Sports Medicine Rehabilitation Practice

Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies

ISSN: 2161-0673

Open Access

Commentary - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 7

Sports Medicine Rehabilitation Practice

Petros Samuel*
*Correspondence: Petros Samuel, Department of Rehabilitation, University of South Australia, Magill, Australia, Email:
Department of Rehabilitation, University of South Australia, Magill, Australia

Received: 14-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. jsmds-22-78164; Editor assigned: 16-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. P-78164; Reviewed: 28-Jul-2022, QC No. Q-78164; Revised: 04-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. R-78164; Published: 11-Aug-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2161-0673.2022.12.269
Citation: Samuel, Petros . "Sports Medicine Rehabilitation Practice." J Sports Med Doping Stud 12 (2022): 269.
Copyright: © 2022 Samuel P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


As sports continue to gain popularity around the world, the "sports industry" has become increasingly competitive and profitable for athletes, with many aspiring to the highest levels of professionalism. As a result, sports are now more physically and psychologically demanding, entail longer training and practise schedules, and put those who participate at risk for injury. In today's competitive sports, wounded athletes face pressure to compete again as soon as feasible. This pressure typically comes from the team management as well as the athlete. Due to the intense competition, athletes also run the risk of losing their spot on the squad and are consequently under more pressure to perform. Once they reach a nearly pain-free range of motion and strength and endurance testing show a return to preinjury state, an athlete can start sportspecific training. The target tissues of the athlete are worked during sportsspecific exercises, which also stimulate the neurophysiology and help the athlete's proprioceptive abilities [1-3]. Sport specific agility, speed, and skill drills such as plyometrics, eccentric/concentric muscle loading, anaerobic sprints, and interval training coordinate interaction of the athlete’s antagonistic and supporting muscles.For their ability to both relieve pain and speed up the healing process, medications are a mainstay of treatment for injured athletes. It is advised that they be used carefully, keeping in mind both the potential hazards and side effects as well as the advantages, which may include pain relief and an early return to activity. The recovery of sports injuries includes a minor but crucial role for therapeutic techniques. They might aid in reducing oedema and pain so that an exercise-based rehabilitation programme can continue. It is possible to choose a safe and effective treatment option by knowing the physiological underpinnings of various modalities, but the treatment's success ultimately depends on the patient's unique and subjective response to it.

Controlling the force loads on the previously injured and healed tissue is the last step in the therapy of overuse injuries. The patient's history and physical examination revealed both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors that needed to be modified in order to control abusive overload. It is recommended to improve an athlete's sport technique, brace or tape an injured area, limit the intensity and length of an activity, and change equipment as necessary to control abusive force loads [4-6].


Before permitting a return to sport, an athlete's poor sport technique must be modified because atypical biomechanics quickly encourage reinjury. When an athlete first returns to sport after recuperation, abuse is controlled through bracing and/or tape. Bracing against counterforce helps athletes control their muscle balance. Injury goes beyond the physical; an athlete also needs to be mentally prepared for the demands of their activity. Athletics Athletes success and careers are at risk from injuries, which can also end careers and have a variety of negative effects on athletes quality of life. Shock is the emotion that manifests itself most quickly at the site of an injury. Depending on how severe the damage is its severity might range from slight to serious. It is significant to remember that denial itself is an adaptive response that enables a person to control strong emotional reactions to stressful situations. Many people help athletes recuperate and promote psychological preparation, but they can also spot those who are physically recovered but need more time or help to be ready mentally.


Many people believe that mental toughness in sports is a personality trait that cannot be taught. Many medical professionals believe that wounded athletes either possess or lack the mental fortitude necessary to get through recovery. However, mental abilities can be taught. Setting appropriate goals is one way to do this, which is highly important in sports rehabilitation because it helps speed up injury recovery. Setting goals requires that they be quantifiable and expressed in terms of behaviour. According to the research, objectives ought to be demanding and ambitious but also feasible. In order to achieve long-term goals, it is crucial for doctors to assist their patients in maintaining short-term focus. For the demands of sport, people with tissue that has above-average strength, endurance, and power are most suited. Introduce fitness routines and neuromuscular retraining exercises to raise the patient's rehabilitated normal tissue to levels above normal. These activities include further overall body training as well as sport-specific rehabilitation routines.

Once they reach a nearly pain-free range of motion and strength and endurance testing show a return to preinjury state, an athlete can start sport-specific training. The target tissues of the athlete are worked during sports-specific exercises, which also stimulate the neurophysiology and help the athlete's proprioceptive abilities. Plyometrics, eccentric/concentric muscle loading, anaerobic sprints, and interval training are sports-specific agility, speed, and skill workouts that coordinate the interplay of the athlete's antagonistic and supportive muscles.

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