Several Types of Data Mining

International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications

ISSN: 2090-4886

Open Access

Commentary - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 3

Several Types of Data Mining

Isla Relish*
*Correspondence: Isla Relish, Department of Economic and Political Sciences, Università della Valle d’Aosta, Saint-Christophe, Italy, Email:
Department of Economic and Political Sciences, Università della Valle d’Aosta, Saint-Christophe, Italy

Received: 02-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. sndc-22-65181; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. P-65181; Reviewed: 16-Mar-2022, QC No. Q-65181; Revised: 21-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. R-65181; Published: 28-Mar-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2090-4886.2022.11.153
Citation: Relish, Isla. “Several Types of Data Mining.” J Sens Netw Data Commun 11 (2022): 153.
Copyright: © 2022 Relish I. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The process of extracting and detecting patterns in huge data sets using approaches at the confluence of machine learning, statistics, and database systems is referred to as data mining. Data mining is a computer science and statistics multidisciplinary branch with the ultimate objective of extracting information from a data collection using intelligent methods and translating the information into an intelligible structure for further use. The analysis stage in the "Knowledge Discovery in Databases" (KDD) process is data mining. It includes database and data administration, data pre-processing, model and inference considerations, interestingness measures, complexity considerations, postprocessing of identified structures, visualization, and online updating, in addition to the raw analysis stage [1].

The real data mining work is the semi-automated or automatic processing of vast amounts of data in order to identify previously unknown, intriguing patterns such as clusters of data records (cluster analysis), anomalies (anomaly detection), and relationships (association rule mining, sequential pattern mining). This often entails the use of database techniques like spatial indices. These patterns may then be viewed as a summary of the input data, and they can be utilized for additional analysis or machine learning and predictive analytics, for example. For example, the data mining stage may find different groupings in the data, which may subsequently be used by a decision support system to produce more accurate prediction results. The distinction between data analysis and data mining is that data analysis is used to test models and hypotheses on a dataset, independent of the amount of data, for example, measuring the efficacy of a marketing campaign. Data mining, on the other hand, use machine learning and statistical algorithms to identify hidden or covert patterns in enormous amounts of data [2].

Predictive data mining

Predictive analytics is a collection of business intelligence tools that may be used to forecast behaviour and events by uncovering links and patterns in vast amounts of data. Predictive analytics, unlike other BI tools, is forwardlooking, predicting the future based on previous occurrences. Data modelling, machine learning, AI, deep learning algorithms, and data mining are some of the statistical approaches used in predictive analytics. Although the unknown event of interest is frequently in the future, predictive analytics can be used to any unknown, whether past, present, or future. Identifying suspects after a crime has been committed, or detecting credit card fraud while it occurs, for example. Predictive analytics is based on recording correlations between explanatory factors and predicted variables based on historical events.

Web mining

Web use mining provides a number of advantages, which makes it appealing to businesses and government organisations alike. E-commerce has been able to undertake tailored marketing because to this technology, which has resulted in increased trade volumes. This technology is being used by government entities to classify risks and combat terrorism. The capacity of mining tools to forecast criminal activity can assist society by identifying illegal activity. Companies may improve their customer relationships by better understanding their customers' demands and responding to them more quickly. Companies may use the obtained insight into client requirements to identify, attract, and keep customers, as well as save money on manufacturing expenses. More advantages of online usage mining, particularly in the field of customization, are defined in specialised frameworks such as the probabilistic latent semantic analysis model, which add to the user's behaviour and access pattern. This is because the approach uses collaborative suggestion to present the user with more relevant material. Because the data and patterns collected are not subjective and do not degrade with time, these models indicate a capability in online use mining technology to solve difficulties associated with older methodologies such as biases and doubts about validity. There are additional aspects particular to online use mining that might demonstrate the technology's benefits, such as how semantic knowledge is employed when interpreting and analyzing data.


Forecasting is the technique of predicting the future based on historical and current facts. These can then be compared to what really happens. For example, a corporation may forecast sales for the coming year and then compare it to actual outcomes. Prediction is a related but broader phrase. Forecasting can relate to formal statistical approaches that use time series, cross-sectional, or longitudinal data, as well as less formal judgmental methods or the prediction and resolution process itself. The phrases "forecast" and "forecasting" are sometimes reserved in hydrology for estimations of values at certain future dates, but their usage might vary depending on the application. Forecasting and prediction; indicating the degree of uncertainty associated with forecasts is typically regarded good practice. In any event, in order for the forecast to be as precise as possible, the data must be current. In certain circumstances, the data used to anticipate the variable of interest is forecasted as well [3-5].


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