Soft Robotic System for Bilateral Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation

Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 9, Issue 3

Soft Robotic System for Bilateral Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation

Kutrupiya Abadesukato*
*Correspondence: Kutrupiya Abadesukato, Department of Physical Rehabilitation, University of Thessaly, 42100 Trikala, Greece, Email:
Department of Physical Rehabilitation, University of Thessaly, 42100 Trikala, Greece

Received: 01-May-2024, Manuscript No. jppr-24-137830; Editor assigned: 03-May-2024, Pre QC No. P-137830; Reviewed: 15-May-2024, QC No. Q-137830; Revised: 20-May-2024, Manuscript No. R-137830; Published: 27-May-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2573-0312.2024.9.396
Citation: Abadesukato, Kutrupiya. “Soft Robotic System for Bilateral Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation.” Physiother Rehabil 9 (2024): 396.
Copyright: © 2024 Abadesukato K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


This paper explores the development and application of soft robotic systems for bilateral hand and wrist rehabilitation. Traditional rehabilitation approaches for hand and wrist impairments often lack the ability to provide personalized and adaptable therapy, leading to suboptimal outcomes for patients. Soft robotics, characterized by compliant and flexible structures, offer unique advantages for rehabilitation by mimicking the natural movements of the human body and enabling safe and comfortable interaction with patients. This review examines recent advancements in soft robotic technology for bilateral hand and wrist rehabilitation, including device design, control strategies and clinical applications. By synthesizing current literature and clinical evidence, this paper aims to provide insights into the potential of soft robotic systems to enhance therapy outcomes, promote neuroplasticity and improve functional recovery in individuals with hand and wrist impairments.


Soft robotics • Hand rehabilitation • Bilateral rehabilitation


Hand and wrist impairments are common consequences of neurological conditions, musculoskeletal injuries and degenerative diseases, leading to significant functional limitations and reduced quality of life for affected individuals. Conventional rehabilitation approaches, such as manual therapy and exercise-based interventions, often lack the ability to provide targeted and intensive therapy for bilateral hand and wrist impairments, particularly in cases of asymmetric deficits or complex movement patterns. Soft robotic systems have emerged as promising tools for addressing the limitations of traditional rehabilitation methods by offering customizable, adaptable and patient-centered therapy options. Soft robotics technology utilizes compliant and flexible materials, such as elastomers and textiles, to create devices that can closely replicate the biomechanics and dynamics of human movement. These devices are inherently safe and comfortable to interact with, making them suitable for use in rehabilitation settings where patient comfort and compliance are paramount. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the development of soft robotic systems specifically designed for bilateral hand and wrist rehabilitation. These systems incorporate advanced sensing and control technologies to provide personalized therapy regimens tailored to the individual needs and goals of patients. By facilitating synchronous or asynchronous movement of both hands and wrists, soft robotic systems enable symmetric or asymmetric training paradigms that address specific deficits and promote motor learning and recovery [1,2].

Literature Review

Recent advancements in soft robotic technology have spurred interest in their application for bilateral hand and wrist rehabilitation. Soft robotic systems offer several advantages over traditional rehabilitation approaches, including enhanced adaptability, compliance and safety. Studies have shown that soft robotic devices can provide targeted therapy to address specific impairments in hand and wrist function, such as weakness, spasticity and limited range of motion. One key advantage of soft robotic systems is their ability to provide personalized and adaptable therapy regimens tailored to the individual needs and goals of patients. By incorporating advanced sensing and control technologies, these systems can dynamically adjust therapy parameters in real-time based on patient performance and progress, optimizing therapy outcomes and promoting motor learning and recovery. Moreover, the compliant and flexible nature of soft robotic devices allows for comfortable and safe interaction with patients, reducing the risk of injury or discomfort during rehabilitation sessions [3].

Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of soft robotic systems for bilateral hand and wrist rehabilitation in various patient populations, including stroke survivors, individuals with spinal cord injuries and patients with neurological disorders. A study evaluated the use of a soft robotic glove for hand rehabilitation in chronic stroke patients and found significant improvements in hand function and activities of daily living compared to conventional therapy. A study investigated the use of a soft robotic exoskeleton for wrist rehabilitation in patients with spinal cord injuries and reported improvements in wrist range of motion and grip strength following training sessions. Despite the promising results, challenges remain in the widespread adoption of soft robotic systems for bilateral hand and wrist rehabilitation. These include cost constraints, technical complexity and the need for further validation through large-scale clinical trials. Moreover, considerations regarding patient acceptance, usability and integration into existing rehabilitation protocols must be addressed to ensure the successful implementation of soft robotic technologies in clinical practice [4].


Benefits of soft robotic systems: Soft robotic systems offer several advantages over traditional rehabilitation methods. Their compliant and flexible nature allows for comfortable and safe interaction with patients, reducing the risk of injury or discomfort during therapy sessions. Additionally, soft robotic devices can provide personalized and adaptable therapy regimens tailored to individual patient needs, optimizing therapy outcomes and promoting motor learning and recovery. Furthermore, the integration of advanced sensing and control technologies enables real-time adjustments to therapy parameters based on patient performance and progress, enhancing therapy efficacy and facilitating rehabilitation [5].

Challenges and considerations: Despite their potential benefits, several challenges must be addressed for the successful implementation of soft robotic systems in clinical practice. Cost constraints may limit the widespread adoption of these technologies, particularly in resource-limited settings. Technical complexity and the need for specialized training may also pose challenges for healthcare providers and therapists. Moreover, considerations regarding patient acceptance, usability and integration into existing rehabilitation protocols must be carefully evaluated to ensure the seamless integration of soft robotic technologies into clinical practice [6].

Future directions: Future research and development efforts should focus on addressing the challenges associated with soft robotic systems for bilateral hand and wrist rehabilitation. This includes reducing the cost and technical complexity of devices, improving user interface design and usability and conducting large-scale clinical trials to validate the efficacy of soft robotic interventions. Additionally, efforts should be made to explore novel applications of soft robotics in rehabilitation, such as incorporating virtual reality and gaming elements to enhance patient engagement and motivation during therapy sessions. Collaboration between engineers, clinicians and researchers is essential to drive innovation and advance the field of soft robotic rehabilitation towards improved outcomes for individuals with hand and wrist impairments. Overall, while there are challenges to overcome, the potential benefits of soft robotic systems for bilateral hand and wrist rehabilitation are significant. With continued research and development efforts, these technologies have the potential to transform rehabilitation practices and improve outcomes for individuals with hand and wrist conditions.


In conclusion, soft robotic systems offer innovative solutions for bilateral hand and wrist rehabilitation, providing personalized, adaptable and patient-centered therapy options. By leveraging compliant and flexible materials, advanced sensing and control technologies, these systems have the potential to revolutionize rehabilitation practices and improve outcomes for individuals with hand and wrist impairments. Despite the challenges associated with their adoption, continued research and development efforts hold promise for advancing the field of soft robotic rehabilitation and enhancing the quality of life for patients with hand and wrist conditions. Collaborative efforts between engineers, clinicians and researchers are essential to drive innovation and translate the potential of soft robotic systems into meaningful clinical applications.



Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest by author.


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