Sun's Quanta Elemental-Light Particles

Journal of Oncology Medicine & Practice

ISSN: 2576-3857

Open Access

Opinion Article - (2021) Volume 6, Issue 1

Sun's Quanta Elemental-Light Particles

*Correspondence: Andrew Steward, De Bio Electric Laser Institute, University of Buckingham, England, Email:
1De Bio Electric Laser Institute, University of Buckingham, England

Received: 02-Feb-2021 Published: 18-Feb-2021 , DOI: 10.37421/2576-3857.2021.6.129
Citation: Steward A. The Sun's Quanta Elemental-Light Particles. J Oncol Med & Pract 6 (2021): 129. doi: 10.37421/jomp.2021.06.129
Copyright: © 2021 Steward A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


I'm here to disclose to you that restoring disease is not, at this point a fantasy. It's a reality with my new evolved progressed invaluable innovation! I have been effectively treating and restoring malignant growth for most recent 18 years, three in Europe and fifteen in USA. My Kostovic Acupuncture by Bio Electron's Laser, Corp., performed more than 40,000/40,000's hours being used with this KBTE Medical Laser Device. It is no results, total protected and no mischief to the solid cells, with no danger by any means. This is new period in innovation.

I have opened quanta light particles, and gotten pictures of essential gluon and basic quark, electron neutrinos, and diverse natural bio synthetic charges as basic plasma, and so forth These qualities are from the perplexing sun quanta light particles, existing in our air.

I could film this once more. What I have seen noticeable all around is a sort of a flittering structure, just as in its typical structure. This film would show these essential particles as they infiltrate into the human hair. Its natural construction is opened and noticeable through the air and in the hair.

The KBTE gadget's remarkable cycle delivering bio power stirs lethargic nerve cells which contain numerable neurons and these recently stir "new neuronal branches" promptly start to send new driving forces all through the Central Nervous System, CNS. These new neuronal motivations connecting with the KBTE's delivered by BA organic specialist's amino and characteristic acids which have a significant part in the reconstructing of the DNA and RNA, yet this cycle is consistently after we have purified the tissue.

The principal cycle is cleaning away the dead cells and oxidized proteins from fiber tissue, and plaque from supply routes, veins and vessels, at that point can the second step of reconstructing the DNA and RNA is effective.

These great motivations, alongside the solid incredible amino and normal acids are very happening noticeable all around and spices in the specific spots around the planet.

One of those spots is in the Himalayas. There in Nature this mix happens where the Earth minerals illumination interface with climate, permitting the Sun Quanta light particles to hit the Earth at a particular point making it workable for these individuals to have supply of such essential illumination through the hair straightforwardly into the mind.

In second step their fiber tissue by amino and natural acids from herbs is cleansed daily of the dead cells and oxidize proteins, as well as cleaning away the plaque from the channels in vascular system. Their Nature has created a natural form of this powerful “bio electricity”. This is way that stronger impulses from CNS interact with natural acids from herbs through blood supply. Natural acids are conductor of finest bio electricity interact with enhanced impulses in this fashion produce kind of powerful bio electricity.

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