sources and pollution of the environment. Tragically, just 2% of the geosynthetics are created from inexhaustible assets. Biopolymers and natural fibers, on the other hand, are thought to have the potential to successfully replace synthetic materials in even 50% of all applications. Although natural fibers like jute, flax, coconut fiber, palm fiber, sisal, nettle, straw, cotton andwool are used in a variety of geotextiles, environmental engineering rarely makes use of them. The current state of knowledge and technological advancements in their production and application are presented in the paper. Biodegradable polymers and natural fibers are also the focus of the study, which also identifies shortcomings as well as opportunities for further development of the manufacturing technology.


Biodegradable materials are typically derived from renewable resources, including plant-based materials such as starch, cellulose andnatural fibers, as well as certain types of biopolymers. These materials are organic in nature and can be readily metabolized by microorganisms in the environment. Biodegradable materials degrade through a process known as biodegradation, where microorganisms break down the complex molecular structure of the material into simpler compounds, such as carbon dioxide, water andbiomass. This breakdown occurs due to the action of enzymes secreted by microorganisms, which can utilize the material as a source of energy and nutrients. Biodegradation is influenced by various environmental factors, including temperature, humidity, oxygen availability, pH level andthe presence of microorganisms capable of degrading the specific material. The rate of degradation can vary depending on these factors, with optimal conditions often required for efficient biodegradation. Biodegradable materials have a wide range of applications across different industries. In packaging, they can be used for products such as biodegradable bags, containers andfood packaging. In the textile industry, biodegradable fibers can be used to create sustainable clothing and fabrics. Additionally, biodegradable materials are utilized in agriculture for mulching films, in medicine for biodegradable implants and drug delivery systems andin construction for ecofriendly building materials [1].

The use of biodegradable materials offers several advantages. Firstly, they contribute to waste reduction and landfill diversion by breaking down naturally, reducing the accumulation of waste in landfills. Secondly, biodegradable materials have a lower carbon footprint compared to non-biodegradable alternatives, as they require fewer fossil fuel resources during production. Additionally, their decomposition process does not release harmful pollutants or toxins into the environment, minimizing the impact on ecosystems and human health. While biodegradable materials have numerous benefits, it is essential to consider their limitations. The rate of degradation can vary significantly depending on the specific material and environmental conditions, which means proper waste management systems are necessary to ensure optimal conditions for biodegradation. Furthermore, certain biodegradable materials may require specific disposal methods, such as composting, to facilitate their breakdown [2].

In the quest for a more sustainable future, the utilization of biodegradable materials in natural engineering has emerged as a promising solution. Inspired by nature's efficiency, resilience and adaptability, these materials offer numerous benefits in terms of environmental impact, resource conservation and design versatility. In this article, we will explore the qualities of biodegradable materials and their applications in natural engineering, highlighting their potential to drive innovation towards a greener and more harmonious coexistence with our planet. Biodegradable materials are primarily derived from renewable resources, such as plant fibers, biopolymers and bio-based composites. These materials exhibit exceptional environmental compatibility, as they break down naturally over time, reducing waste accumulation and minimizing the carbon footprint associated with their production. By using biodegradable materials in natural engineering, we can significantly mitigate the negative impacts of traditional non-biodegradable materials, such as plastic, on ecosystems, oceans and landfills [3].

Biodegradable materials are not only environmentally friendly but also possess impressive mechanical properties. Through innovative manufacturing processes, these materials can be engineered to meet specific performance requirements for a wide range of applications. Whether it's packaging, construction, textiles, or medical devices, biodegradable materials offer versatility without compromising on functionality or aesthetics. This adaptability enables designers to explore new possibilities while reducing the reliance on non-renewable resources. One of the standout qualities of biodegradable materials is their ability to contribute to regenerative design. Inspired by nature's cyclical systems, regenerative design focuses on creating products and structures that integrate seamlessly with the environment and can either decompose harmlessly or nourish the surrounding ecosystems. By incorporating biodegradable materials into natural engineering, designers can create products that give back to the environment, promoting the restoration and rejuvenation of ecosystems instead of perpetuating their degradation [4].

Biodegradable materials have a significantly lower environmental impact compared to traditional materials. They typically require less energy and water during production, contributing to a more sustainable manufacturing process. Moreover, biodegradable materials do not release harmful toxins when decomposing, mitigating the risks to soil, water andair quality. By utilizing biodegradable materials, natural engineering can play a vital role in reducing pollution and conserving vital natural resources. The use of biodegradable materials in natural engineering aligns with the principles of the circular economy. By considering the entire lifecycle of a product, from raw material extraction to disposal, designers can ensure that materials are sourced sustainably, manufactured responsibly anddisposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Biodegradable materials support this approach by facilitating the transition from a linear take-make-dispose model to a circular system where resources are reused, recycled, or returned to nature without harm [5].


Biodegradable materials hold great promise in natural engineering, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional non-biodegradable materials. Their environmental compatibility, versatility, regenerative potential, reduced environmental impact andcompatibility with the circular economy make them valuable resources for designers seeking to create innovative and sustainable solutions. By embracing biodegradable materials, we can harness the power of nature's own mechanisms to drive progress towards a more ecologically harmonious and resilient future.



Conflict of Interest

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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