Recent Developments in the Research of Wheat Protein and Other Food Components that Impact the Gluten Network and the Characteristics of Noodles

Journal of Experimental Food Chemistry

ISSN: 2472-0542

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 10, Issue 3

Recent Developments in the Research of Wheat Protein and Other Food Components that Impact the Gluten Network and the Characteristics of Noodles

David Fernando*
*Correspondence: David Fernando, Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, 041 81 Košice, Slovakia, Email:
Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, 041 81 Košice, Slovakia

Received: 01-May-2024, Manuscript No. jefc-24-138981; Editor assigned: 03-May-2024, Pre QC No. P-138981; Reviewed: 15-May-2024, QC No. Q-138981; Revised: 20-May-2024, Manuscript No. R-138981; Published: 27-May-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2472-0542.2024.10.489
Citation: Fernando, David. “Recent Developments in the Research of Wheat Protein and Other Food Components that Impact the Gluten Network and the Characteristics of Noodles.” J Exp Food Chem 10 (2024): 489.
Copyright: © 2024 Fernando D This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Wheat protein, particularly gluten, plays a pivotal role in determining the quality of noodles and other wheat-based products. Recent research has focused on understanding the complex interactions between wheat protein and other food components, as well as their impact on the gluten network and noodle characteristics. This paper reviews recent developments in this field, highlighting advancements in analytical techniques, processing technologies and ingredient modifications. Key findings include the influence of wheat protein composition, enzymatic modifications and ingredient interactions on gluten network formation and noodle texture. Insights from these studies provide valuable guidance for optimizing noodle quality, enhancing nutritional value and addressing consumer preferences. Future research directions are also discussed, aiming to further elucidate the intricate mechanisms underlying wheat protein functionality and its implications for noodle production and quality assurance.


Wheat protein • Food components • Quality optimization


Wheat-based products, such as noodles, are staple foods consumed worldwide due to their convenience, versatility and palatability. Central to the production of high-quality noodles is the gluten network formed during dough mixing and processing. Gluten, a complex mixture of proteins found in wheat, provides dough elasticity, extensibility and strength, contributing to desirable noodle texture and structure. Recent years have witnessed growing interest in understanding the factors influencing gluten network formation and its implications for noodle characteristics. Advances in analytical techniques, processing technologies and ingredient modifications have led to significant developments in this field, offering new insights into wheat protein functionality and its interactions with other food components. One of the key areas of research focuses on elucidating the role of wheat protein composition in gluten network formation. Gluten comprises two main protein fractions: gliadins and glutenins. Gliadins contribute to dough viscosity and extensibility, while glutenins are responsible for dough elasticity and strength. The balance between these two protein fractions, as well as their molecular properties, influences gluten network development and, consequently, noodle quality. Moreover, enzymatic modifications of wheat protein have emerged as a promising approach to tailor gluten functionality and improve noodle characteristics. Enzymes such as transglutaminase, proteases and amylases can selectively modify gluten proteins, altering their structure and interactions within the dough matrix [1].

These enzymatic modifications affect dough rheology, fermentation kinetics and final noodle texture, offering opportunities for product innovation and quality optimization. In addition to wheat protein, other food components present in noodle formulations can impact gluten network formation and noodle characteristics. Ingredients such as salt, sugars, fats and additives interact with wheat protein during dough mixing and processing, influencing dough rheology, water absorption and gluten development. Understanding these ingredient interactions is crucial for optimizing noodle formulations and achieving desired sensory attributes. This paper aims to review recent developments in the research of wheat protein and other food components affecting the gluten network and noodle characteristics. By synthesizing findings from various studies, we seek to provide insights into the complex mechanisms underlying noodle quality and highlight opportunities for future research and innovation in this field [2].

Literature Review

Wheat protein, primarily gluten, is a key determinant of noodle quality due to its unique viscoelastic properties and ability to form a cohesive network during dough processing. Recent research has focused on elucidating the factors influencing gluten network formation and their implications for noodle characteristics, spanning from molecular interactions to macroscopic texture attributes. One of the fundamental aspects of wheat protein research is the characterization of gluten composition and structure. Gluten comprises gliadins and glutenins, which contribute distinct functionalities to dough and noodle quality. Gliadins, characterized by their solubility in aqueous alcohol solutions, primarily influence dough extensibility and viscosity. Glutenins, on the other hand, form intermolecular disulfide bonds, imparting elasticity and strength to the gluten network. Several studies have investigated the impact of wheat protein composition on gluten network properties and noodle quality. The ratio of gliadins to glutenins significantly affects dough rheology and noodle texture. Higher gliadin content resulted in softer noodles with lower cooking loss, while increased glutenin content led to firmer noodles with higher elasticity. In addition to gluten composition, enzymatic modifications of wheat protein have been explored to tailor gluten functionality and improve noodle quality. Transglutaminase, a widely studied enzyme, catalyzes the formation of covalent bonds between gluten proteins, enhancing gluten network strength and resistance to overmixing. Furthermore, the interactions between wheat protein and other food components in noodle formulations have received considerable attention. Salt, sugars, fats and additives such as gums and emulsifiers can modulate dough rheology and gluten network development through various mechanisms [3].

For example, salt enhances gluten hydration and promotes protein solubilization, resulting in improved dough extensibility and reduced stickiness. Conversely, excessive sugar levels may interfere with gluten formation, leading to weaker gluten networks and inferior noodle texture. Apart from traditional ingredients, alternative sources of protein and fiber have been explored to enhance the nutritional profile and functional properties of noodles. Incorporating pulse flours, soy protein isolates and dietary fibers into noodle formulations can alter gluten-starch interactions, water distribution and cooking behavior. That chickpea flour-enriched noodles exhibited higher protein content and firmer texture compared to conventional wheat noodles, offering potential health benefits and sensory advantages. While significant progress has been made in understanding the complexities of wheat protein functionality and noodle characteristics, several challenges and opportunities remain for future research. Advances in analytical techniques, such as proteomics, rheology and imaging, hold promise for elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying gluten network formation and its interactions with food components. Moreover, interdisciplinary collaborations between food scientists, nutritionists and sensory researchers are essential for translating fundamental knowledge into practical applications and consumer-driven product development [4].


The literature reviewed demonstrates the multifaceted nature of wheat protein functionality and its impact on noodle characteristics. From gluten composition to enzymatic modifications and ingredient interactions, various factors influence gluten network formation and noodle quality, underscoring the complexity of wheat-based product development. One of the key insights from the literature is the importance of balancing gliadin and glutenin content to achieve desirable noodle texture and cooking properties. Gliadins contribute to dough extensibility and tenderness, while glutenins provide elasticity and resilience. Understanding the dynamic interplay between these two protein fractions is crucial for optimizing noodle formulations and meeting consumer preferences for texture and mouthfeel. Enzymatic modifications of wheat protein offer a promising avenue for enhancing gluten functionality and noodle quality. Transglutaminase, in particular, has emerged as a versatile tool for crosslinking gluten proteins and improving dough strength and stability. However, further research is needed to optimize enzyme concentrations, reaction conditions and processing parameters to maximize the benefits of enzymatic treatments while minimizing undesirable effects on flavor and sensory attributes [5]. Ingredient interactions play a significant role in shaping gluten network properties and noodle characteristics. Salt, sugars, fats and additives exert differential effects on dough rheology, water absorption and gluten development, depending on their concentrations and functionalities. Formulating noodle recipes requires careful consideration of ingredient synergies and antagonisms to achieve the desired balance of texture, flavor and nutritional quality. Incorporating alternative protein and fiber sources into noodle formulations presents both challenges and opportunities for product innovation and differentiation. Pulse flours, soy protein isolates and dietary fibers offer nutritional benefits and functional advantages, such as increased protein content, enhanced water-binding capacity and improved dough handling properties. However, their incorporation may also introduce flavor, color and textural changes that require sensory optimization and consumer acceptance testing. Moving forward, future research directions should focus on elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying wheat protein functionality and its interactions with other food components. High-throughput proteomic techniques, coupled with advanced rheological and imaging methods, can provide deeper insights into gluten network dynamics and structure-function relationships. Moreover, interdisciplinary collaborations between academia, industry and regulatory agencies are essential for translating scientific discoveries into practical solutions and promoting innovation in the wheatbased food sector [6].


In conclusion, recent developments in the research of wheat protein and other food components impacting the gluten network and noodle characteristics have provided valuable insights into the complexities of wheat-based product development. From gluten composition to enzymatic modifications and ingredient interactions, various factors influence gluten network formation and noodle quality, shaping consumer preferences and market trends. Understanding the dynamic interplay between gliadins and glutenins is crucial for optimizing noodle formulations and achieving desired texture and sensory attributes. Enzymatic modifications offer a promising approach to tailor gluten functionality and improve noodle quality, but further research is needed to optimize processing conditions and minimize off-flavor development. Ingredient interactions play a significant role in shaping gluten network properties and noodle characteristics, highlighting the importance of ingredient selection and formulation optimization. Alternative protein and fiber sources offer opportunities for product innovation and nutritional enhancement, but their incorporation requires careful consideration of sensory attributes and consumer acceptance. Moving forward, future research directions should focus on elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying wheat protein functionality and its interactions with other food components. High-throughput proteomic techniques, coupled with advanced rheological and imaging methods, can provide deeper insights into gluten network dynamics and structure-function relationships. Interdisciplinary collaborations between academia, industry and regulatory agencies are essential for translating scientific discoveries into practical solutions and promoting innovation in the wheat-based food sector. In conclusion, recent developments in wheat protein research offer promising avenues for enhancing noodle quality, nutritional value and consumer satisfaction. By leveraging interdisciplinary approaches and cutting-edge technologies, researchers can drive innovation and address emerging challenges in the wheat-based food industry, ensuring the continued relevance and sustainability of wheat-based products in global food markets.


Not applicable.

Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest by author.


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