Significance Of Service Quality And Its Influence On Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty In The Restaurants Of Five-Star Hotels Of Delhi-NCR

Journal of Food & Industrial Microbiology

ISSN: 2572-4134

Open Access

Review Article - (2025) Volume 11, Issue 1

Significance Of Service Quality And Its Influence On Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty In The Restaurants Of Five-Star Hotels Of Delhi-NCR

Omar Abdullah1*, Tahir Sufi1 and Sanjeev Kumar2
*Correspondence: Omar Abdullah, Department of Hospitality, Amity University, Noida, India, Tel: 8825093567;, Email:
1Department of Hospitality, Amity University, Noida, India
2Department of Tourism Management, Maharshi Dayananda University, Rohtak, India

Received: 01-Jan-2025, Manuscript No. JFIM-22-66572; Editor assigned: 04-Jan-2025, Pre QC No. JFIM-22-66572(PQ); Reviewed: 18-Jan-2025, QC No. JFIM-22-66572; Revised: 22-Jan-2025, Manuscript No. JFIM-22-66572(R); Published: 29-Jan-2025 , DOI: 10.37421/2572-4134.2024.10.252
Citation: Abdullah, Omar, Tahir Sufi and Sanjeev Kumar. "Significance of Service Quality and its Influence on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the Restaurants of Five-Star Hotels of Delhi-NCR." J Food Ind Microbiol 9 (2025): 252.
Copyright: © 2025 Abdullah O, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Purpose: The effort of this research is to look into the connection amid eatery main qualities, client happiness, guest faithfulness and behavior goals. The significance of guest pleasure in mediating the association among eatery, service quality and interactive purposes is examined.

Design/methodology/approach: The complete model size was 296 individuals, which is adequate to get a good depiction of the comprehensive populace. The embattled example stood obtained using a non-probability sampling technique from customers who frequented five-star restaurants.

Findings: The outcomes specify that indispensable restaurant appearances have a durable auspicious influence on interactive purposes. The relationship between key restaurant elements and customer behaviour intentions is moderately facilitated by customer desire. The findings also reveal that there is a considerable disparity between customer loyalty and key restaurant attributes' importance and performance.

Originality/value: This study fills a gap on guest pleasure and trustworthiness in the food and beverage restaurants in five-star hotels, contributing to a well empathetic of customers' expectations and the key restaurant characteristics that influence guest pleasure and postdining behavior intents, influencing customer faithfulness.


Service quality • Customer satisfaction • Behavioral intentions • Customer loyalty • Delhi-NCR


In the restaurant industry, a consumer's overall evaluation is linked to both tangible and intangible components of their consuming experiences [1]. In recent decades, a significant amount of service excellence research takes stood committed to the creation of service quality measurements.” In specific, the SERVQUAL tool has remained broadly utilised and esteemed by researchers and active directors [2]. Food quality and diversity, for example, tend to be critical at celebrations. When the major motivation is convenience, the location becomes crucial. The restaurant's status appears to be a big consideration, as well as on leisure trips and business meetings; the setting is also a crucial issue to consider. Several instances are given by Pedraja and Yague. However, some researchers have found “SERVQUAL has been discovered to have certain possible drawbacks” These problems have been linked to the SERVQUAL scale's stability ended period and the gadget's dimensionality. By way of a outcome of these issues, some have questioned whether SERVQUAL should be utilised as a nonspecific degree of service quality or if dissimilar business precise procedures of service excellence should be advanced for diverse service environments [3].

“The primary characteristics of the service profit chain have remained recognized as service excellence and guest pleasure [4].

Advanced points of service excellence contribute to enlarged guest pleasure, which leads to increased customer loyalty and profits. “Customer service excellence is a significant source of differentiating capability and is commonly regarded as a crucial achievement influence in preserving a modest gain in service industries” [5].

In around situations, the apparent value of the atmosphere and ambience outweighs “the perceived relevance of the cuisine in the representative structure of a customer's appraisal of a restaurant” [6].

Another aspect that decreases consumers' satisfaction is their participation in the service. A proclivity for complaining, posting unpleasant comments on social media, and providing unfavorable feedback good intentions [7]. High quality service enhances a company's reputation, boosts customer loyalty, generates word of mouth referrals, and boosts financial performance and profitability.

“Many significant logistic outcomes have been shown to be influenced by service quality, including presentation lead”, rising sales and revenue, ” endorsing expression of mouth”, and endorsing guest devotion, among others [8-10].

This study was meant to capture the maximum imperative parts of guest fulfillment and behavioural intents by referring to the existing works on the factors that drive customer gratification and interactive purposes and its loyalty towards any particular restaurant of five-star hotel of Delhi-NCR.

Research questions

The following question will be investigated in this study:

RQ1: Is there a link between the perceived quality of a five-star hotel's restaurant qualities and behavioural intentions when it comes to customer satisfaction?

What impact does customer satisfaction have on behaviour intentions?

RQ2: Customers' attitudes and loyalty toward the perceived relevance and performance of key restaurant qualities while choosing a five-star hotel's food and beverage outlets in Delhi-NCR?

What are customers' opinions of restaurant attributes while choosing a five-star hotel restaurant in Delhi-NCR?

What factors do guests consider while choosing a restaurant in a five-star hotel in Delhi-NCR?

Which variables have the greatest impact on guest satisfaction and play a significant influence in the selection of any food and beverage outlet in a five-star hotel?

Literature Review

The most crucial elements in developing a good client relationship are to provide each customer particular attention and to understand their specific demands [11]. The first stage in building customer relations that focus on loyalty, retention, and long-term partnerships is to understand the demands of the customers [12]. The greatest strategy to promote contentment and positive intentions among restaurant customers is to discover consumers' demands, develop how to satisfy them, then integrate these tactics into operational processes. Organizational policies and staff support, according to Susskind et al., subsidize to a optimistic service climate, guest pleasure, and stable performance. As a result, it is critical for managers to assess the fortes besides limitations of the services provided [13]. “To advance and launch unique quality measuring measures modified to the needs of the restaurant business, various models have been developed” [14]. “SERVPERF was advanced to authenticate the (service performance) quantity method; DINESERV” adapted the novel DINESERV survey by adopting a routine tactic to quality extent; “TANGSERV allows for the measurement of tangible quality indicators” and “DINESCAPE familiarized a multiple item gage to evaluate the physical atmosphere in all of these policies are aimed at educating restaurant service superiority [15].

Food quality and the physical atmosphere have a substantial impression on client fulfillment in eateries, and customer fulfilment is a substantial forecaster of behavior intents [16]. Many research consume initiate that food is the greatest imperative excellence measurement in prompting the customer's assortment progression, eminence insight, and level of pleasure [17]. All of these research highlighted the importance of food eminence assessment in relation to additional worth extents and acknowledged food as the utmost noteworthy value dimension; though, numerous worldwide studies disagree. A hefty sum of studies have emphasised the standing of the perceptible location as a underpinning for appraising service quality. As a result, experts, administrators, and decision makers can improve their organizations’ recital by using overall eminence supervision follows in the contemporary environment [18].

In the hotel industry, there is a growing drift in study on service excellence, behavioural intents, and customer happiness. Most earlier research focused on the United States, China, Hong Kong, Korea; Yüksel Sulek and Hensley, have studied Thailand and Europe In the interim, no substantial progress has been achieved in identifying the main characteristics of five-star hotel eateries that inspiration patron fulfillment and behavioural intents in the Delhi-NCR region. As a result, an understanding of these aspects is critical and is expected to be valuable in guiding well eating cafeteria proprietors in customising the correct contribution and provided that high quality ability to their customers. This knowledge purposes to classify the straightforward restaurant features, such as food quality features, service quality features, atmospheric value features, and other traits that effect customer pleasure and behavioural intents, as well as customer constancy, based on the association among professed quality, behavioural intents, and customer pleasure [19,20].

Hypothesis formulation

Founded on the literature review, the subsequent hypotheses are assumed:

• H1 Food quality qualities, service excellence features, atmospheric excellence features, and other perceived quality factors all have a substantial impact on behavioural intentions.

• H2 Customer satisfaction and behavioural meanings are both prejudiced by service quality.

• H3 Food value characteristics, service value features, atmospheric quality characteristics, and other perceived quality qualities all have a substantial impact on consumer happiness and loyalty.

• H4 The association between perceived quality features and behavioural intents is refereed by customer pleasure.

Research methodology

The entire model size was 296, which is sufficient to provide a detailed image of the entire population. The non-probability selection procedure was cast-off to acquire the targeted sample from customers who frequented five-star restaurants. “In addition, earlier research on the restaurant business in several countries used the equivalent procedure to assess the affiliation among customer satisfaction, behavioural intents, and professed quality” and selfadministered questionnaires were used to obtain data from restaurant patrons. The questionnaire was personally given and gathered from willing customers of five-star hotel's restaurants by the researcher.

The questionnaire is divided into four sections: The primary three portions of the survey entailed of Likert scale style queries, while the final section enquired about the respondent's demographic information.

Clients' insights of the value of important restaurant qualities once electing a restaurant to dine in were explored in the first phase of the study. A 7 points Likert scale was utilized, with 1 being unimportant and 7 being extremely significant. Similarly, the second section queried about guests' assessments of the performance of important restaurant features based on their dining knowledge with that particular restaurant. A seven point Likert scale was employed, with 1 being actual poor and 7 being outstanding. The third component of the survey asked customers about their overall happiness and their post-dining behaviour intentions. Seven points A five points Likert scale was utilised, ranging from 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree. firmly agree to use the volume of agreement of customers as a metric.

Instrumentation and metrics: Namkung and Jang and Sulek and Hensley provided the food related qualities. The service related attribute components were taken from Kivela et al. and Saad Andaleeb and Conway's research. The atmospheric related parameters were collected from Ryu and Jang and Liu and Jang research. George and Liu and Jang provided the substances aimed at the other qualities. Zeithaml et al. investigations yielded three items of behavioural intents, while Oliver's studies yielded two items of customer satisfaction.


The demographics of the people who responded

The demographic outcomes of the defendants are revealed in Table 1. 60.1 out of a hundred of the participants are female, while 39.9% are male with 44.6 out of a hundred of respondents being married and the rest being single. The age group results showed that 33.3 out of a hundred of respondents were between the ages of 25 and 34, 5.5 percent were under the age of 18, 33.4 out of a hundred were between the ages of 18 and 24, 43.2 out of a hundred were between the ages of 35 and 44, and only 6.1 out of a hundred were over 55, indicating that young people enjoy dining out.

Table 1. The above table explain about demographic variables, F value and percentage.

Demographic variables F % Demographic Variables f %
  Five-Star hot el Restaurants Approite reasons for dinning in Five-star hotel restaurants?    
Respondents   N=7 Special occasions 56 18.9
Gender?     For formal and informal meetings 32 10.8
Male 118 39.9 To avoid cooking 2 0.7
Female 178 60.1 To enjoy fine cuisine 96 32.4
Age Range?     Service quality 23 7.8
18-24 46 5.5 Food quality 70 23.6
26-35 99 33.4 Environment 17 5.7
36-45 128 43.2 Which of your friends would you like to accompany you to the dinner at the Five-star Hotel?    
46-55 18 6.1 Friends 139 47
Above 55 5 1.7 Family 33 11.1
Marital status     Alone 6 20
Married 132 44.6 colleagues 86 29.1
Unmarried 164 55.4 Relatives 28 9.5
Current employment status?     How frequently you go out for dinning in Five-star restaurant?    
Employed full time 135 45.6 Once a week 62 20.9
Un employed 67 22.6 Twice a week 64 21.6
Own business 20 6.8 Once a month 51 17.2
Seeking opportunities 22 7.4 Once a year 119 40.2
Home maker 41 13.9 The total amount spend on per visit would be?    
Student 7 2.4 1000-2000 40 13.5
Other 4 1.4 3000-4000 88 29.7
      5000-6000 138 46.6
      7000 and above 30 10.1

According to the occupational results, 45.6 out of a hundred of respondents were full time employees, 22.6 percent were unemployed, 6.8 out of a hundred were self-employed, 7.4 percent were seeking opportunities, 13.9 out of a hundred were housewives, and 2.4 out of a hundred were students.

Conferring to the demographics of the contributors, the majority of consumers visit a specific five-star dining restaurant just to enjoy multi cuisine food. According to the findings, 32.4 out of a hundred of respondents chose to visit a exact restaurant because of its fine cuisine, 10.8 out of a hundred visited because of for formal and informal meetings, 18.9 percent visited on special occasions, 5.7 out of a hundred visited for the clean environment, 7.8 out of a hundred visited for service excellence, 23.6 out of a hundred visited for the restaurant's food quality, and only 0.7 out of a hundred visited to avoid cooking.

On the other hand, 29.9% of respondents preferred to dine out with colleauges, 47 out of a hundred favored to eat out with friends, 2% chosen to visit the restaurant unaccompanied, 11.1 out of a hundred preferred to call with family, and 9.5 out of a hundred chosen to visit with relations, while only 1.4 percent preferred to visit a fivestar feasting restaurant by means of others. In terms of the regularity with which customers visit a five-star consuming restaurant, the results show that 21.6 out of a hundred of customers attend more than once a week. 20.9 percent of respondents frequent the restaurant once a week, 17.2 percent once a month, and 40.2 out of a hundred once a year. The total amount spend per visit 13.5 percent spend between 1000-2000, 29.7 out of a hundred spend in range of 3000-4000, while as middle of the road of money spend range was high as 46.6 out of a hundred, their per visit spend was 5000-6000 and 10 out of a hundred spend range was 7000 and above.

Regression results

To diminish the investigative problematic of customariness, multico llinearity, and heteroscedasticity, all of the expectations of the conventional linear deterioration model were verified beforehand gauging the deterioration analysis. The hypotheses were tested using the four procedures given by Barron and Kenny in regression.

The model's fitness was assessed using CFA in SPSS AMOS. CMIN was less than 3.0 in absolute fit measures, with RMSEA of 0.08 and GFI of 0.865. The NFI, RFI, IFI, TLI, and CFI incremental fit indices were all directly above 0.8, indicating strong model fitness.

Individual effects of important restaurant characteristics such as service related attribute (14 0.221, po0.01), atmospheric related attribute (14, 0.262, po0.001), and other attributes (14, 0.241, po0.001) had a substantial favourable influence on behavioural intentions, as shown in Table 2. Model 2 shows that customer gratification is definitely correlated to the overall restaurant attribute (14, 0.580, po0.001), whereas specific effects of restaurant extents such as atmospheric-related attributes (14, 0.224, po0.001) and other attributes (14, 0.308, po0.001) have a momentous positive consequence on customer pleasure, and behavioral intents which builds up customer loyalty. The results also revealed a substantial positive connection among customer gratification and behavioural intents (14, 0.717, po0.001). All of the findings support H1, H2, and H3.

Table 2. Person correlation.

Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6
Food-related characteristics 0.879          
Characteristics of a service 0.787** 0.874 0.874      
Customer satisfaction 0.444** 0.538** 0.538** 0.555** 0.834  
Customer trustworthiness 0.54 0.47 0.48 0.61 0.64 0.74
Customer behavioural intention 0.440** 0.533** 0.544** 0.521** 0.717** 0.891
Atmospheric related attributes 0.618** 0.534** 0.544** 0.846    
Mean 5.86 5.98 5.85 5.74 6.14 5.99
SD 0.648 0.577 0.649 0.829 0.726 0.839
Composite consistency 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.85

H4 The association between perceived quality features and behavioural intents is refereed by customer pleasure.

H4 was tested using Barron and Kenny's multiple step regression model, which asserts that customer approval arbitrates the association among restaurant features and behavioural intents. Customer fulfillment partly intercedes the connection between global eatery features and behavioural intentions (14, 0.227, po0.001), according to the findings. As a result, customer approval is lone one needle of behavioural intents and key restaurant characteristics; many other influences, such as professed worth, eatery image, hedonistic and practical values, cannister play a role in defining behavioural intents. The findings of this study are similar to those of 2009. Customer gratification abundantly intercedes the connection between food-related features and behavioural intents (14, 0.042, pW0.05), whereas it moderately intercedes the association between service related characteristics and behavioural intents (14, 0.143, po0.05), atmospheric related attributes and behavioural intentions (14 0.140, po0.05), and other attributes and behavioural intent (14, 0.140, po0.05). All of the theories that client pleasure intercedes the association between major restaurant features and behavioural intentions in fine dining restaurants are supported by the findings.


Restaurant managers at five-star hotels ought wage superior consideration to the restaurant's service quality, which embraces non solitary truthful guest check in nevertheless likewise speedy and hasty service, as fit as faithful and constant facility, as these are the slightest execution features in a fine consuming scenery. In its place of rigorous standards and processes that must be strictly followed, attentive service wants personnel to be responsive to clients' specific requirements. To grow content consumers and recurrence benefaction, workforces ought to be skilled to pay courtesy to service facts and to take upkeep of customers' particular and sometimes insignificant needs. The deterioration consequences are in line with the gap analysis findings. Food, service and atmosphere quality (Saad Andaleeb), authenticity, and price are all major contributors to consumer satisfaction and behavioural intentions. Overall, 33.6 out of a hundred of variance in satisfaction was explained by overall qualities, while 32.1 out of a hundred of variance in behavioural intents was clarified by behavioural intentions.

The strongest indicators of behavioural intents were all variables linked to atmospherics. Customers prefer to feast in a relaxed and attractive atmosphere, and they value time savings and a improved eating milieu, thus it is vital for five-star restaurant management to create and deliver a additional contented atmosphere for their customers.


Customers have high hopes of service, particularly in restaurants, since they anticipate higher quality services in directive to be satisfied and to increase their likelihood of returning. This instance increased our understanding of the restaurant quality qualities supplied by Delhi-Five-Star NCR's eateries. Five-star Hotel of Delhi- NCR establishments offer a variety of benefits.

The findings imply that in a five-star hotel restaurant, improved service quality contributes to satisfied clients and the development of post-dining behavioural intentions, resulting in good word-of-mouth. The findings assist restaurant executives in focusing more on customer concerned with initiatives, as consumers are viewed as an organization's most valuable asset in terms of generating high profits and establishing a strong brand image.

Customer satisfaction appears to somewhat moderate the association between behavioural intents and inclusive main restaurant features of perceived service quality, according to the data. It implies that customers' behavioural intents with restaurants are only strengthened when they are happy with the quality of important restaurant qualities. The findings will assist restaurant managers in determining which of the major restaurant qualities contribute to customer satisfaction and the development of their behavioural intentions.

Managerial implications

This study has applied significances for restaurant executives at five-star hotels, who should emphasis on the restaurants' facility tactic in order to improve guest pleasure and shape redemption intents. It can also assist in the implementation of unceasing nursing of customer advice and the adaptation of quality enhancement strategies in a satisfactory dining establishment. These data can be used by the food and beverage section to assess the excellence of service in outlets and to determine which facts are functioning well and where there is room for perfection and development.

These insights can also help policymakers and strategists build and implement plans and policies that focus on customer preservation and fulfillment. As a result, this research will aid in the development of long-term client connections.

Future research limitations and scope

There are a few flaws in this research. First, because the study is cross-sectional, excellence developments can be scrutinized if statistics is composed at several periods in time. Second, the study only examined four dimensions of major restaurant services; therefore, in future research, more variables such as service revolution and receptiveness could be supplementary. Third, while this study is limited to the Indian city Delhi-NCR, further research can be undertaken in other large Indian cities. Fourth, future studies could include proportional studies from other industries besides the eatery business.


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