Role/Risks of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Infliximab in IBD Patients

Journal of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases & Disorders

ISSN: 2476-1958

Open Access

Short Communication - (2020) Volume 5, Issue 2

Role/Risks of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Infliximab in IBD Patients

Lim Vuanghao*
*Correspondence: Lim Vuanghao, Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Bertam, 13200 Kepala Batas, Penang, Malaysia, Tel: (+6) 04-562 2427, Email:
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Bertam, 13200 Kepala Batas, Penang, Malaysia

Received: 09-Jul-2020 Published: 31-Jul-2020 , DOI: 10.37421/2476-1958.2020.5.134
Citation: Lim Vuanghao. "Role/Risks of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Infliximab in IBD Patients". J Inflam Bowel Dis Disor 5 (2020) doi: DOI: 10.37421/JIBDD.2020.5.134
Copyright: © 2020 Vuanghao L. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are the most generally endorsed class of medicine for the treatment of indigestion and corrosive related issues. They work by obstructing the site of corrosive creation in the parietal cell of the stomach. Infliximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody, is a medication used to treat a number of autoimmune diseases mainly Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD). Infliximab targets TNF, thought to be more related to Th1 cytokines.


Ulcerative Colitis; Crohn’s Disease; Proton Pump Inhibitors; Infliximab; Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Complications with Proton Pump Inhibitors

Experts claim that there is no complete cure but, there are some medications which are commonly used to treat UC and CD i.e., Proton pump inhibitors and Infliximab.

Studies suggest that acid suppressive medications may alter factors central to the pathophysiology of IBD, whether through shifts in the intestinal microbiome due to acid suppression or effects on immune function. Initiation of PPI s may be associated with shortterm changes in the course of IBD. Although confounding by indication was adjusted using propensity score matching, residual confounding may persist and findings need to be interpreted cautiously [1].

PPIs are prescribed as a medication for gastro-intestinal diseases, though they cause the potential threat such as cardiovascular diseases, bone fractures, kidney diseases, and several nutrient deficiencies. Some studies have reported that patients taking PPIs increased mortality, linked to cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal malignancies, and chronic kidney diseases [2]. Recent study in Taiwan states that PPIs use is associated with 1.52- fold increased risk of chronic kidney disease in diabetic patients when the dosage is over 180 DDD in one year in Taiwan [3].

Two large retrospective studies have sought to examine whether the use of PPIs affect the course of IBD. In the initial, a Canadian report utilized a common cases database to evaluate the event of IBD entanglements and drug changes in half year following the inception of a PPI, contrasted with affinity coordinated controls. The essential finding was that the inception of a H2RA about multiplied the opportunity of a resulting hospitalization or medical procedure in Crohn's. PPIs (and H2RAs in Crohn's) were related with expanded paces of new IBD prescription inception, though with little impact sizes and certainty spans with lower limits moving toward 1 [4].

In the subsequent investigation, they utilized the enormous US Veterans Affairs database to look at whether PPI use was related with IBD-related hospitalization or medical procedure. In investigation, the medicine was related with the event of the endpoint in both CD and UC. After intensive multivariate modification for segment qualities, drug store use, IBD prescriptions, and comorbidity score, in any case, all the affiliations became littler, and the relationship of H2RAs with the result in UC lost essentialness [5].

In the review by Morschel CF et al, explain that studies have found that prolonged use of PPIs may increase the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The increase in prescription and inadequate use of this class of medication calls for studies on the effects of prolonged PPI therapy on renal function [6].

Infliximab Uses and its Outcomes

However, Infliximab acts completely different in IBD patients. In the article written by Meyer A, et al, CT-P13, a biosimilar of the reference item infliximab, has been endorsed for the treatment of ulcerative colitis based on the consequences of preliminaries directed in patients with spondyloarthritis and rheumatoid joint pain. The creators reason that the observational investigation of real‐life information recommends that the adequacy of CT‐P13 is proportional and the danger of genuine contaminations could be lower than that of the reference item in infliximab‐naive patients with UC. The decision between the two items in patients with fiery entrail illness can along these lines be predominantly founded on cost alone [7].

Many covariates have been propose that would clarify the watched fluctuation in the freedom of infliximab in patients and such covariates incorporate antibodies to infliximab, co-drugs, body weight, centralization of serum egg whites and the level of sickness itself.

Based on the findings of Srinivas NR, the range of infliximab trough concentration required for mucosal healing varies between and within CD/UC based on the severity of the inflammatory burden a higher infliximab trough concentration need to be targeted. Despite individualized dosing based on body weight, the variability in pharmacokinetics exists within the same cohort of patients. This may lead to the achievement of higher infliximab trough concentrations in some individuals [8].

Unfortunately, the safety aspects of the infliximab treatment need to be considered because adverse events occurrence is primarily driven by the therapeutic concentrations of infliximab but not by the treatment indications and/or chronicity of either UC or CD. In order to drive this critical point, a composite schematic was created with pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamics and safety data acquired in different studies. Although the data were not derived in the same study and/or in the same pool of patients, the intent was to showcase the real difficulty in terms of safety issues for treating IBD patients beyond a certain threshold trough concentration of infliximab [8].


The medical relevance, along with the efficacy and safety of PPIs, cannot be denied. Proper use of the medication must be enforced in accordance with therapeutic guidelines. Observational studies, while beneficial, do not show causality, and even strong associations need to be further investigated before healthcare professionals change prescribing practices and alter instructions to patients. In addition, therapeutic drug monitoring of infliximab is of paramount importance to keep the balance of efficacy versus safety.


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