Straw Usage: A Prescription for Sustainability in Healthcare

International Journal of Public Health and Safety

ISSN: 2736-6189

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 9, Issue 1

Straw Usage: A Prescription for Sustainability in Healthcare

Sizuka Hughs*
*Correspondence: Sizuka Hughs, Department of Public Health, University of Primorska, Izola, Slovenia, Email:
Department of Public Health, University of Primorska, Izola, Slovenia

Received: 02-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. IJPHS-24-126708; Editor assigned: 04-Jan-2024, Pre QC No. P-126708; Reviewed: 16-Jan-2024, QC No. Q-126708; Revised: 22-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. R-126708; Published: 29-Jan-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2736-6189.2024.9.370
Citation: Hughs, Sizuka. “Straw Usage: A Prescription for Sustainability in Healthcare.” Int J Pub Health Safe 9 (2024): 370.
Copyright: © 2024 Hughs S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


This study explores the environmental impact of straw usage in healthcare settings and proposes sustainable alternatives. With a focus on reducing plastic waste and promoting eco-friendly practices, the research investigates the prevalence of straw utilization in various healthcare applications. The study assesses the environmental implications of current practices, introduces sustainable alternatives and discusses the potential for a broader shift towards eco-conscious choices within healthcare institutions. By examining the life cycle of straws and their disposal, this research aims to contribute to the on-going dialogue on sustainable healthcare practices and provide a prescription for minimizing the environmental footprint associated with straw usage in medical settings.


Straw usage • Healthcare sustainability • Plastic waste reduction • Eco-friendly practices • Preventive programs


In the quest for sustainable practices, industries across the board are revaluating their processes to minimize environmental impact. The healthcare sector, often overlooked in discussions about sustainability, is beginning to recognize its role in contributing to environmental degradation. One seemingly innocuous item that has come under scrutiny is the humble straw. While straws may seem inconsequential, their widespread use in healthcare settings can accumulate into a significant environmental issue. This article explores the impact of straw usage in healthcare and the potential prescription for sustainability. Healthcare facilities are dynamic environments where singleuse items are often preferred for hygiene and infection control reasons. Plastic straws, once a routine part of patient care, are now raising concerns due to their environmental repercussions. In a typical hospital setting, thousands of plastic straws may be used daily for patients with various medical conditions, particularly those with mobility issues or swallowing difficulties. Plastic straws, made from non-biodegradable materials, contribute to the global plastic pollution crisis. They take hundreds of years to break down, releasing harmful chemicals into the environment in the process. The healthcare industry, committed to healing, is now faced with the imperative to address the environmental toll of its practices [1,2].

Literature Review

The environmental impact of plastic straws is multifaceted. The production of plastic straws involves the extraction of non-renewable resources, energyintensive manufacturing processes and transportation. Once used, these straws often end up in landfills or oceans, posing a threat to wildlife and ecosystems. Microplastics, resulting from the breakdown of larger plastic items, can find their way into the food chain, potentially harming human health as well. The healthcare sector, with its commitment to "do no harm," finds itself in a paradox where its very practices contribute to environmental harm. As awareness about the global plastic crisis grows, healthcare professionals and institutions are increasingly seeking sustainable alternatives to everyday items, including straws. Recognizing the need for change, healthcare facilities are exploring alternatives to traditional plastic straws. One such alternative gaining traction is the adoption of compostable or biodegradable straws. These straws are typically made from materials like cornstarch or paper, offering a more eco-friendly option [3].

Compostable straws break down into natural components, reducing the burden on landfills and minimizing the environmental impact. However, challenges such as cost, availability and durability still need to be addressed for widespread adoption. Healthcare institutions need to carefully weigh the environmental benefits against the practical considerations to make informed choices. In addition to switching to sustainable straw options, healthcare facilities are also revaluating their overall approach to singleuse plastics. Some are implementing broader initiatives to reduce plastic waste, such as minimizing packaging, recycling programs and transitioning to reusable alternatives wherever feasible. Addressing the issue of straw usage in healthcare requires collaboration among various stakeholders. Manufacturers, healthcare providers, policymakers and consumers all play pivotal roles in driving sustainable change. Manufacturers of medical supplies, including straws, need to innovate and produce sustainable alternatives. Investing in research and development to create cost-effective, durable and environmentally friendly options is essential. Government incentives and regulations can further encourage manufacturers to prioritize sustainability [4].


Healthcare providers, as major consumers of medical supplies, can influence change through their purchasing decisions. By prioritizing products with lower environmental impact, they can drive demand for sustainable alternatives. Additionally, healthcare facilities can implement educational programs for staff and patients to raise awareness about the environmental impact of plastic straws. Governments can play a crucial role in shaping the landscape of sustainable healthcare practices. Implementing regulations that restrict the use of certain single-use plastics or incentivize the use of environmentally friendly alternatives can have a profound impact. Policymakers can also support research and development in the healthcare industry to promote innovation in sustainable solutions. Patients and their families are integral to the success of sustainable initiatives in healthcare. Consumer awareness campaigns can inform patients about the environmental impact of plastic straws and encourage them to choose facilities that prioritize sustainable practices. Consumer pressure can drive healthcare providers to adopt more eco-friendly options. Several healthcare facilities have already taken steps towards sustainable straw usage, providing valuable insights and inspiration for others. The Cleveland Clinic, a renowned healthcare institution, has implemented a comprehensive sustainability program. As part of their initiative, they have replaced traditional plastic straws with compostable alternatives. This simple yet impactful change aligns with their commitment to environmental responsibility [5].

Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest healthcare providers in the United States, has adopted a system-wide approach to reduce single-use plastics. By phasing out plastic straws and other disposable items, they aim to decrease their environmental footprint. This initiative reflects a growing trend within the healthcare industry to prioritize sustainability. While the shift towards sustainable straw usage in healthcare is promising, it comes with challenges that must be addressed for widespread adoption. Sustainable alternatives, such as compostable straws, can be more expensive than traditional plastic straws. Healthcare facilities, often operating on tight budgets, may be hesitant to make the switch without financial incentives or cost-effective alternatives. Healthcare professionals rely on items like straws for patient care and any alternative must meet the same functional standards. Ensuring that sustainable straws are durable, functional and hygienic is crucial to gaining acceptance within the industry. Transitioning to sustainable practices requires education and training for healthcare professionals. Staff and patients need to understand the environmental impact of plastic straws and the benefits of switching to sustainable alternatives. The healthcare supply chain is complex and introducing sustainable alternatives may face hurdles related to procurement, distribution and availability. Streamlining the supply chain for eco-friendly options is essential for successful implementation [6].


The healthcare industry's acknowledgment of its environmental impact is a positive step towards a more sustainable future. While the issue of straw usage is just one facet of the broader challenge, addressing it sets a precedent for reevaluating other single-use items within healthcare settings. Sustainability in healthcare is not only an ethical imperative but also a strategic move for longterm resilience. Healthcare institutions that embrace environmentally friendly practices can enhance their reputation, attract environmentally conscious patients and staff and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change. The prescription for sustainability in healthcare involves a collaborative effort among manufacturers, healthcare providers, policymakers and consumers. By reevaluating the use of plastic straws and adopting eco-friendly alternatives, the healthcare industry can take a significant step towards mitigating its environmental impact. As more institutions follow the lead of pioneers in sustainable healthcare, the industry can become a beacon of responsible practices, promoting healing not only for patients but also for the planet.



Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest by author.


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