Short Communication - (2024) Volume 13, Issue 6
Systems of Health Care Delivery in the Face of Significant Shifts in Clinical Microbiology
Cheyenne Gemma*
Cheyenne Gemma, Department of Microbiology, University of Phoenix, S Riverpoint Pkwy,
1Department of Microbiology, University of Phoenix, S Riverpoint Pkwy, USA
, DOI: 10.37421/2161-0703.2024.13.492
Citation: Gemma, Cheyenne. “Systems of Health Care Delivery
in the Face of Significant Shifts in Clinical Microbiology.” J Med Microb Diagn 13
(2024): 492.
Copyright: © 2024 Gemma C. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited.
One major factor propelling this process has been the shift in provider
payment from fee-for-service contracts to managed care agreements. Among
the most evident trends is the formation of national for-profit organizations,
consolidation, mergers, acquisitions, and alliances, as well as the growth of
regional networks the ongoing reduction in length of stay as a result of the
shift to outpatient care. These modifications have had an impact on clinical
microbiology in general and based laboratories in particular. Consolidations
occasionally result in the removal of most or all unnecessary on-site laboratory
services, with the exception of tests that require fast turnaround times. Samples
are sent to a central laboratory for tests with lengthy turnaround times, where
economies of scale are realized [1].
It is become more and harder to generate cost savings while simultaneously
maintaining quality and customer satisfaction in based laboratories that aren't
going through mergers. Instead of the conventional work flow organisation
based on subspecialty testing like chemistry, haematology, and microbiology,
many laboratories have reorganised or reengineered the work flow and division
of labour on the basis of the required test turnaround time, rapid-response
tests, non-rapid-response tests. Reengineering is a term borrowed from the
industrial industry. By increasing employee productivity, the integration of
testing disciplines may reduce total operating expenses. There is little to no
evidence to back up the claim that a big reorganisation will significantly reduce
costs [2].
Unfortunately, general laboratory integration has frequently taken
place without having the traditional clinical microbiology service contribute
significantly. Reengineering must cross conventional administrative boundaries
in order to be successful. When possible, microbiology should be included
in the integration process. Not every microbiological testing, though, can be
simply modified for integration. This category includes tests that require human
labour and lengthy turnaround times, like cultures. The integration of some
microbiology tests or test components, however, may be successful. Future
developments in automation and technology will determine how fully integrated
microbiology services will be. The emergence of approaches based on probe
and amplification shows that the future is quickly approaching blood cultures
can currently be done using a device that continually nourishes and keeps an
eye on the growth of bottles [3].
The accessioning and loading of bottles, the performing of Gram stain
smears and subcultures of positive bottles, the calling of preliminary smear
results, and the setting up of quick identification and susceptibility tests are all
possible activities carried out in the integrated laboratory. Ideally, a day should
pass between these events. In the conventional microbiology laboratory setting
additional isolation workup would be carried out "off-line." Such an endeavour
calls for a large investment in the training and supervision of technologists
who might not have a strong understanding of smear interpretation. Combining
automated urinalysis and bacterial load test equipment would allow for an
appropriate screening of urine culture specimens. The workup of positive
cultures would only be conducted on urine samples that met the requirements
for culture is carried out offline. The approach affects the urine screening's
predictive value. Additionally, urine testing is somewhat debatable and may
increase the lab's expenses.
A commercially available DNA amplification test could be used to
check for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in appropriate
samples from the urogenital tract. Currently, samples must be batch tested,
but advancements in instrumentation may make real-time testing possible. An
antigen test for common diseases like Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium
partum could be used in the integrated laboratory to screen stool samples for
ovum and parasite testing. In a typical laboratory, a microscopic examination
would only be carried out when the clinical presentation or history called for
it. Several specimen types, including blood and respiratory samples, were
provided for viral antigen assays. Faeces and secretions may be examined
using automated or non-automated techniques. Serum and currently available
tools can be used to perform a variety of assays for antibodies to microbial
pathogens. A conventional clinical microbiology laboratory must remain on
site for mycology, mycobacteriology, and other testing that cannot be easily
integrated for the reasons mentioned above or due to safety concerns, or
arrangements must be made to transport specimens for such testing to a
reference laboratory [4].
The evolution of the clinical microbiology laboratory's integration will
be fuelled by technology and automation as well as the innovation and
resourcefulness of working microbiologists. The setup, processing, and
interpretation of results differ significantly between the microbiological
laboratory and the field of the core laboratory's automation and represent
a lot more interpretive work. For the integration process to be effective, it is
crucial to acknowledge these distinctions rather than ignore them. Loss of
quality due to a decline in the competence of the resulting sizable group of
generalist technicians and technologists is a significant possible negative
effect of integrating a microbiological laboratory into a core laboratory. For a
group of non-microbiology specialised technologists, maintaining a reasonable
level of skill would call for a large amount of training and continued education.
In addition to cost savings, practical decisions about what and how to integrate
must be made with the aim of enhancing the delivery of timely, accurate
laboratory reports to enhance patient management. To It might be better to
refocus employees than to cut back on them in order to attain this goal. When
questions about the integration of services are taken into consideration, these
specialists must be involved in the decision-making process. Additionally,
microbiologists' traditional roles in teaching, evaluating and using tests and
instruments, and providing advice on the use and interpretation of tests will
become even more crucial [5].
Hander defined testing as one of several overlapping domains of
decentralised laboratory testing in an effort to clarify language. Decreased
turnaround times for laboratory testing were seen as an opportunity to improve
the quality of care, which sparked the movement toward decentralised testing.
More real-time laboratory data would be more readily available, which would
facilitate clinical decision-making. The predicted effects of diagnosis-related
groups on laboratory services caused the movement to pick up speed. Fixed
reimbursement based on diagnosis would turn the laboratory into a significant
expense centre rather than a business that generates profits. It was anticipated
that fewer inpatient testing procedures would be carried out and that a large
portion of this service would move to physician office laboratories and other
outpatient locations.
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