Retail Marketing and Factors Influencing Public Purchasing Actions Retail Marketing and Factors Influencing Public Purchasing Actions (A Case Study of Anantnag Town) (A Case Study of Anantnag Town)

Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review

ISSN: 2223-5833

Open Access

Research Article - (2023) Volume 13, Issue 1

Retail Marketing and Factors Influencing Public Purchasing Actions Retail Marketing and Factors Influencing Public Purchasing Actions (A Case Study of Anantnag Town) (A Case Study of Anantnag Town)

Ajaz Ahmad Bhat*
*Correspondence: Ajaz Ahmad Bhat, Department of Business and Management, Kashmir University, Kashmir, India, Tel: 9150000000, 9149436440, Email:
Department of Business and Management, Kashmir University, Kashmir, India

Received: 06-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. JBMR-22-76603; Editor assigned: 10-Oct-2022, Pre QC No. JBMR-22-76603(PQ); Reviewed: 24-Oct-2022, QC No. JBMR-22-76603; Revised: 28-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. JBMR-22-76603(R); Published: 04-Jan-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2223-5833.2023.13.468
Citation: Bhat, Ajaz Ahmad. "Retail Marketing and Factors Influencing Public Purchasing Actions (A Case Study of Anantnag Town)." Arabian J Bus Manag Review 13 (2023): 468.
Copyright: © 2023 Bhat AA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The basic aim of the research is to examine behavior of consumer and their purchasing decisions on retail marketing in Anantnag town. For fulfilling this study 200 questionnaires were distributed among the respondents for recording their responses accordingly. The objectives of this study is to know the retail marketing factors Influencing public purchasing actions and how the various factors influence their decision making, for accomplish the objectives of this research study. Study has overtaken various statistical tools like mean, percentile method etc. As we know the buying behavior of the consumers varies from person to person as per their perceptions on day to day due to changes on the factors like psychological factor, demographic factors, geographic factors etc. and accordingly consumers react towards the market similarly as per their need, income, attitude, personality, learning etc. To complete the purpose of this study this research study has brought up the questionnaire as mentioned earlier and questions like subsumed there like, does outer appearance of product influences you to make purchase decision? The conclusion is given bottom.


Marketing • Behavior • Market • Customers • Income • Factors • Influence


Modern marketing said that consumer is the king of market around which all business and marketing activities existed. People who use the commodities and goods too by paying the consideration (price or money) then play their role on the same. Public or consumer purchasing buying actions varies from person to person, ether income based age based experience based and group to group over goods to goods or services to services. To study about consumer behavior is the study of how consumers make decisions to spent their available/disposable income and resources like time, money, effort on consumption related items. Consumer behavior can be studied as how consumer buy the products, why they buy the products, when they buy the products, where they buy and how often they use the products. These are the facts which can decide the way and functioning of public purchasing factors [1].

Public purchasing behavior influenced by many of the factors and depends upon person to person as per the economic factors,, family, standard of living, psychological factors like perception, motivation, learning, attitudes and sociological factors.

Public buying or purchasing behavior is influenced by many different factors. A retail marketer should learn and to understand the factors that influence the public buying or purchasing behavior and work on it to modify their own conduct in order to concur them on spot so, some of the 5 major factors that influence public purchasing behavior [2].

Psychological factors

• Motivation

• Perception

• Learning

• Attitudes and beliefs

Social factors

• Family

• Reference groups

• Roles and status

Cultural factors

• Family

• Subculture

• Social class

Personal factors

• Age

• Income

• Occupation

• Lifestyle

Economic factors

• Personal income

• family income

• Consumer credit

• Assets savings

Materials and Methods

Leslie Lazar and Schiffman: The authors suggested consumer behavior as individual differs as from group. The family decision for a purchase decision is entirely different from individual decision making. The authors discussed various variables that affect consumer purchase decision. The book focused on family life cycle and various needs of consumer during different life stages. The family decision making process as a group decision making is elaborated and it is recommended to segment the market according to family need hierarchy [3].

Karunik and Schiffman: The book highlights dynamic business environment is turbulent as never before and the service industry as promising as never before. In this era of intense competition companies understand the customer is the king in the market and success depends a lot on the efficiency of the managers in delivering the promised product or services. The responsibility lies on the organizations to develop a culture, ethics, responsibility, value and quality services should be offered to achieve higher level of customer satisfaction. Dynamic consumer behavior is required to analyze various factors affecting consumer purchase decision directly or indirectly [4].

Batra SK and Kazmi: They had described consumer decision making process, buyer’s black box and importance of consumer behavior studies for marketers in order to understand what satisfy the ultimate consumer. The book described vital characteristics of Indian consumer and competitive advantages in Indian context for the marketers. The consumer decision process, buying roles and buying roles and consumer black box are discussed in detail. The various steps evolving consumer decision making are linked with the life stages. Young buyers, women and children considered as uprising consumers groups as a part of competitive market situations [5].

Ajaz Ahmad Bhat: The research makes a pertinent revelation that the level of investment knowledge significantly boosts or leverages the returns on the investments. From above the discussion of the frequency distribution data, it shows the variations about the respondents are having extensive knowledge regards the investment alternatives no doubt lot of the Investment alternatives are available in the market but in Jammu and Kashmir public or investors are investing their money on shares, real estate, fixed deposits etc., these are the alternatives which give good return on investment even having high level of risk but they assume they will give good return as more risk leads to more profit. Hence the researcher has concluded that the most of the investors of Jammu and Kashmir investing their money in shares and followed by real estate and gold [6].

Hemanth Kumar A, Hand: Analysis we found that small differences exist in the income level that implies the different groups prefer or opinion differs on consumer buying behavior. It created a curiosity to us to find out which group really differing on the opinions. By the help of post hoc we found out that the dependent differ the opinion among other class. It may be due to the decisions taken by youngsters. Every person plays multiple roles in their daily life, professional role or social role. Each of these roles has a certain effect on consumers buying behavior. Each role has a particular status in society and consumer behavior is considerably depended on the status factor. If the marketers easily understand the factors that mainly influence in buying decision the sales can be increased a lot. The study offers an assessment of the symbolic devices that celebrity and peers adopts to persuade the audience. The visual expression model is supported in that the study suggests why advertisers use celebrities of different gender and age groups and expertise areas in commercials for certain products and cultural values [7].

Ajaz ahmad bhat: In respect of providing a conclusion of the behavior of retail investors towards various financial investments. The study has found behavior of retail investors in terms of age, gender, marital status, educational qualification, income, residence, experience, type of investor, and preferences towards investment alternatives, level of risk and returns, post satisfaction on investment, future investment and sources of information. According to the study it was observed that mature age group (20-40) plays a vital role in investment. So far as the gender is concerned the males were found more investable as compared to the females’ investors [8].


• To study the influence of Income Level of the respondents on consumer buying behavior dimensions.

• To study is to know the factors influencing buying behavior of consumers.

Results and Discussion

Hypothesis results

There is no difference or relation between the purchasing behavior of public and factors influencing behavior of public.

Conclusion: By testing the hypothesis with the help of Karl pearsons coefficient of correlation, f test and standard deviation and it is being observed that there a is difference between the purchasing perception of public or behavior of public and the factors which influence them or stimulate their thinking perception (Table 1) [9].

Table 1. By testing the hypothesis with the help of Karl pearsons coefficient of correlation, f test and standard deviation.

Standard deviation Correlation F test
12.11 R=-1 1.96

Research methodology

This study has been conducted on 200 samples through simple random sampling method of different marketing areas of Anantnag Town (Kashmir). The data for analysis was collected through questionnaire for fulfilling the objectives of the research study.

Data analysis and interpretation

Interpretation: The below data Table 2 shows the gender distribution of the respondents as 120 are males and their percentage is 60% and followed by the female respondents with 80 numbers and their percentage is 40% (Figure 1).

Table 2. The gender distribution of the respondents.

S. No. Gender Total %
1 Male 120 0.6
2 Female 80 0.4
    200 1

Figure 1. Image showing the gender distribution.

Interpretation: The below data Table 3 shows the age distribution of the respondents as 40 respondents are whose age is in between 15-25 and their percentage is 20% and this study also recorded the distribution of respondents as 95 respondents are those whose age is in between the 25 to 40 and their percentage is 47.5% and 65 respondents are those who age is 40 and above and their percentage is 32.5% (Figure 2).

Table 3. Shows the age distribution of the respondents.

S. no. Age Total %
1 15-25 40 0.2
2 25-40 95 0.475
3 40 and above 65 0.325
  Total 200 1

Figure 2. Image showing the age distribution.

Interpretation: The below data Table 4 shows the qualification of the respondents respectively as 25 respondents are those whose qualification is 10th to 12th and their parentage is 12.5%, 55 respondents are those who having graduation as their qualification and their percentage is 27.5%, 80 respondents are those who having doctorate as their qualification and their percentage is 7.5% and followed by the professionals and their percentage is 12.5% with 25 numbers of respondents (Figure 3).

Table 4. Shows the qualification of the respondents.

S. No. Qualification Total %
1 10th-12th 25 0.125
2 Graduation 55 0.275
3 P G 80 0.4
4 Doctorate 15 0.075
5 Professional 25 0.125
  Total 200 1

Figure 3. Image showing the qualifications of respondents.

Interpretation: The below data Table 5 shows the occupation of the respondents separately as 65 respondents are business man and their percentage is 32.5%, 85 respondents are those whose occupation is government employ and their percentage is 42.5%, private employs are having 35 in numbers and their percentage is 17.5% and professional are those who have 15 as their numbers and their percentage is 7.5% (Figure 4).

Table 5. Shows the occupation of the respondents.

S No. Occupation Total %
1 Business man 65 0.325
2 Govt. employ 85 0.425
3 Private employ 35 0.175
4 professional 15 0.075
  Total 200 1

Figure 4. Image showing the occupation of respondents.

Interpretation: The below data Table 6 shows the monthly income of the respondents separately as 20 respondents are those whose income are 5000 to 30000 and their percentage is 10% and 10% separately. And 35 and 45 respondents those whose percentage is 17.5 and 22.5 separately as ion between 30000 to 50000 and 50000 to 1 lakh and followed by the higher percentage of respondents whose income is above 1 lakh and their percentage is 40% (Figure 5).

Table 6.Shows the monthly income of the respondents.

S. No. Monthly income Total %
1 5000 to 10000 20 0.1
2 10000 to 30000 20 0.1
3 30000 to 50000 35 0.175
4 50000 to 1 lakh 45 0.225
5 1 lakh above 80 0.4
  Total 200 1

Figure 5. Image showing the monthly income of respondents.

Interpretation: The below data Table 7 shows the socially responsible distribution as most of the respondents are 130 are those who said yes companies are socially responsible and their percentage is 65% and 70 respondent are those who said no companies are not socially responsible and their percentage is 35% (Figure 6).

Table 7. Shows the socially responsible distribution as most of the respondents.

S. No. Socially responsible Total %
1 Yes 130 0.65
2 No 70 0.35
  Total 200 1

Figure 6. Image showing the socially responsible respondents.

Interpretation: The below data Table 8 shows the distribution of outer appearance of product influences consumers are as follows 110 respondents are those who said yes and their percentage is 55% and 90 respondents are those who said no and their percentage is 45% (Figure 7).

Table 8. Shows the distribution of outer appearance of product.

S. No. Distribution of outer appearance of product Total %
1 Yes 110 0.55
2 No 90 0.45
  Total 200 1

Figure 7. Image showing the appearance of products.

Interpretation: The below data Table 9 shows the distribution of spent on shopping monthly by the consumer separately as 25 respondents are those who spent less than 5000 on shopping monthly and their percentage is 12.4%, 40 respondents are those who spent monthly 5000 to 7000 on shopping and their percentage is 20%, 100 respondents are those who spent 7000 to 10,000 on shopping and their percentage is 50%, 35 respondents are those who said they are spent above 10,000 on shopping monthly and their percentage is 17.5% (Figure 8).

Table 9. Shows the distribution of spent on shopping monthly.

S. No. Money spent on shopping monthly Total %
1 Less than 5000 25 0.125
2 5000-7000 40 0.2
3  7000-10000 100 0.5
4 10000 above 35 0.175
  Total 200 1

Figure 8. Image showing spent on shopping monthly.

Interpretations: The below data Table 10 shows the buying behavior based on emotions and it is found by this study like these way 110 respondents are those who said yes their behavior of buying is based on emotions and their percentage is 45%, 140 respondents are those who said no their behavior of buying is not based on emotions and their percentage is 55% (Figure 9).

Table 10. Shows the buying behavior based on emotions.

S. No. Buying behavior based on emotions Total %
1 Yes 90 0.45
2 No 110 0.55
  Total 250 1

Figure 9. Image showing emotion based shopping.

Interpretation: Below stats shows the highest percentage of psychological factors which influences respondents time to time over the retail marketing or buying behavior followed by the personal factors which also shows the next importance of preference over the first factor and having 25% rest followed by the other factors like social factors economic factors and cultural factors (Figure 10 and Table 11).

Table 11. Shows the factors does influence you most.

S. No. Factors Total %
1 Psychological Factors 60 0.3
2 Social factors 30 0.15
3 Cultural factors 20 0.1
4 Personal Factors 50 0.25
5 Economic Factor 40 0.2
  Total 200 1

Figure 10. Image showing the highest percentage of phsychological factors.


• Regarding the gender distribution of the consumers/respondents as this study recorded their distribution as likewise 120 are the males and 80 are females so it depicts that most of the respondents are males because they carry the responsibilities of the home as well.

• Regarding the age of the consumers and it is found that most of the consumers are 25 to 40 who are more involved in the marketing and followed by the 40 age groups and followed by 15 to 25 age groups accordingly.

• Regarding the qualification and it is found that most of the consumers are those showed their qualification as mostly pg is the qualification which consumers said 80 and followed by the graduation qualification by 55 numbers.

• Regarding the occupation as we have indicated that most of the customers are those who have regular income as they have government so it seems that this becomes influencing factor for consumer towards the shopping And this study also recorded data of the respondents who are businessman it become clear here that both profession have regular income which is itself become factor to induce them towards the shopping for consumption.

• Regarding the income that as we have seen that most of the consumers have prefer the shopping when their income level is quit high as like higher the income of the consumer higher their chance of consumption. And above the data table recorded the level of income of respondents and it was found that most of respondents are those who have income level above one lakh so it means their purchasing power is quite high.

• Socially responsible companies regarding this, it is seen that most of the consumers are said yes companies are socially responsible and their percentage 65% and this study is also recorded the responses of the consumer who said No and their percentage is 35%.

• Related to The appearance of the product and it is seen that most of the respondent who said yes and their percentage is 55% and this study also recorded the no responses of the consumers and their percentage is 45%.

• Regarding the monthly spent on shopping by the customers likewise we have seen that most of the respondents are those who spent 7000 to 10000 n shopping n monthly and their percentage is 50% and followed by those respondents who seen that they spent 5000 to 7000 n shopping in a month and their percentage is 20% and this study also recorded the lowest responses of the respondents over the shopping and these are like this 17.5% and 12.5% are separate respondents who said they are spent above 10000 and below 5000 monthly.

• Regarding the behavior of the consumers as this study has found that most of the respondents are those who said they are not buying on base of their emotions and their percentage is 55% and this study also recorded the responses of the consumers who said yes their buying behavior is base of their emotions and their percentage is 45%.


• Government has to introduce the new policy which will prove helping tool for the marketer and as well for the consumers.

• Government has to put some new updates of changing rates of the exited products as well for the new products in the markets.

• Provide the incentives to the public that can attract them towards the market.

• Consumers have to be fully aware regarding the new policy of the marketer and the government.

• Government has to organize seminars and conferences to convey the social awareness among the marketer and the consumers too.

• Government has to organize the campaigns under which they give the information about the products, quality, quantity, price, packing, and brand.


Basically the public, having numerous desires for which they always crave and make demand on their potential and their personal income background. This study is all about the factors influencing the behavior of public and how they react to the particular product and what the factors give influence to individually and group based accords they perceive the knowledge about the same in this study research observed and have seen the income played a main role towards the buying behavior factors along with the occupation and qualification are also main weapon which can give influence to the customers very merely for, this study we use questionnaire to study about the behavior of consumers.

Public purchasing behavior is the study about their all variations which comes to the nature by means of the opponents variations and this variation in behavior varies from public to public either individually or group based, and in this study, study have seen that public did their shopping on base of the emotions and this study found their numbers in least but it depends about the perceptions of the consumers too and mostly consumer seen that they did not believe on emotions related their buying behavior.

Public purchasing belief or behavior is the study about the consumers potential that how did they spent their available source money, efforts, time etc and in this study we have seen that consumers spent their money on shopping as their capability of the financial sources and in this study, research recorded their percentage in 7000 to 10000 as their monthly shopping expenditure, public should also be socially aware what the new trends in the market and their results or fluctuations recorded should be considered, public buying behavior can be empower when they perceive that companies are following the code of conduct/ethics.

Factors that actually put more impression over the emotions of investors, public, consumers group based or individually and that is psychological factors and this research also supposed the same and related to this table is given and data is there in nutshell we can say that purchasing buying behavior can be influenced if market is competent and the goods are in conformity in distribution channel and this become influencing factor.


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